Design •SY 2015-2016

Instructor: Ms. Valerie Montana • Email:

Design - a plan, or to plan

Design is a common word that has a more specific meaning in the field of art. In the visual arts, design refers to the purposeful manipulation of the elements of art (line, shape, form, value, space, texture and color) and the principles of design (unity, balance, contrast, repetition, variety, etc.) to create meaning.

In this course, we will explore design concepts as they relate to a variety of mediums and concepts. Students will continue to work in a range of 2-dimensional mediums including: drawing, painting, collage, and digital design (iPad). Assignments will build sequentially from skill-building exercises to culminating projects that place greater emphasis on individual expression and personal voice.


Grades are determined using a total points system. Longer and more extensive projects carry more weight than shorter projects. Individual projects are evaluated using the criteria given for each assignment. During class, there are many opportunities for the student to seek assistance and receive feedback from the teacher about his or her work. Following directions, staying on task, and completing assignments in a timely manner are essential ingredients to doing well in this course.

Digital Portfolio: Students will turn in a digital portfolio of their artwork each semester.

Homework/Sketchbook Assignments:Students are given weekly sketchbook assignments.Homework assignments are due every Friday (unless otherwise noted).Homework will be accepted one day late for half credit. If you are absent on the day that homework is due, you are expected to turn it in on the day of your return.

Participation: Students will receive a bi-monthly participation grade, reflecting their in-class performance. Good participation means using class time wisely, being respectful of the materials and resources in the art room,contributing to class discussions and critiques, and demonstrating mature conduct and behavior.

Attendance: The majority of the coursework in this course will be done during class time. If a student misses a class and/or falls behind, it is expected that s/he will make up the work in a timely manner. Please do not assume that the instructor will extend a deadline because you have been absent. Students are expected to inform the instructor in advance of any known absences from class.

iPad: The iPad has many educational uses in the art room. When students are not using their iPad for classroom use, they must keep the device closed. If a student is found using his/her iPad inappropriately, there will be consequences.

Continued: Design (section 1) • SY: 2015-2016PAGE 2

Instructor: Ms. Valerie Montana • Email Address:

Copyright/Appropriation of Work

Students are encouraged to look at the work of other artists for inspiration. However, there is an important distinction between proper appropriation of work and mere duplication. Students may use photographs when appropriate. However, the images should only be used for reference and must be sufficiently altered by the student.


If a student has educational accommodations please speak with the teacher directly.
Gallery Night: All students are required to attend this evening. Students will display at least one work createdduring this year for the show. Date TBA.

Supplies: Please have all supplies and iPad apps by Tuesday September 8th

Supplies may be purchased at the SJC school store, or at a local art supply store. Avoid the small sized portfolios sold at Office Depot and Staples.

• Drawing pencils: HB, 3B, 5B, 6B (or a similar combination)
• Kneaded eraser AND block eraser
• Portfolio 20-x26 (can also be made with poster board stapled and duct taped together)
• Sketchbook 9x12, preferably spiral bound

• Pencil case, box or zip lock bag clearly labeled with your name for your drawing tools

Please write your name on your art supplies!

iPad apps to be downloaded:

Art Rage


PS Touch

SketchBook Express