To : Adv Bul Myburgh.
From : Bob Boekhoud.
Date : 21st January 2007.
Subject: Forensic Investigation.
Hi Bul,
I had a good meeting with Rudi on Friday 18th January 08. Many issues were discussed which I will not elaborate on in this communication.
I asked Rudi if he was aware of the enormous forensic investigation carried out at the Durban harbour 2003/4. This forensic investigation was carried out with reference to container loads of alleged illicit PGM’s leaving Durban Harbour for the United Kingdom. Surprisingly, Rudi was not aware of the forensic investigation. I believe it is very important Rudi is brought up to speed on this matter.
When you first took over my case you handed me 4 CD’s pertaining to my docket.
1)1st disc. UK Docs.
2)2nd disc. ZA Docs.
3)3rd disc Forensic Investigation.
4)4th disc Forensic Investigation.
I researched disc 3 & 4 first. I made notes of the contents of these discs. It took me weeks to study these discs only to realize the contents had nothing to do with JRT or me. I made the necessary conclusions and returned the discs and the notes to you for sake keeping.
While studying all the info pertaining to the charges over this last weekend, I discovered a Deposition made by William Pope for the South African Prosecuting Authority. It is dated 22nd February 2007. Pope is the Managing Director of Kings International Shipping Services Ltd. Pope refers to a witness statement he made 6th day December 2004. JRT used Kings International to clear most shipments from abroad through UK Customs and Excise.
What is apparent, attached to this Deposition are a hundred pages of information pertaining to shipments made to:
1)Peter Hartnell and Umicore.
2)P.S.A Transport and Barrier International.
3)DDSM Tools Ltd and Inco Canada Ltd
4)Bill Duffy.
What is significant, are the forensic investigation carried out by the elite Scorpions and their investigators in Durban. This investigation was the groundwork for these shipments that ultimately went to Peter Hartnell, Inco Canada and Umicore Belgium. This forensic investigation and these shipments had nothing to do with JRT or myself and yet Bishop and de Villiers are attempting to make a connection. This forensic investigation must have taken months and months and hundreds of man-hours to carry out. Now Bishop and de Villiers won’t admit they got it wrong and this investigation had nothing to do with JRT or me!
Why do Bishop and de Villiers find it necessary to disguise information introduced into this case/my case? Similarly, when shipments were sent by PMR, Wadeville to Inco Europe in London I am accused of being directly associated with these transaction. In fact, I am accused of NOT having the correct authorisation to ship materials out of South Africa.
I was not remotely involved with PMR at any time after my aborted attempt to purchase this company in +-1997.
I am associated with shipments to Metalor in Switzerland with reference to Gray Branfield and Rob van Rensburg. The odd JRT document is included in hundreds of pages of correspondence between Branfield and Metalor. JRT had NO association with Metalor or Branfield at this time.
This is precisely the same Modus Operandi of the Scorpions and the media. In all the newspaper articles it is my picture in the newspaper and all the defamation and slander that follows. My good name, and the name of JRT is being tarnished by the actions of others.
I look forward to meeting you at 13h00 on Friday 25th Jan 08 at Rudi’s office to discuss strategy and a possible way forward. Bev will be available at +-13h15.
Is there any chance I could get the statement of the search and seizures by the AFU for ASIBS?