Student Government Mentorship Program

Applications Due September 4th and 11:45pm

Working with design directors/ outreach directors/ marketing directors to recruit

Interviews September 8th- September 18th. Applicants must bring class schedule

Date/Week / Theme/Activities
Week 1: Monday September 21st
AACRC 6-7pm / Introductions:
  • Introduce everyone to each other
  • Introduce what SGMP is

Week 1: Saturday September 26th
10:00am-12:30pm Stratford pavilion / Retreat:
  • Get to know each other (ice breakers)
  • Expectations of SGMPers
  • SGMPers expectations of the program, for Johnathan and Veronica, and for mentors
  • Goals they have for themselves for this year, and goals for the group
  • Personality Tests
  • What to expect this year for SGMP
  • Go over schedule for fall semester
  • Explain in depth what UC Student Government is, our purpose, and review positions
  • Prepare SGMPers for “speed dating”

Week 2: Monday September 28th
/ “Speed Dating” for mentor/mentee
  • Explain how the speed dating will work
  • Have each mentee introduce themselves and have mentors explain their positions in their own words and what they plan to work on that year
  • At the end of the speed dating have each mentee their top 5 wanted mentors and comments if they want

Week 3: Monday October 5th
6-7pm TUC 417 / Mentor/Mentee Reveal
  • Play a game to find who their mentor is
  • Discuss expectations for mentees and for mentors from each other
  • Discuss how their relationship should look this year
  • Set up meeting times for at least every other week. Time and Location.
  • Fill out a mentor/mentee sheet

Week 4: Monday, October12th
6-7 pm / Cabinet:
  • External Holdover, AVP’s, and a few cabinet members come in
  • Discuss their positions, cabinet’s roles in student government, and initiatives cabinet members are working on
  • Overview of Senate before attending the next week
  • Explain Agenda, Robert’s Rules, and Bill’s

Week 5: Wednesday, October 21st / Senate:
  • Attend Senate meeting
  • Short discussion after & Google doc “assignment” with their opinion and interest level

Week 6: Monday, October 26th
6-7pm TUC 417 / Committee, Tribunal, Boards:
  • Have senator/ representative come in
  • Discuss their positions, their organization’s role in student government, and what they are working on this year
  • Discuss the types of leaders, passions, and interests there are in each organization of Student Government

Week 7: Monday, November 2nd and/or Thursday, November 5th
TUC 425 @ 5:00pm, TUC 425&427 @ 6:00pm / Boards:
  • Split SGMP into three and travel to one of the three board meetings
  • Short discussion after & Google doc “assignment” with their opinion and interest level

Week 8: November 9thand November 12th / Committee:
  • Split SGMP into four and travel to each committee this week
  • Short discussion after & Google doc “assignment” with their opinion and interest level

Week 9: Week of November 16th– 20th / Tribunal:
  • Either split into two groups or travel as one group to a tribunal meeting
  • Short discussion after & Google doc “assignment” with their opinion and interest level

Week 10: November 23rd
6-7pm TUC 417 / Guest Speaker:
  • Combine with Emerging Campus Leaders for a guest speaker about leadership
  • SGMP mentors come in to meet with SGMP

November 30th
6-7pm 417 TUC / Last meeting of fall semester:
  • Naab + Griggs + SGMP
  • Have Naab and Griggs come in and speak about progress of SGMP and what they would like to see from us next semester
  • Discuss what we will be doing next semester and come up with ideas and initiatives

Week of November 30th- December 4th / Two on One meetings:
  • Meet with each SGMPer individually with Johnathan and Veronica to get feedback on program, what they have gotten from the program so far, relationship with mentors, and how we can be of guidance next semester.

Student Government Mentorship Program- Mentors

September 1st / Mentor applications emailed out to student government members
September 18th / Mentor Applications are due and reviewed
September 26th
1:00-3:00pm / Mentor Retreat
  • Go over what a mentor is
  • Explain what SGMPers are expecting out of this relationship
  • Expectations for SGMPers
  • Go over things mentors can work on with their mentees this year
  • Personality Tests

September 28th
6:00-8:00pm / “Speed Dating”
  • Explain how the speed dating will work
  • Have each mentor introduce themselves and explain their positions in their own words and what they plan to work on that year
  • At the end of the speed dating have each mentor give their top 5 wanted mentees and comments if they want

October 5th
6:00-7:00pm TUC 417 / Mentor/Mentee Reveal
  • Play a game to find who their mentee is
  • Discuss expectations for mentees and for mentors from each other
  • Discuss how their relationship should look this year
  • Set up meeting times for at least every other week. Time and Location.
  • Fill out a mentor/mentee sheet

October 5th- November 23rd / Mentor/Mentee Meetings
  • Meetings with mentors and mentees should be held at least every other week.
  • This can include but not limited to:
    -taking mentee to your student government meeting with you
    -have your mentee help with an initiative you are working on
    -sit down and have a conversation about SGMP, Student Government, student involvement, or just about life!

November 23rd
6:00-7:00pm TUC 417 / Mentors come in to the second half of the meeting to meet with mentee.