Executive Committee Minutes

September 23, 2009

Members: / Present:
S. Mandel, Chair / S. Mandel
E. Gibbons, Vice-Chair
B. Anderson / B. Anderson
D. Iveson / D. Iveson
K. Leibovici / K. Leibovici

Also in Attendance:

Councillor J. Batty
Councillor T. Caterina
Councillor R. Hayter

Councillor B. Henderson
Councillor K. Krushell
Councillor L. Sloan

A. Giesbrecht, Office of the City Clerk


A.1.Call to Order

Mayor S. Mandel called the meeting to order at 9:32 a.m.

CouncillorE. Gibbonswas absent.

A.2.Adoption of Agenda

Moved K. Leibovici:

That the September 23, 2009, Executive Committee meeting agenda be adopted with the following addition:

P.1. Civic Agency Recruitment Update – Verbal Report


For the Motion:S. Mandel, B. Anderson, D. Iveson, K. Leibovici.

Absent:E. Gibbons.

A.3.Adoption of Minutes

Moved B. Anderson:

That theSeptember 9, 2009,Executive Committee meeting minutes be adopted.


For the Motion:S. Mandel, B. Anderson, D. Iveson, K. Leibovici.

Absent:E. Gibbons.

A.4.Protocol Items

City Hall School (S. Mandel)

On behalf of Executive Committee, Mayor S. Mandel welcomed the Grade 6 students from George P. Mickelson School and their teacher Ms. Antoniuk.

Raise a Reader (K. Leibovici)

Councillor K. Leibovicithanked all City Employee’s who donated to the “Raise a Reader” program.


B.1.Items Selected for Debate and Vote on Remaining Items

The Committee selected the following items for debate: E.1., E.2., E.3., E.4., E.5., E.6., E.7., E.8., E.9., E.10., J.1. and P.1.

Moved B. Anderson:


D.1.Strategies for Increasing Diversity on City Boards – Progress Report

That the revised due date of October 7, 2009, be approved. / Corporate Svcs.
Due: Oct. 7/09

D.2.Transit Oriented Development Land Use Planning

That the revised due date of October 7, 2009, be approved. / Planning & Dev.
Due: Oct. 7/09

D.3.Follow-up to the Old Strathcona Business Association Annual Report 2008

That the revised due date of October 21, 2009, be approved. / Planning & Dev.
Due: Oct. 21/09

D.4.South Scona Parking Lot

That the revised due date of October 21, 2009, be approved. / Planning & Dev.
Due: Oct. 21/09

D.5.Group and Limited Group Home Regulations

That the revised due date of October 21, 2009, be approved. / Planning & Dev.
Due: Oct. 21/09

D.6.Innovative Housing Projects

That the revised due date of October 21, 2009, be approved. / Planning & Dev.
Due: Oct. 21/09

D.7.Renewables and Micro-Generation (D. Iveson)

That the revised due date of October 21, 2009, be approved. / Planning & Dev.
Due: Oct. 21/09

D.8.Wayne Gretzky Drive and 82 Street Revitalization Program – Funding Great Neighbourhoods

That the revised due date of October 21, 2009, be approved. / Planning & Dev.
Due: Oct. 21/09


For the Motion:S. Mandel, B. Anderson, D. Iveson, K. Leibovici.

Absent: E. Gibbons.

B.2.Time Specifics and Decision to Hear

Moved K. Leibovici:

That the following item be made time specific for 11:45 a.m.

P.1. Civic Agency Recruitment Update – Verbal Report


For the Motion:S. Mandel, B. Anderson, D. Iveson, K. Leibovici.

Absent: E. Gibbons.


C.1.Edmonton’s Alcohol Sales Stores (K. Leibovici)

Recently it has been brought to my attention that approximately 60% of Edmonton’s major and minor alcohol sales stores have become non-conforming to our Zoning Bylaw.
I would like Administration to provide the following information to Executive Committee on:
  1. What is being done to increase conformance with the Zoning Bylaw?
  2. What Zoning Bylaw changes would be required to enable existing stores to renovate, relocate or expand within their current required 500 metre separation distance?
/ Planning & Dev.
Due: Jan. 13/10


E.1.Advisory Board on Services for Persons with Disabilities Annual Report

B. Reitsma, Advisory Board on Services for Persons with Disabilities, made a presentation and answered the Committee’s questions.
A. B. Maurer, City Manager, answered the Committee’s questions.

Moved D. Iveson:

That the 2008 Advisory Board on Services for Persons with Disabilities Annual Report, as outlined in Attachment 1 of the June 1, 2009, Advisory Board on Services for Persons with Disabilities report 2009CAPD01, be received for information. / Advisory Board on Services for Persons with Disabilities


For the Motion:S. Mandel, D. Iveson, K. Leibovici.

Absent: B. Anderson, E. Gibbons.

E.2.Landlord and Tenant Advisory Board Annual Activity Report

G. Coxson, Chair, Landlord and Tenant Advisory Board, made a presentation and answered the Committee’s questions.

Moved B. Anderson:

That the Landlord and Tenant Advisory Board 2008 Activity Report, as outlined in Attachment 1, of the July 28, 2009, Planning and Development Department report 2009PH011, be received for information. / LTAB


For the Motion:S. Mandel, B. Anderson, D. Iveson, K. Leibovici.

Absent: E. Gibbons

A. B. Maurer, City Manager, answered the Committee’s questions.

E.3.NorthWest Industrial Business Association - 2008 Annual Report and Financial Statements

A. Marshall, NorthWest Industrial Business Association, made a presentation and answered the Committee’s questions. A. B. Maurer, City Manager, answered the Committee’s questions.

Moved B. Anderson:

That the August 7, 2009, NorthWest Industrial Business Association report 2009CBZN01, be received for information. / NorthWest Industrial Business Assoc.


For the Motion:S. Mandel, B. Anderson, D. Iveson, K. Leibovici.

Absent: E. Gibbons, D. Iveson.

X.1.NorthWest Industrial Business Association - Options

Moved K. Leibovici:

That Administration work with NorthWest Industrial Business Association to:
  1. Explore options for developing parkland and pedestrian connections;
  2. Gather information regarding traffic signals and pedestrian walkway issues; and
provide a progress report to Executive Committee. / NorthWest Industrial Business Assoc.
Planning & Dev.
Due: Jan. 13/10


For the Motion:S. Mandel, B. Anderson, D. Iveson, K. Leibovici.

Absent: E. Gibbons, D. Iveson.

E.4.Inglewood Business Association - 2008 Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements

M. Sicoli, Inglewood Business Association, made a presentation and answered the Committee’s questions. R. G. Klassen, General Manager, Planning and DevelopmentDepartment, answered the Committee’s questions.

Moved K. Leibovici:

That the 2008 Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements of the Inglewood Business Association, as outlined in Attachment 1 to the September 2, 2009, Inglewood Business Association report 2009CBZI01, be received for information. / Inglewood Business Assoc.


For the Motion:S. Mandel, B. Anderson, D. Iveson, K. Leibovici.

Absent: E. Gibbons.

E.5.311 Service Update

D. H. Edey, General Manager, and R. Klatchuk, Corporate Services Department, made a presentation and answered the Committee’s questions. A. B. Maurer, City Manager, and R. G. Klassen, General Manager, Planning and Development Department, answered the Committee’s questions.

Moved B. Anderson:

That the September 3, 2009, Corporate Services Department report 2009COG010 be received for information. / Corporate Svcs.

D. H. Edey, General Manager, Corporate Services Department, answered the Committee’s questions.


For the Motion:S. Mandel, B. Anderson, D. Iveson, K. Leibovici.

Absent: E. Gibbons.


P.1.Civic Agency Recruitment Update – Verbal Report

Moved B. Anderson:

That the Committee meet in private pursuant to sections 17, 23 and 24 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.


For the Motion:S. Mandel, B. Anderson, D. Iveson, K. Leibovici.

Absent: E. Gibbons.

The Committee met in private at 11:47 a.m.

Moved B. Anderson:

That the Committee meet in public.


For the Motion:S. Mandel, B. Anderson, D. Iveson, K. Leibovici.

Absent:E. Gibbons.

The Committee met in public at 11:57 p.m.

Moved K. Leibovici:

That Executive Committee recommend to City Council:

  1. That the appointment of the individual outlined in
    Attachment 1 of the September 23, 2009, Executive Committee report CR-01, be rescinded.
  2. That the September 23, 2009, Executive Committee report CR-01, remain private pursuant to sections 17, 23 and 24 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.


For the Motion:S. Mandel, B. Anderson, D. Iveson, K. Leibovici.

Absent:E. Gibbons.

The Committee recessed at 11:58 a.m.

The Committee reconvened at 1:40 p.m.

A. Giesbrecht, Office of the City Clerk, answered the Committee’s questions.

Councillor B. Anderson presided.

Mayor S. Mandel and Councillor E. Gibbons were absent.


J.1.City Chaplain (L. Sloan)

Moved D. Iveson:

That Item J.1. be dealt with now.


For the Motion:B. Anderson, D. Iveson, K. Leibovici.

Absent:S. Mandel, E. Gibbons.

Moved D. Iveson:

That Executive Committee hear from C. Richmond on item J.1.


For the Motion:B. Anderson, D. Iveson, K. Leibovici.

Absent:S. Mandel, E. Gibbons.

D. H. Edey, General Manager, Corporate Services Department, made a presentation.

C. Richmond, made a presentation.

J. Dowds and D. H. Edey, General Manager, Corporate Services Department, answered the Committee’s questions.

Mayor S. Mandel entered the meeting.

Councillor B. Anderson vacated the Chair. Mayor S. Mandel presided.

A. B. Maurer, City Manager, answered the Committee’s questions.

Moved B. Anderson:

That the July 22, 2009, Corporate Services Department report 2009COH014 be received for information. / Corporate Svcs.


For the Motion:S. Mandel, B. Anderson, D. Iveson, K. Leibovici.

Absent: E. Gibbons.


E.6.2006-2010 Cornerstones – Evaluation and Action Plan

T. Loat and R. G. Klassen, General Manager, Planning and Development Department; and A. B. Maurer, City Manager, answered the Committee’s questions.

Moved S. Mandel:

Cornerstones – Independent Evaluation and Future Action Plan Terms of Reference
That Administration provide Executive Committee with Terms of Reference for an independent evaluation of Cornerstones, Edmonton’s Plan for Affordable Housing and a future action plan. / Planning & Dev.
Due: Nov. 18/09


For the Motion:S. Mandel, B. Anderson, D. Iveson, K. Leibovici.

Absent: E. Gibbons.

E.7.Downstream Industrial Cluster Opportunities for the Northeast Quadrant - Update

R. Hunt, Planning and Development Department, made a presentation and answered the Committee’s questions. R. G. Klassen, General Manager, Planning and Development Department; and A. B. Maurer, City Manager, answered the Committee’s questions.

Moved S. Mandel:

Detailed Action Plan for Downstream Industrial Cluster
That the September 1, 2009, Planning and Development Department report 2009PGM002 be referred back to Administration to return to Executive Committee with a detailed action plan including timelines, and resource requirements, based on Attachment 1, of the September 1, 2009, Planning and Development Department report 2009PGM002. / Planning & Dev.
Due: Nov. 18/09


For the Motion:S. Mandel, B. Anderson, D. Iveson, K. Leibovici.

Absent: E. Gibbons.

E.8.Street Oriented Town Housing

S. Mackie and R. G. Klassen, General Manager, Planning and Development Department, answered the Committee’s questions.

Moved B. Anderson:

Street Oriented Development
That Administration:
  1. Draft a set of zones for the Zoning Bylaw with increased opportunities for street oriented development, including a range of street oriented residential, commercial and mixed uses.
  2. Consult with the development industry, Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues and other stakeholders on these draft zones, and report to Executive Committee.
/ Planning & Dev.
Due: Nov. 18/09


For the Motion:S. Mandel, B. Anderson, D. Iveson, K. Leibovici.

Absent: E. Gibbons.

E.9.Zoning Bylaw Amendments for Multi Unit Sites

S. Mackie, Planning and Development Department, answered the Committee’s questions.

Moved K. Leibovici:

That Administration bring proposed amendments to the Zoning Bylaw to a Statutory Public Hearing no later than March 2010, as outlined in Attachments 2 to 8, of the September 1, 2009, Planning and Development Department report 2009PCP027, and that the actions as outlined in Attachment 1 of the September 1, 2009, Planning and Development Department report 2009PCP027, be approved. / Planning & Dev.
Due: Mar. 22/10


For the Motion:S. Mandel, B. Anderson, D. Iveson, K. Leibovici.

Absent: E. Gibbons.

E.10.Participation in Parades Around the Region - Terms of Reference

A. B. Maurer, City Manager, answered the Committee’s questions.

Moved K. Leibovici:

That the August 31, 2009, Deputy City Manager’s Office report 2009DCM058 be postponed to the October 21, 2009, Executive Committee meeting. / Deputy City Manager
Due: Oct. 21/09

A. B. Maurer, City Manager, answered the Committee’s questions.


For the Motion:S. Mandel, B. Anderson, D. Iveson, K. Leibovici.

Absent: E. Gibbons.


Mayor S. Mandel asked whether there were any Notices of Motion. There were none.


The meeting adjourned at 3:39 p.m.


ChairCity Clerk

Executive CommitteeMinutes | September 23, 2009 ll1 of 10



SEPTEMBER 23, 2009


A.1.Call to Order......

A.2.Adoption of Agenda......

A.3.Adoption of Minutes......

A.4.Protocol Items......


B.1.Items Selected for Debate and Vote on Remaining Items......

B.2.Time Specifics and Decision to Hear......


D.1.Strategies for Increasing Diversity on City Boards – Progress Report

D.2.Transit Oriented Development Land Use Planning......

D.3.Follow-up to the Old Strathcona Business Association Annual Report 2008

D.4.South Scona Parking Lot......

D.5.Group and Limited Group Home Regulations......

D.6.Innovative Housing Projects......

D.7.Renewables and Micro-Generation (D. Iveson)......

D.8.Wayne Gretzky Drive and 82 Street Revitalization Program – Funding Great Neighbourhoods


C.1.Edmonton’s Alcohol Sales Stores (K. Leibovici)


E.1.Advisory Board on Services for Persons with Disabilities Annual Report

E.2.Landlord and Tenant Advisory Board Annual Activity Report......

E.3.NorthWest Industrial Business Association - 2008 Annual Report and Financial Statements

NorthWest Industrial Business Association - Options

E.4.Inglewood Business Association - 2008 Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements

E.5.311 Service Update

E.6.2006-2010 Cornerstones – Evaluation and Action Plan......

E.7.Downstream Industrial Cluster Opportunities for the Northeast Quadrant - Update

E.8.Street Oriented Town Housing......

E.9.Zoning Bylaw Amendments for Multi Unit Sites......

E.10.Participation in Parades Around the Region - Terms of Reference


J.1.City Chaplain (L. Sloan)


P.1.Civic Agency Recruitment Update – Verbal Report



Index Executive CommitteeMinutes | September 23, 2009 ll1 of 2