1. EDTS Competitors that wish to become members of SASA will not be charged membership fees. Membership must be recorded as EDTS membership.
  1. Horses or ponies registered for the sole use of an EDTS competitor will not be charged a SASA registration fee. Registration must be recorded as an EDTS registration.
  1. The SASA entry levy will be waived for all EDTS competitors at all Showing Events for all Showing classes.
  1. The EDTS scheme will use funds collected from the EDTS levies that are collected from every entry. Development, Training. Lead Rein, First Ridden and Grooms (Horsecare Giver’s) classes are exempt from paying this levy.
  1. Only funds that have already been collected or allocated within the Annual Budget may be utilized for grants.
  1. EDTS funds will be shown separately on the financial records of SASA.
  1. Full details (including application form) of the EDTS will be on the SASA website.
  1. Provincial and National EDTS Committees should try and negotiate reduced entry fees, show stabling, lesson fees and clinic fees wherever possible.
  1. The EDTS shall be used to assist the following people:

a)Competitors that wish to compete in Showing Events. Entry fees will be paid in full or partly subsidized.

b)A maximum of R150per entry will be paid as Entry fees for Grooms In Hand or Grooms Ridden classes.

c)Competitors that wish to participate in Showing Clinics & Showing Lessons. Fees will be paid in full or partly subsidized.

d)Clinic for Coaches that wish to prepare competitors for Showing classes.

  1. The EDTS shall not be used to subsidize monthly stabling or transport to shows, transport to lessons or transport to clinics.
  1. The following criteria will apply for all recipients of grants (including SASA membership)

a)The combined family income of the receiver shall not be over R12000 per month. Proof of this may need to be supplied.

b)Preference will be given to those people displaying a passion and talent for Showing.

c)Preference will be given to those fulfilling SASCOC’s mandate on transformation.

d)If possible competitors and coaches from all 9 Provinces should be assisted.

e)Misuse or nonuse of entry fees – not competing in the classes entered. Only a Vet or Doctors certificate could be the reason – will result in that competitor not being awarded any further grants and being expected to pay the full amount back to the EDTS.

f)Failing to be present at lessons or clinics subsidized by the EDTS will result in that competitor not being awarded any further grantsand being expected to pay the full amount back to the EDTS.

  1. Each Provincial Development Committee member should ensure that suitable candidates for the EDTS, in their Province, are aware of how to apply for grants, free membership and registrations, Levy subsidies etc. Assistance to be given where necessary.
  1. The EDTS Committee of SASA will be in charge of awarding grants. (Sue Cook, Georgia Diedericks, Bev Williamson)
  1. The decision of the EDTS Committee to assistor not to assist recipients is final.
  1. Grants will never be paid directly to the recipient. Monies will be paid by EFT to:

a)Relevant Show Holding Body for entry fees. The relevant entry form must be sent to SASA National Office.

b)Coaches for lesson accounts. The lesson account must be sent to SASA National Office.

c)The Convener of the relevant clinic. Application forms for clinics for coaches and competitors must be sent to the National Office.

  1. The following steps should be followed to apply for assistance through the EDTS. These steps must be followed for every grant application.
  1. Competitor or Coach applies for membership to a Club and SAEF. SASA will assist in organizing SAEF membership. If necessary.
  2. Competitor or Coach applies for membership to SASA. If applicable, registers horse at same time.
  3. At least two weeks before closing date, for show entries, apply for grant using official form.
  4. If Grant is approved send completed entry form to National Office.
  5. If the grant is for subsidized entries, SASA will pay their agreed amount directly to the SHB and the competitor is responsible for the balance owing.
  6. If the grant is approved for lessons or clinics, the application form or invoice must be sent to the National Office.
  7. If the grant is for subsidized fees, SASA will pay their agreed amount directly to the Clinic or lesson convener and the competitor is responsible for the balance owing.