Institutional questions

In addition to the standard survey questionnaire, you are free to add institutional questions to gather information in areas of particular interest in your own context, to ensure that an internal survey that has been replaced by PRES continues to gather the same information, or to continue trend information from PRES 2013. You are free to add as many questions as you like, but please bear in mind that for every page of questions around 1% of those who started the survey will drop out.

This document has been compiled using examples given to us by institutions who have previously run HEA Surveys to give you ideas of the sorts of things you might want to ask; we are very grateful to those institutions for their feedback. If you have added questions in the past that you have found particularly useful that do not appear here, please share them with colleagues by emailing them to us at

  1. Application process
  • If the University of Poppleton was not your first choice, why was this?
  • Did you attend an open day either before or during your application process?
  • To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding your pre-registration experience with the University of Poppleton? (i.e. contact prior to starting your current course)

I was happy with the speed of responses by the university to my pre-registration enquiries.

I was very satisfied with the information I received about the admission process.

I found the registration process easy to understand and complete.

Overall, the level of customer care I received met my expectations.

  1. Previous connection with HEI
  • When you applied for your current course, did you have any connection with the University of Poppleton?
    (select all that apply)

current member of staff

past member of staff

student prior to your current course

  1. Department/teaching
  • To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

Taught sessions have been helpful for my studies

Seminars have been helpful for my studies

Research Skills Workshops have enabled me to acquire useful skills

It was easy to adjust to the academic demands of my course

I understand what I need to do to succeed on my research programme (for example from taught sessions, discussions with staff)

The balance of research training and independent study is appropriate

  • What has been the most useful part of research training you have received on the course?
  • Do you have any comments or suggestions for the training in research skills?
  • At which campus are you studying?
  1. GTA training
  • To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

The advertising/selection procedure for GTA/Ds is satisfactory.

The centrally provided training I received was useful and appropriate.

I am satisfied with the departmental support I receive for my professional development as a GTA/D.

I am satisfied with the facilities provided by the department for my role.

The teaching rooms I use are adequate.

The contractual arrangements for my appointment are satisfactory.

The duties of my role as a GTA/D are clearly set out.

The payment mechanisms are satisfactory.

It is clear how my pay is calculated.

  1. Supervision
  • Thinking of this academic year, how often do you have supervision meetings?

At least once a week

Around once a fortnight

Around once a month

Around once every two or three months

Less than every three months

Have not met my supervisor

  1. Resources

I make a lot of use of the Graduate Centre

I am happy with the proportion of e-learning elements used in the programme (online resources, Virtual Learning Environment)

I have been able to access the online learning materials I need (for example online journals, BlackBoard module sites)

I had the support I needed to use learning resources (for example Library Gateway, printers, computer software)

  • On which campus do you have your office?
  1. Student support
  • To what extent do you agree with the following statements regarding advice and support on your programme

My institution provided me with adequate help to prepare me for studies at this level.

My Research Development Handbook was useful

I have the financial support I need to carry out my research

I have received sufficient advice and support with my studies.

It has been easy to balance my studies with other commitments (for example paid employment/family responsibilities)

It has been easy to find information on support that is provided by the University

I have been able to access support at times appropriate for me

There is good representation of research postgraduate needs in the University

  • Have you made use of any student support services (e.g. career support, visa support, health)? If yes, to what extent do you agree with the following statements regarding student support services?

I have received effective support with my study skills (e.g. taking notes, avoiding plagiarism).

The level of careers support was appropriate for my needs.

The student support services were effective in addressing my needs.

The student support services were readily accessible

  • I find the social events valuable to my overall research experience
  • Do you use the students’ union?
  • How satisfied are you with the students’ union?

  1. Employer engagement
  • How much would you value links between your doctoral programme and potential employers?
  • How interested would you be in connecting your research to a workplace setting?
  • How interested would you be in exploring links between your research and employers?
  1. Recommendation of institution
  • Was the University of Poppleton the first choice for your study?
  • Would you recommend the university as a place to study to a friend or relative?
  • How likely would you be to recommend the University of Poppleton to other students thinking of applying to the university?
  1. International students

I have received appropriate support for my discipline/subject specific English language needs

  1. Skills

The programme has helped me to present myself with confidence

As a result of the programme, I feel confident in tackling complex problems

As a result of this programme, I believe my future employment prospects are better

  1. Expectations

Please rate the following aspects of your postgraduate research programme in terms of how your experience has met with your expectations ( -3 it has definitely not met my expectations , 0 it has met my expectations, +3 it has definitely exceeded my expectations)

Quality of supervision

Support for your progress

Research culture

Learning resources

Research skills development

Professional development

Overall experience