August 14, 2016

Norman, Oklahoma

2:00 pm

1.  President Roger Jolliff called the meeting to order at 2:00 pm. Members present: Roger Jolliff, Debra Wagner, Paula Cain, Tim Craighton, Don Lynch, David Ball, Steve Loftis, Keith Shadden, Skip Wilkerson, Glynadee Edwards, Jamie Ott

2.  A motion to approve the July meeting minutes with minor changes was made by Skip Wilkerson and seconded by Don Lynch. Motion passed.

3.  President’s minute: We have been working hard putting this conference together and all the work is appreciated. Michelann Ooten reported that someone had concern about the amount of money OEMA contributed to the conference. OEMA funding is used to support OEMA members.

4.  Subcommittee Reports

a.  Financial Report: Treasurer Glynadee Edwards provided the following information for the year.

Income $56,143.00

Expenses $50,464.16

Ending Balance $77,355.08

A motion to approve the financial report was made by Keith Shadden & seconded by Debra Wagner. Motion passed.

b.  Committee reports:

Legislative: No report was provided.

Training: Keith Shadden reported that although there was a mix-up on the locations of off-site training, overall the experiment has gone very well. He thanked Keli Cain & Bill Penka for making copies. One instructor was forced to cancel, so three others stepped up to instruct the class. He deeply appreciates the help.

Communication: No report was available.

Certification: No report was available. Debra Wagner said possibly eight certifications would be presented.

Membership: Paula Cain said she has about 200 memberships on file with an additional 30 received today.

Social Media: Jeff Smith reported that some Area VPs have posted photos and news on the website, although webmasters were also temporarily locked out.

c.  Area Vice Presidents reports:

Southwest: Right now, lots of jurisdictions are completing FEMA paperwork for the flooding.

Southeast: Ernie Willis was unable to attend do to a Training Day class.

Northeast: The workshop was cut short due to severe weather in the area. Power was out and many roads were blocked with storm debris. EMs assisted in some of the clearing. Video is online of a waterspout near the complex.

Central: Working right now on the coming workshop.

Northwest: Much the same in the area. Mike Honigsberg is out with an illness that is yet to be identified. Well wishes to him.

5. Old Business:

--Discussion was held on two members attending the IEMA Conference through OEM funds. Several board members are interested in attending. A motion to table the final decision until the new OEMA president takes office was made by Don Lynch & seconded by Keith Shadden. Motion passed.

--Don Lynch reported his findings on OEMA booths at other conferences. ACCO will comp a booth. The booth for OML is $600. A motion to pay the $600 booth fee was made by Glynadee Edwards & seconded by Skip Wilkerson. Motion passed.

--Final discussion on fund raiser recipients was held. A motion to split the proceedings 50/50 was made by Debra Wagner and seconded by Don Lynch. Motion passed.

6.  New Business:

--Oklahoma Homeland Security has asked that OEMA appoint new representatives for several Homeland Security Regional Councils. Kevin Enloe has asked to serve in Region 5. Glynadee Edwards & Roger Jolliff will continue to severe their regions. Representatives for other regions will be identified.

7.  Miscellaneous Discussion

--Results from the Nomination Committee reveal two candidates; Rob Hill for President and Wendi Marcy for Secretary. Nominations will also be taken from the floor. If the committee chair, Kary Cox is unable to attend, Don Lynch agreed to replace him during conference.

--Keith Shadden reported that despite the fact that Jackie Wright is no longer an OEM employee, he has provided tremendous support to training day efforts.

--Area VPs selected and approved the grand prize gifts for conference, which will be a big screen TV and Yeti cooler.

--When an Ozone Alerts are issued, it also triggers a burn ban for the area. This was confirmed by Kirk Goeller, ODEQ, although there is no enforcement.

--A group assigned to help with the development of the SLA package met with OEM reps recently. The general comment from members attending was that we likely won’t see much change this year.

8. A hot wash will be held to discuss conference will be held on Thursday after conference ends. A decision will be made about the September meeting at that time.

9. There being no further business a motion to adjourn was made by Keith Shadden & seconded by Don Lynch. The motion passed.

The Board reconvened to discuss conference plans. Keli Cain, Michelann Ooten and Jimi Layman joined the phone conference.

I.  Everything is in order for Training Day.

II.  For the conference, IT will be managed by Putnam, Lester & Zack.

III.  Communications are set up with Star1 in the parking lot. Will be using V-Tach 11. Radios will be used by the Vice President, Putnam, Sandra, Keli, Heath, Keith, Jamie Ott & at registration. Radios will be collected each day to recharge. We will be testing Oklahoma White which the military is allowing us to use. Two trainees will also participate.

IV.  David Grizzle will make arrangements for us to get in on the night of banquet. Will have a code for entry.

V.  A total of 64 vendors have registered to participate. Tables will be set up in the hall for Tom Bergman.

VI.  Merchandise has been received and will be for sale during conference. Will be able to take credit cards.

VII.  During the event we will hold hot washes daily at 4:30 pm. Evaluations & hot washes will be very important.

VIII.  Bag stuffing will be completed after this meeting, with lanyard, agenda and Don’s items.

IX.  --Lieutenant Governor will be speaking in place of the Governor.

--Three easels are available for signs and memorial. Also have arrow signs.

X. Putnam reported that changes have been made to the Wi-Fi service for training day. Each room will have a user name and password. Instructors should make sure logins are staggered; otherwise the service should be fine.

XI. National Guard will do flag. Tim will provide the invocation. Keli Cain has provided Roger with his scripts.

XII. Camp Hope will make a presentation at 11:50 on Tuesday, as a donation recipient. Burn Camp will also present.

XIII. Evaluations are prepared and ready for monitors.

At this time the conference meeting was adjourned.