Data Layers

Napa Co Environmental Resource Mapping Section

September 18, 2003

A. Index

·  Orthophotos [93’ Complete, 02’ – Sept 03’ & Feb 04’]

B. Topographic Features

·  Topography [In Progress w/ Ortho project]

·  Prominent Landforms

·  Slope [In Progress w/ Ortho project]

C. Foundation Materials

·  Bedrock & Geologic Structure

·  Surficial Deposits [Complete]

·  Soils [Complete]

D. Geologic/Seismic Hazards

·  Severe Settlement (Historic Marshes) [in progress]

·  Landslides [Complete]

·  Faults [Complete]

·  Alquist-Priolo Zones (Earthquake Fault Zones) [Complete]

·  Liquefaction (Prone Areas) [complete]

·  Geologic/Seismic hazards (surveyed areas)

E. Climate / Drainage

·  Annual Rainfall (Isopleth) [Climate & Air Quality]

·  Storm Event Rainfall Intensity (Isopleth) [Climate & Air Quality]

·  Drainage Network [Surface Hydrology]

·  Drainage Basins [in progress]

·  100 yr. Floodplain/Floodway

·  Dam/Levee Failure/Inundation

F. Water Resources

·  Drainage Network (Stream Flows)

·  Stream Classes [Surface Hydrology]

·  Surface Water Quality

·  Groundwater Basin/Recharge Areas [Groundwater Hydrology]

·  Groundwater Short Areas [Groundwater Hydrology]

·  Groundwater Availability

·  Groundwater Pollution

·  Pollutant Levels [Surface Water Quality]

G. Air & Noise Quality

·  Traffic/Fixed source air pollution

·  Sensitive Receptors [Noise]

·  Noise Contour [Noise]

·  Traffic/Airport noise

H. Biological Resources

·  Vegetation [in progress]

·  Biological Critical Areas [Biological Resources]

·  Rare/Endangered Plant Sites/Distribution [Biological Resources]

·  Rare/Endangered Plant Habitats [Biological Resources]

·  Rare/Endangered Animal Locations [Biological Resources]

·  Rare/Endangered Animal Habitat [Biological Resources]

·  Critical Habitats [Biological Resources]

·  Habitats of Limited Distribution [Biological Resources]

·  Wildlife Movement/Migration Routes [Biological Resources]

I. Visual Resources

·  Viewshed [complete]

·  Important Ridgelines [Visual & Aesthetic]

·  Visual Features [Visual & Aesthetic]

·  Scenic Roads [Visual & Aesthetic]

J. Cultural Resources

·  Archaeological Sites [complete]

·  Historic Features [in progress]

·  Survey Presence

·  Cultural Sensitivity

·  Scientific/Educational/Recreational Resources

K. Traffic Considerations

·  Roadway Configuration – Transportation Network [Transportation & Circulation]

·  Roadway Capacity [Transportation & Circulation]

·  Roadway Level of Service [Transportation & Circulation]

·  Existing/Future Traffic Volumes [Transportation & Circulation]

·  Traffic Accidents

L. Public Health/Safety Concerns

·  Contaminated Sites [complete] [Public Health & Safety]

·  Hazardous Material Handling Facilities

·  Sensitive Receptors [Climate & Air Quality]

·  Fire Hazard Severity / Fire Corridor [Public Health & Safety]

·  Fire Department Response Times

·  Airport/Heliport Approaches

·  Flood Hazard Severity [Public Health &


·  Earthquake Hazards Severity [Public

Health & Safety]

·  Accident Concentration [Public Health & Safety]

M. Public Facilities and Services

·  Service Area

·  Response Time

·  Facility

N. Rock, Mineral & Agricultural Resources

·  Mines, Quarries, & Resource Areas

·  Farmlands [Agricultural Resources]

·  Prime Agriculture Soil [Agricultural Resources]

·  Prime Grazing Lands [Agricultural Resources]

·  Potential Vineyards (Prime Vineyard Soils) [in progress] [Agricultural Resources]

·  Agricultural Suitability [Agricultural Resources]

O. Land Use

·  Land Use

·  Planning Program Jurisdictions


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