Pleasant Plains Township
P.O. Box 239 885 Eighth Street
Baldwin, MI 49304
Planning Commission Meeting
October 19, 2016
Call to Order: Meeting was called to order at 6:00pm
Roll Call: Chairman, Randy Eling, present; Vice-Chair, Mike Oostmeyer, excused; Secretary, Kevin Braddy, present; Members Rand Lauritzen, excused; Berna Ward, present; Ex-Officio Trustee Clint Jackson, present; Administrative Assistant Su Eling, present.
Public Hearing for Special Land/Camp Use applications opened at 6:01pm. 2 applications were reviewed. The Public Hearing was closed at 6:16pm, and the Planning Commission went into their regular meeting.
Approval of Agenda: Motion made to approve the agenda by Berna Ward, second by Kevin Braddy. Motion approved.
Reading of Minutes: The minutes for September 2016 were reviewed. Motion made by Kevin Braddy to accept the minutes, second by Berna Ward. Motion approved.
Consideration of the 3 Land/Camp Use Applications:
43-14-282-035-00 8856 California St. Idlewild: Roll call vote was taken and was approved with the following conditions. Clean up the property, post address and install proper drive.
43-14-056-060-01 8288 S Delaware Ave. Baldwin: Roll call vote was taken and was approved with no conditions.
Communications: none
Guests: Jill Byrne asked that the Planning Commission review Zoning Ordinance 3.40. After discussion a motion was made by Kevin Braddy with a second by Berna Ward and was voted on to request that the Township Board place a moratorium on 3.40 and cease enforcement until the Commission could review the verbiage and check regulations to bring back to the Township Board.
Audience Comments: none
A)Ex-Officio Trustee Clint Jackson: A date for the Master Plan and Parks & Rec Plan has been set for a Public Hearing. It is October 24th at 6:00p.m.
B)Zoning: Bob Sanders submitted a copy of his September report.
C)Commission Members: Kevin Braddy reported that the map program is being worked on.
D)Admin Assistant Su Eling: There has still been no response from Clerk Kellie Allen or Supervisor Tammy Ghent with regards to the Tower section of the Zoning Ordinance that needs to be updated.
Old Business: none
New Business: none
Open Discussion/ Future Projects:
A) Next meeting date is March 15, 2017
B) Guest Speaker for conservation easements
C) Review noise ordinance
D) Review political signs
Adjournment: With no further business, Kevin Braddy made the motion, second by Berna Ward to adjourn. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:50p.m.
Submitted by:
Kevin Braddy, Secretary ______
Randy Eling, Chairman______