Application for permission to access the records in the archive of the Jewish Community in Stockholm in the Swedish National Archives

Contact details concerning the applicant
Date of birth:
Scientific research or its equivalent
Please continue on a separate piece of paper if necessary. A description of the project and a certificate from the tutor or institution involved should be attached
Appendices attached to the application: yes no
Research project:
Purpose of the research project:
If possible, please state what kind of documents that would be of interest for your research:
When is the permission needed:
Contact details concerning the scientific institution or its equivalent:

Check (this part is filled in by the National Archives)

Application checked by the National Archives:

Notes regarding the application:

Approval (this part is filled in by the Jewish Community in Stockholm)
The application is approved by the Jewish Community in Stockholm: yes no
The permission is granted for the period mentioned above (max. one year): yes no
The application for copying is approved by the Jewish Community in Stockholm: yes no
The application for digital photographing/scanning is approved by the Jewish Community in Stockholm: yes no
Other comments:
Place and date: / For the Jewish Community in Stockholm:


  • If you choose to fill in the form using Word, please fill in the boxes marked in gray.
  • Please send the application to the National Archiveswell before you wish to start your research atthe National Archives. Address: Box 12541, 10229 Stockholm, Sweden. E-mail:
  • The National Archives will check the application and, if necessary, will request any complementary information and will forward the application to the Jewish Community in Stockholm.
  • The Jewish Community in Stockholm will send the decision to the applicant, as well as a copy to the National Archives.
  • Please contact the National Archives well in advance before you want to visit the National Archives in Arninge.
  • For a fee the National Archives can also search for the requested information if you are unable to visit the National Archives yourself.
  • If the research material includes documents that are less than 90 years old and concerns individuals, a reservation must be signed before the research may start at the National Archives.
  • Apart from what is specified in the written approval by the Jewish Community in Stockholm, the National Archives may conduct a special investigation if the requested material is of a delicate nature.
  • Even if the Jewish Community in Stockholm approves copying/digital and/or photographing/scanning, the National Archives reserves the right to make the final decision. Some documents may not be reproduced because they are of an especially sensitive nature or due to copyright laws.
  • Details about how to contact the National Archives are found on
  • The inventory of the archive of the Jewish Community in Stockholm is available at