Questions for the Week of September 25, 2016

I. Getting to know one another:

Is something that you have experienced that has helped you to grow in your faith? It could be a trial or disappointment or a victory over something?

II. Getting into the Bible: Read John 6:15-21; Matt. 14:22-33; Mark 6:45-52.

A.  Read John 6:15-17, Matt.14:22-24 and Mark 6:45-47. The disciples obeyed a simple command by getting into the boat and going to the other side of the Galilee. How does obeying God’s commands help us to grow?

B.  How have you grown by obeying the Lord? How? Is there an area of you life you find it difficult to obey the Lord? In evangelism (Great Commission), giving (2 Cor. 9:6-7 cheerful giver), service (Mark 10:45), or other areas? Why or why not?

C.  Read John 6:18-20, Matt.14:25-27 and Mark 6:48-50. The disciples did not recognize Jesus in the midst of the storm (they thought He was a ghost?). What helps you recognize the Lord when you are facing difficulties? Does fear paralyze you or does it draw you closer to Christ to seek Him more? Give an example?

D.  Read Matt. 14:28-31. Do you think Peter succeeded or failed by his walking on water? Have you ever started strong for Jesus but lost focus and feel like you failed? What happened?

E.  Read Matt. 14:28-31. Do you think Peter succeeded or failed by his walking on water? Have you ever started strong for Jesus but lost focus and feel like you failed? What happened?

F.  What is your comfort or safety boat? What are you afraid to give up for the Lord? Is it your vocation, a relationship, an addiction, something else? Do you believe the Lord is calling to have faith in an area you are afraid to move forward in? What are you afraid of?

G.  Read John 6:21, Matt. 14:32-33 and Mark 6:51-52. The proper response from the disciples was worship. What do think proper worship looks like?

III. Application for today:

Spend time praying for the needs of your group and church.