
1) System: Microsoft Windows XP Professional Version 2002 Service Pack 2

Computer: Pentium 4 CPU 3.00 GHz, RAM 504 MB

No label (neither vertically, nor horizontally)

2) Identical system: no problem

* Demetra+ was installed by the administrator, but the other users cannot use the program.

* A link to Demetra+ could be placed on the desktop.


Graphics are appreciable, especially those related to the frequency domain.

Good idea to organize the time series as a matrix.

Main resultsà Charts

-  default placement of the legend /title (if possible an automatic “best” placement of the legend box);

-  grey lines in the legend box could be removed,

-  on the right panels is not possible to include either the legend or the title;

-  moving the mouse on the time series plots (left panels) the reference periods appear together with the values, but this does not happen for the last observation.

Main resultsà Data

-  moving the mouse on the time series plots (left panels) the reference periods appear together with the values, but this does not happen for the last observation;

-  seasonal and stochastic seasonal: the first label on the horizontal axis is February and not January;

-  confidential intervals for residuals are not plotted.

Reg-Arima modelà Model

-  In the tables concerning Arima model, calendar effects, moving holidays and outliers, the number of decimals can be reduced (if possible the user can choose the number of decimals for the output);

-  in the same tables a column for the probability could be useful;

-  for outliers the observation number is not reported.

Reg-Arima modelà Residuals à Statistics

-  In the part 1 (Statistics) the number of decimals can be reduced.

Reg-Arima modelà Residuals à Data

-  Analysing the time series S854628 of Insee1, in the table of residuals there is a dot (does it mean 0 or missing value?). In the chart where residuals are displayed, the labels are not correctly associated to the values.


The properties defined refer only to the TS options. Since among the results there are some diagnostics of X12-X13, is it possible to choose the related options?