March 17, 2000


This package contains Correction Proposals CP 166, CP 178, CP 179, CP 180, CP 181, CP 184, CP 185, CP 187, and CP 188

File: cpack 007.doc
DICOM Correction Item

Correction Number CP-166
Log Summary: Correction of Retire Reference Print
Type of Modification: Revision / Name of Standard
PS 3.3-1999
Rationale for Correction:
Note, this CP references the 1999 version. The problem was a conflict between Supplement 24 Stored Print which was included in the 1998 version and Supplement 35 Retire Reference Print. Similar conflicts exist with the Supplements that introduced Presentation LUT and Basic Print Image Overlay Box. The proposed solution addresses all three conflicts.
Supplement 24 Stored Print Related SOP Classes:
-added a new Attribute, Original Image Sequence (2130,00C0) to C.13.6, Image Box Relationship Module.
-added the Attribute to H.4.3.1 and H.4.3.2 Basic Grayscale and Color Image Box SOP Classes
-created a new Module C.16.3 Image Box List Module which contained Referenced Image Sequence (0008,1140). This Attribute was also in C.13.6, Image Box Relationship Module. In Image Box List Module, the description of this Attribute referenced C.13.6
Supplement 35 Retire Reference Print:
-Retired C.13.6 Image Box Relationship Module
-Referenced Image Overlay Box Sequence (2020,0130) and
-Original Image Sequence (2130,00C0) is no longer defined for the Basic Image Box SOP Classes
-C.16.3 references C.13.6, which has been retired.
Proposed solution:
-Add definitions for Referenced Image Overlay Box Sequence and Original Image Sequence to the Image Box Pixel Presentation Module.
-Move the descriptions of Referenced Image Sequence, Referenced SOP Class UID, and Referenced SOP Instance UID from C.13.6 to C.16.3 Image Box List Module. This eliminates the references to C.13.6 in C.16.3.
Note: The Referenced Image Overlay Box Sequence and Original Image Sequence are already included in the N-SET attribute list for the Image Box SOP Class in PS 3.4.
Sections of document affected:
PS 3.3-1999, C.13.5, C.16.3
Corrected Wording:
Modify C.13.5 Image Box Pixel Presentation Module to include definitions of Referenced Image Overlay Box Sequence and Original Image Sequence.

C.13.5Image Box Pixel Presentation Module

Table C.13-5

Attribute Name / Tag / Attribute Description

Referenced Image Overlay Box Sequence / (2020,0130) / A sequence which provides references to an Image Overlay Box SOP Class/Instance pair and a specific frame number in multi-frame instances. Zero or one Item may be included in this Sequence.
>Referenced SOP Class UID / (0008,1150) / Uniquely identifies the referenced SOP Class.
>Referenced SOP Instance UID / (0008,1155) / Uniquely identifies the referenced SOP Instance.
>Referenced Frame Number / (0008,1160) / Identifies the frame in the multi-frame overlay(s) referenced by the Overlay Plane Sequence that is referenced by this Image Overlay Box Sequence. Frame number shall be increasing sequential order beginning with the value 1.
Original Image Sequence / (2130,00C0) / Attributes of the original modality images to be printed in this Film Session.
>Study Instance UID / (0020,000D) / See C.7.2.1 for description.
>Series Instance UID / (0020,000E) / See C.7.3.1 for description.
>Patient ID / (0010,0020) / See C.7.1.1 for description.
>Referenced SOP Class UID / (0008,1150) / SOP Class UID of the original modality image used to create this Image Box.
>Referenced SOP Instance UID / (0008,1155) / SOP Instance UID of the original modality image used to create this Image Box.
>Referenced Frame Number / (0008,1160) / See C.7.6.1 for description.
>Instance Number / (0020,0013) / See C.7.6.1 for description.
Replace references to13.6 with descriptions from13.6. Update attribute descriptions as indicated

C.16.3Image Box List Module

Table C.16-3

Attribute Name / Tag / Type / Description
Image Box Content Sequence / (2130,0040) / 1 / The content of the Image Box SOP Instance. One or more Items shall be included in this sequence. Encoded as a sequence of items

>Referenced Image Sequence / (0008,1140) / 1 / See C.13.6 for description. Reference to an Image SOP Class/Instance pair and a specific frame number in multi-frame instances.
This sequence shall contain a single item.

>Referenced SOP Class UID / (0008,1150) / 1 / See C.13.6 for description.
Uniquely identifies the referenced SOP Class.
>Referenced SOP Instance UID / (0008,1155) / 1 / See C.13.6 for description.
Uniquely identifies the referenced SOP Instance.

>Referenced Frame Number / (0008,1160) / 1C / See C.13.6 for description.
Required if a Multi-frame Image is being referenced.
See C.7.6.1 for description.

DICOM Correction Item

Correction Number CP-178
Log Summary: Add standard paper sizes to defined terms for Film Size ID
Type of Modification
Addition / Name of Standard
PS 3.3 – 1999
Rationale for Correction
Film Size ID attribute doesn’t include support for popular standard paper sizes.
Sections of documents affected
Table C.13.3 Basic Film Box Presentation Module Attributes
Correction Wording:
Append to C.13.3 Basic Film Box Presentation Module - Table C.13-3 Basic Film Box Presentation Module Attributes:

C.13.3Basic Film Box Presentation Module

Table C.13-3

Attribute Name / Tag / Attribute Description
Film Size ID / (2010,0050) / Film size identification. Defined Terms:
Note:10INX14IN corresponds with 25.7CMX36.4CM
A4 corresponds with 210 x 297 millimeters
A3 corresponds with 297 x 420 millimeters

DICOM Correction Item

Correction Number CP-179
Log Summary: Omission in supplement 38 Basic Image Overlay SOP Class
Type of Modification: Correction / Name of Standard
PS 3.3, PS 3.4
Rationale for Correction:
Supplement 38 retired Print Image Overlay Box SOP Class and replaced it with Basic Print Image Overlay Box SOP Class.
In this supplement the Basic Grayscale Image Box N-SET Attribute table (H.4-10) was correctly updated to change the Referenced Overlay Sequence (0008,1130) attribute to Referenced Image Overlay Box Sequence (2020,0130), however the same change was not made in the attribute table for the Basic Color Image Box N-SET DIMSE Service. This CP advocates updating the Basic Color Image Box N-SET attribute table to include the updated attribute.
In addition, for both the Basic Grayscale Image Box N-SET attribute table (H.4-10) and the Basic Color Image Box N-SET attribute table (H.4-11), the SOP Class and SOP Instance UID attributes should be changed to Referenced SOP Class UID and Referenced SOP Instance UID.
Sections of document affected:
H. Table H.4-10, H. Table H.4-11
Correction Wording:
Rename SOP Class UID and SOP Instance UID to Referenced SOP Class UID and Referenced SOP Instance UID in both H.4-10, H.4-11. Rename Referenced Overlay Sequence attribute to Referenced Image Overlay Box Sequence in H.4-11.

Table H.4-10

Attribute Name / Tag / Usage SCU/SCP

Referenced Image Overlay Box Sequence / (2020,0130) / U/MC
(Required if optional Overlay SOP was negotiated)
Referenced SOP Class UID / (0008,1150) / MC/M
(Required if sequence is present)
Referenced SOP Instance UID / (0008,1155) / MC/M
(Required if sequence is present)

Table H.4-11

Attribute Name / Tag / Usage SCU/SCP

Referenced Image Overlay Box Sequence / (0008,1130)
(2020,0130) / U/MC
(Required if optional Overlay SOP was negotiated.
Reference SOP Class UID / (0008,1150) / MC/M
(Required if sequence is present)
Reference SOP Instance UID / (0008,1155) / MC/M
(Required if sequence is present)

DICOM Correction Item

Correction Number CP-180
Log Summary: Clarification of behavior of Presentation LUT attributes
Type of Modification
Addition / Name of Standard
PS3.4 1999
Rationale for Correction
The description of the behavior for the Print SCP with respect to the interpretation of the Presentation LUT attributes Illumination and Reflective Ambient Light needs to be clarified.
Sections of documents affected
PS 3.4-1999, H.
Correction Wording:
Insert clarification into description of behavior for Presentation LUT SOP Class.

The SCU uses the N-CREATE Service Element to request the SCP to create a Presentation LUT SOP Instance. The SCU shall initialize Attributes of the SOP Class as specified in section H.2.4.

The SCU shall create the Presentation LUT prior to referencing it from the Film Session, the Film Box or the Image Box.

The Presentation LUT persists in the SCP as long as the Association in which it was created is open or an explicit N-DELETE is issued by the SCU.

The SCP shall return the status code of the requested SOP Instance creation. The meaning of success, warning, and failure status codes is defined in Section H.2.5.

The SCP shall use the Grayscale Standard Display Function as specified in PS 3.14 to convert the output of the Presentation LUT to density for printing. If the SCU specifies values for Illumination (2010,015E) and/or Reflective Ambient Light (2010,0160), these values shall be used instead of the default or configured values of the SCP. If these values are not supplied, the SCP shall use its default or configured values. (See H. for suggested defaults).

DICOM Correction Item

Correction Number CP-181
Log Summary: Behavior clarification for Presentation LUT and Basic Print Image Overlay Box SOP Class
Type of Modification
Clarification / Name of Standard
PS 3.4-1999
Rationale for Correction
The current description of the behavior of the N_CREATE and N_DELETE for Presentation LUT and Basic Print Image Overlay Box SOP Class requires users to make assumptions about their behavior. This CP recommends clarifications as follows:
  1. The description for Presentation LUT explicitly states that an instance must be created before referenced, if the requirements are the same for Basic Print Image Overlay Box then the standard should explicitly state it.
  2. The standard should specify that references by the SCU to deleted instances of Presentation LUTs and Image Overlay Boxes are not allowed.

Sections of documents affected
PS 3.4: Sections H., H., H.
Correction Wording:
Modify behavior descriptions as follows
Update H. to explicitly state an instance of the Basic Print Image Overlay Box must be created before referenced.

The SCU uses the N-CREATE to request the SCP to create a Basic Print Image Overlay Box SOP Instance. The SCU shall create an instance of a Basic Print Image Overlay Box prior to referencing it. The SCU shall initialize Attributes of the SOP Class as specified in Section H.2.4

The SCP shall create the SOP Instance and shall initialize Attributes of the SOP Class as specified in Section H.2.4.

The SCP shall return the status code of the requested SOP Instance creation. The meaning of success, warning, and failure status codes is defined in Section H.2.5.

The SCP shall create the Combined Print Image by magnifying the overlay or image (per Overlay or Image Magnification (2040,0072)) to yield the number of columns in the overlay or image specified by Magnify to Number of Columns (2040,0074) prior to superimposing the image and overlay. The same magnification factor shall be applied to rows and columns of the overlay or image.

The overlay and image shall be superimposed before the image is further processed (e.g. magnification and applying gray scale transformations) for printing. Thus if Overlay Foreground Density (2040,0080) is specified as WHITE and Polarity is REVERSE, the printed overlay pixels will be black. Any Presentation LUT then applied will produce the same transformation of overlay pixels as it does image pixels.

If the SCP supports cropping of image rows and columns, and cropping of the Combined Print Image would be required for it to fit the Image Box, then failure code C616 shall be returned.

Modify H. to indicate SCUs cannot reference deleted instances of Presentation LUTs.

The SCU uses the N-DELETE Service Element to request the SCP to delete the Presentation LUT SOP Instance. The SCU shall specify the Presentation LUT SOP Instance UID.

The SCP shall not delete a Presentation LUT SOP Instance as long as there are outstanding references to it. Otherwise, it shall delete the specified Presentation LUT SOP Instance. The N_DELETE of a Presentation LUT will prevent the SCU from further referencing it. The SCU shall not reference a previously deleted Presentation LUT. The SCP shall return the status code of the requested Presentation LUT SOP Instance deletion. The meaning of success, warning, and failure status codes is defined in Section H.2.5.

Modify H. to indicate SCUs cannot reference deleted instances of Image Overlay boxes.

The SCU uses the N-DELETE to request the SCP to delete the Basic Print Image Overlay Box SOP Instance. The SCU shall specify the Basic Print Image Overlay Box SOP Instance UID.

If there are no outstanding references to the specified Basic Print Image Overlay Box SOP Instance, the SCP shall delete it. The SCU shall not reference a previously deleted Basic Print Image Overlay Box SOP Instance. The SCP shall not delete the SOP Instance if there are outstanding references to it. The SCP shall return the status code of the requested Basic Print Image Overlay Box SOP Instance deletion. The meaning of success, warning, and failure status codes is defined in Section H.2.5.

Note:If references to the SOP instance exist, the SCP will fail the N-DELETE. The SCU could remove the references using N-SETs of the Image Box and then repeat the N-DELETE of the Basic Print Image Overlay Box SOP Instance.

DICOM Correction Item

Correction Number CP-184
Log Summary: Clarify example of Defined Terms
Type of Modification
Clarification by addition of items / Name of Standard
PS 3.5 - 1999
Rationale for Correction
As of CP 148 clarifies that Interpretation Status ID is an Enumerated Value not Defined Term, yet it is used in PS 3.5 definition of Defined Terms as an example. Use Interpretation Type ID in the example instead.
Sections of documents affected
PS 3.5 6.3
Correction Wording:

Note:Interpretation StatusType ID (4008,02100212) is an example of a Data Element having Defined Terms. It is defined to have a Value that may be one of the set of standard Values; "CREATED,” "RECORDED," "TRANSCRIBED,” or "APPROVED" “REPORT” or “AMENDMENT” (see PS 3.3). Because this Data Element has Defined Terms, other Interpretation StatusType IDs may be defined by the implementor.

DICOM Correction Item

Correction Number CP-185
Log Summary: Wrong Tagfor Birth Date in MPPS
Type of Modification
Clarification by addition of items / Name of Standard
PS 3.4 - 1999
Rationale for Correction
In PS 3.4 Table F.7.2-1, the group and element number for Patient Birth Date is given as (0010,0032) instead of the proper (0010,0030). It is correct in the module definition in PS 3.3
Sections of documents affected
PS 3.4 Table F.7.2-1
Correction Wording:
Change tag for Patient Birth Date from (0010,0032) to (0010,0030).

DICOM Correction Item

Correction Item CP-187 (Letter Ballot)
Log Summary: Value representations for DX and MG
Type of Modification: Correction of omissions / Name of Standard: PS 3.3, 3.6 - 1999
Rationale for Correction
1. (0018,7050) Filter Material has a VR of LT and VM of1-n, which is not valid combination as per PS 3.5, since LT may only have a VM of 1. The two alternatives would be to make it VR=LT,VM=1 or VR=LO,VM=1-n. The CS choice is more consistent with the fact that it has defined terms (which are not used with LT) and that there is an inherent correspondence of each value with other attributes specifying the thickness of each material.
3. There was no explicit statement of the intended correspondence of multi values of (0018,7050), (0018,7052) and (0018,7054). . It is not proposed to create a Sequence, which would be too big of a change, but to rather to leverage the fact these three attributes are already defined with a VM of 1-n by linking the corresponding values in the three sets of multiple values.
4. The IS or US VR of several dose and technique related attributes allows insufficient precision for certain applications such as mammography. Either one could change the existing VR, or add new optional attributes are proposed that allow increased precision by using different units with an IS VR, or a DS VR. Since the approach used with Exposure was to define a new attribute with IS VR, the same approach is proposed here, though at WG 15’s request DS has been used rather than IS.
5; It is proposed to include this new Entrance Dose Attribute in the MPPS Radiation Dose Module to enable corresponding modalities to report a proper dose through MPPS.
It is not proposed to retire the existing (imprecise) attributes due to their widespread use in other objects and the installed base. It is also not proposed to propagate the new attributes into other image objects unless there is demand from the other modality speciality group.
Sections of documents affectedPS 3.6 Section 6, PS 3.3 Sections C.4.16, C.8.7.8, C.7.8.9 and C.7.8.10.
Correction Wording:

Amend the following entries in both Section C.8.7.8 X-Ray Acquisition Dose Module Table 8-33 and Section C.8.7.10 X-Ray Filtration Module Tavle 8-35.

Attribute Name / Tag / Type / Attribute Description
Filter Material / (0018,7050) / 3 / The X-Ray absorbing material used in the filter. May be multi-valued.
Defined Terms:
Filter Thickness Minimum / (0018,7052) / 3 / The minimum thickness in mm of the X-Ray absorbing material used in the filters. May be multi-valued, with values corresponding to the respective values in Filter Material (0018,7050).
Filter Thickness Maximum / (0018,7054) / 3 / The maximum thickness in mm of the X-Ray absorbing material used in the filters. May be multi-valued, with values corresponding to the respective values in Filter Material (0018,7050).

Insert the following entries in both Section C.8.7.8 X-Ray Acquisition Dose Module Table 8-33 and Section C.8.7.9 X-Ray Generation Module Table 8-34.

Attribute Name / Tag / Type / Attribute Description
X-Ray Tube Current / (0018,1151) / 3 / X-Ray Tube Current in mA.
X-Ray Tube Current in A / (0018,8151) / 3 / X-Ray Tube Current in A.
Exposure Time / (0018,1150) / 3 / Duration of X-Ray exposure in msec.
Exposure Time in S / (0018,8150) / 3 / Duration of X-Ray exposure in sec.
Exposure / (0018,1152) / 3 / The product of exposure time and X-Ray Tube Current expressed in mAs.
Exposure in As / (0018,1153) / 3 / The product of exposure time and X-Ray Tube Current expressed in As.

Insert the following entry in Section C.4.16 X-Ray Radiation Dose Module Table 4-16.

Entrance Dose / (0040,0302) / Average entrance dose value measured in dGy at the surface of the patient during this Performed Procedure Step.
Note:This may be an estimated value based on assumptions about the patient’s body size and habitus.
Entrance Dose in mGy / (0040,8302) / Average entrance dose value measured in mGy at the surface of the patient during this Performed Procedure Step.
Note:This may be an estimated value based on assumptions about the patient’s body size and habitus.

Insert the following entry in Section C.8.7.8 X-Ray Acquisition Dose Module Table 8-33.