Do you think computers have helped our society? (I.e. made life easier) How?

Yes, computers have become the most essential equipment in our society. It has become essential in everyday life. Most of the work is done using a computer. For example, computing, writing, reading, data analysis, reading news, record keeping, talking with people far from us, video conferencing, email and internet works are done by computers easily. The tasks have become easy because of the use of computers. Using computer in many ways has made our life easier and we can accomplish a lot of work in a short period of time too. The most important example is we can talk, communicate and even video conference with our relatives living far from us and share our happiness and grief. Because of the widely use of computer and its applications writing family letters have become almost extinct.

The most threatening aspect of computers is its misuse in different types of fraudulent activities. For example most of the people use social media sites using computers and they share their pictures and other personal information in their site accounts like Face book. One can easily make a duplicate image of a person and black mail him/her using such pictures, transfer money from ones bank account to another by hacking computers etc. Hence we should be very careful while using computer applications.

The modern workplaces are equipped with computers. We can't turn around without seeing a computer in workplaces. On the one hand, computers have helped to accomplish work faster and on time and on the other hand, it has helped to decrease operating cost of companies by reducing the demand of human resources as one computer can perform multiple times the jobs done by a person. Though developed countries who are suffering from low population growth have become able to manage labor deficiency by using computers, most of the developed countries are suffering from high unemployment rate because of its use in workplaces.

On the contrary, computers have also helped to decrease the stationery costs of the offices and most of the records are kept on computer, reports and published in softcopy and even notes are stored on the computer. In the past we couldn’t think of going to school without a pen and a copy but now we can store all the notes on our laptop and even the teacher doesn't have to use markers while teaching as these materials are replaced by computers and projectors. We can give another example of link home study also. We the students are learning English from our teacher online without using pen and copy and taking classes staying at home. Our teacher is performing his duty online. These are some examples of the changes in the workplaces by the use of computers.

I do not feel any challenge by computers. But it is essential to be computer literate. If we hesitate to be computer literate then we will definitely be left behind. However, we should be cautious to protect our personal documents from being hacked and damaged by computer viruses. Sometime I feel challenged by new viruses. But if we don't open illegal sites and update latest antivirus software then we can’t get rid of thoseproblems.