Athens County Regional Planning Commission
Office of the Planning Director
28 Curran Drive
Athens, Ohio 45701
Telephone 740.594.6069
Fax 740.594.6343
Athens County Regional Planning Commission
October 8, 2009
Members present: Georganne Thomas, Frank Hare, Joseph Scherer, Pam Callahan, Paul Wiehl, Chris Fahl, Paul Logue, Steve Pierson, Harry Kaneshige, Lenny Eliason, and Tim Warren. Ex-Officio members present: Linda Watkins, Tammi Goeglein, Dave Warren, Penne Smith, and Bob Eichenburg. Guests present: Lou Anna Lenigar and Ted Linscott.
President Tim Warren called the meeting to order at 8:10 a.m. and determined quorum established with 12 members present.
The September 10 minutes were review. Lenny Eliason moved to approve the minutes as mailed. Harry Kaneshige seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Linda Watkins presented the Treasurer’s report. She indicated that income had been received in the form of the Commissioners second payment (1/2). President Warren thanked Watkins for the report and accepted it as presented.
Hocking-Athens-Perry Community Action Agency Head Start renewal of ongoing program. Proposed federal fund $3,003,497; proposed total funds $3,754,732. Paul Wiehl moved that the continuation be approved. Frank Hare seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Bob Eichenberg made members aware of what is happening regarding the C.R. 24A Bikeway extension. He indicated that it appears that transportation money will be available at an 80/20 percent match. The proposed bikeway that ends short of Holzer Clinic would be extended to C.R. 24A. Eichenberg noted that ODOT has reserved a 40’ /50’ right-of-way. The proposal would take the bikeway through the riparian area behind Holzer Clinic.
Bob Eichenberg proposed that the County apply to ODNR for a 75/25 percent match to help with the local 20 percent match required. (Athens County would be paying for 25% of 20%). Christine Fahl questioned if there had been discussion on access to Dow Lake. Eichenberg indicated that there has been discussion working off of Della Drive with ODNR to get to the Dow Lake parking lot.
Lenny Eliason added that there needs to be a review of the restrictions put on a grant requested a few years ago. He suggested that the County consider doing both projects as one if they can get the match money for both extensions. He asked Eichenberg to have Greg Wright put together an estimate for the combined cost.
Paul Wiehl questioned if the city would be asked for matching funds since part of the bikeway is within the city limits, and for clarification if Della Drive could be used as part of the bike path.
Members discussed in a previous request ODNR reported that a wall would need to be put on Della Drive to separate the road and the bike path. This would need to be revisited. Eichenberg indicated that the applications will be available in January and due in February.
Floodplain Resolution proposed changes: Bob Eichenberg distributed a copy of the Floodplain Resolution with changed areas highlighted. Eichenberg explained that these are recommendations and will go to a public meeting before being presented to the County Commissioners. A copy of the proposed changes are available at the Planners Office.
Members discussed section 1.3 Statement of purpose K. Lenny Eliason suggested that perhaps would be better to use a narrower definition of Floodway. Eichenberg agreed that it could be beneficial changing Floodplain to Floodway. There being no other discussion Frank Hare moved to approve the proposed Floodplain regulations. Paul Wiehl seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Tammi Goeglien, Auditors Office, reported that they are getting the property evaluations ready to send to the state.
Dave Warren, Athens County Prosecutor, reported that he has been working on road laws and there will be a case coming in December. It will be the first jury trail in the State of Ohio on the topic of not closing a road.
Georgane Thomas, Mayor, Village of Albany, reported that they have new remote readers installed for water usage. She also indicated that the Village is going to have to sell the Community Center building.
Ted Linscott, Athens Township Representative, reported that the township is getting ready for snow removal and did a couple of road repavements this year.
Frank Hare, Mayor, Village of Amesville, reported that in the next week the final adoption of the new floodplain resolution will take place.
Joe Scherer, Nelsonville City Manager, indicted that the bike path completion is on schedule. He noted that it is receiving a lot of use by Hocking College students. Scherer reported that the wellhead protection policy has been through the first meeting. They are using a cameo/typographical computer system to help mapping and locating potential contamination sites.
Steve Pierson, Nelsonville Code Enforcement, stated that the Nelsonville Planning Commission is meeting to discuss and finalize the city’s subdivision regulations, which will then be given to council for adoption. The regulations will provide more control of the three-mile area. Pierson reported that the Dorr Run area has went through rezoning. He also indicated that the city has reviewed skilled-based games that will be permitted in town but not in the historic area. The city will be assessing some residence for grass mowing and proposed to do for the same for clean up of trash and tree limbs. These properties/invoices will be forwarded to the county auditors office and be held against the valuation of the property.
Paul Wiehl, Mayor, City of Athens, reported that the city is already meeting to discuss Halloween safety teams. Wiehl indicated that there will be a change in the software used for utility billing. He also indicated that there is a need to replace the salt bin on East State Street. He noted that it is not dangerous but there has been some leaching. The city has completed three road projects, they include Key Drive paving and rebuilding, Curtis/Mulligan Street - water and road project, Harold Avenue SDBG money project. Mayor Wiehl stated that the fire station is in need of $150,000 for additional repairs. The planning commission has been approached regarding changing the gardening rules in R-1 zones, so that anybody can have a garden. The city is also completing an Ash tree inventory. The Madison Heights project changes made to the site plan were reviewed and approved by the city planning commission on October 7th. Mayor Wiehl added that the bike and pedestrian master plan meeting had more than 70 people in attendance. The next meeting will be on Monday, November 12, 7p.m. at the Community Center.
Christine Fahl, member of Athens City Council, reported that the council has passed the new floodplain regulations and are working on the 2010 budget. She added that the community rating systems were applied and decreased the floodplain rates.
Lenny Eliason, Athens County Commissioner, indicated that he would talk to Georganne Thomas Mayor Village of Albany regarding how to check on the villages’ salt bid. Eliason reported that a ground breaking will be held for the bike path extension in Nelsonville on Tuesday, October 13 at 10 a.m. Eliason stated that because Athens county funds have been well managed the county is not in dire fiscal emergency at this time. He also encouraged member to obtain the Athens County discount drug card these cards are free and assist with prescriptions. They are available at the Commissioners office, Job and Family Services, libraries, and the Workstation. Eliason explained the decision by the County Commissioners not to support the purchase of the land proposed by the conservancy.
President Warren thanked members for their reports and asked Bob Eichenberg for the Director’s Report.
Eichenberg thanked the County Commissioners for being thorough in their search for a site to possibly relocate the Sheriff’s office. He indicated that a comprehensive plan update meeting was held to get the final edits/comments from participants. This report is being typed and will be available for public review in November. Eichenberg informed members that his intern was transferred to an internship at the Health Department where she is working on a comprehensive database for home sewage systems. This includes doing inspections of systems that have failed to see if there is a correlation of soil type and the system put in. Eichenberg added that he has been working with the Rural Action Energy Committee to provide park and ride options for Athens County.
President Warren thanked Eichenberg for his report and indicated that the next meeting will be on Thursday, November 12, 8:00 a.m. at the Extension Office. There being no further business or announcements Lenny Eliason moved to adjourn the meeting. Harry Kaneshige seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned 9:10.
Penne L. Smith
Approved by: ______
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