Ruth Ann Nordin’sNewsletter

May 1, 2010

Due This Month:

Originally, this was going to be pushed to the second part of the month, but since I’m waiting for a cover to be done for the second book for my Native American Romance series, I’m going to aim to have this one out by next weekend (the 8th – 9th). (Due to a good two week long illness rotating through my house and getting sick, I’m behind in what I hoped to have done. I originally planned to have something up on the 1st.)

So plan for The Wrong Husband to be available May 8 or 9. I will also post this one up for free on my website, some blogs where I usually post my stuff, on Lulu, Smashwords and $0.99 for Kindle at Amazon.

Native American Romance Series

(I’d say trilogy but you never know if I’ll find another character and base a book off of them.)

Book 1

(cover made by Bonnie Steffens)

Well, as it turns out, I can get this book up in May, but later than I thought. Bonnie Steffens (my friend who does an awesome job with some of my book covers) is also working on the two next book covers for the rest of this Native American Romance series. She has one done but is working on the other one, and since she’s been busy, I’m going to hold off on making this book available until she’s done. I plan to put the book cover images for books #2 and #3 at the end of this book.

Brave Beginnings is book 2. It’ll be Julia and Chogan’s romance. Bound by Honor, Bound by Love is book. It’ll be Citlali and Onawa’s romance.

I can show you the cover Bonnie made for book 3 right now:

So it’s in the same world with the same set of characters, which is why I decided to make it a series. No one book is dependent on another one though, so you don’t have to read them in any particular order. I will start the second book on my WordPress blog this month when I finish “A Husband for Margaret”. I will most likely start Brave Beginnings around the 7th or 8th. Here’s the link to my WordPress blog if you want to catch it from the beginning.

When Restoring Hope is available, I’ll post it up free on my website, Smashwords, and Lulu sometime this month. I will put it on Amazon’s Kindle for $0.99.

Speaking of “A Husband for Margaret”...

I will be done with “A Husband for Margaret” the first full week of May. It’s sad to see that world go, but I’m happy with the way it’s turned out. I will have to go through and edit this novella (about 33,000 words) but I should have that up in its final version in June. I want to post it on Smashwords, my WordPress blog, and my website for free. I will then combine “A Bride for Tom” and “A Husband for Margaret” to put on Lulu for free, and then I’ll combine the two novellas to post on Amazon’s Kindle for $0.99 and make a paperback version (price not determined until I submit it through CreateSpace and see what they say).

Bonnie Steffens made the combo novella cover for me. Here it is:

Sci-Fi Thriller Series

I got the first draft done. It needs a lot of work because I didn’t write it in order. But I’m pleased with the results. I plan to have this out in June for free. I will not be putting this Amazon’s Kindle until I’m done with the entire series. But I will post it on my website and Smashwords.

May Project:

(cover made by Bonnie Steffens)

This is my project for May. I already have 12,000 words done, and I figure it’ll be between 65,000 to 70,000 words. I can pretty much finish up a rough draft by the end of the month—as long as there are no other illnesses that’ll come through here. Keep your fingers crossed because I have so many things I want to write before the year is up! LOL

Upcoming Books to Write

In June, I am co-authoring a book (as a “ghost writer”), so I don’t expect to work on anything else as far as a new draft goes. However, I am thinking of going with Isaac’s Decision since that one is pretty much outlined and I have the cover for it. Bonnie Steffens made it. Want to see? Here goes:

See why I want to wait for her to be done with the book cover to Brave Beginnings? Isn’t that an amazing job? I don’t know how she does it, but I always feel like it’s Christmas day when I see that she sent me a cover to look at. I know Isaac’s Decision is chronologically before Joel Larson’s story (Joel is one of Dave’s brothers from Eye of the Beholder), so I’m thinking I might be better off writing his story first. Hmm.... At least I have a couple months to think about it.

Joel Larson’s story is already titled Shotgun Groom and will be a light-hearted romance much like The Wrong Husband.

Anyway, I want to thank everyone who’d taken the time to send me a kind word since I’ve started publishing my books. Believe me, it’s done my heart much good!

Happy May, everyone!