Winter 2013

Lesson 8: Finishing Strong in the Face of Failure

Numbers 20:1–13

Introduction: Moses is the author of the book of Numbers, writing in chapter 20 of events that took place 40 years after the Israelites departed from Egypt. As this lesson begins, the journey in the wilderness is almost over.Most of the older generation has died (including Miriam), and Moses is again faced with a vocal and unbelieving people who repeatedly challenge his leadership. Though he hadrepeatedly proved his faithfulness, Moses still faced a choice that believers face today—to believe and obey God or doubt, disobey, and sin.

Day One: ReadNumbers 20:1–13, focusing on verses 1–5; The People Contend with Moses

1.What perspective or principle about God were you reminded of from last week’s lesson or lecture?

2.What was the basis for the sons of Israel’s complaint in Numbers 20:2?

a.The sons of Israel had been at Meribah39 years before. According to Exodus 17:1–3, what wastheir complaint then?

b.What behavior do the two generations share?

3.In Numbers 20:3–5, what were the people’s complaints against Moses and Aaron?

a.According to Numbers 14:20–33, what did God tell Moses was the problem?

4.As you studythis account of two generations of Israelites and their response to trials, how doestheir example—either positive or negative—help you better respond to trials in your own life?

a.What does James 1:2–3 say about how believers are to approach trials?What can you do to better live out that truth?

Day Two:Read Numbers 20:1–13, focusing on verses 6–8;God’s Instruction to Moses

1.What was Moses’ and Aaron’s response to the people’s complaint?

2.Read Exodus 32:30–32 and Numbers 11:2; 12:13;and 14:13 and 19. What is Moses doing in these passages? How would you describe the type of leader he had become?

a.From these verses and your previous study of Moses and the Exodus, identify at least two additional aspects of Moses’leadership, and how you can follow his example in your own life today. Cite Scripture to support your answer.

3.What specific instruction did God give Moses and Aaronin verse 8?

a.What instruction was given to Moses in Exodus 17:5–6, the first time the Israelites needed water?

Day Three:Read Numbers 20:1–13, focusing on verses 9–13; The Sin of Moses and Aaron

1.According to verses 9–10a, how would you characterize Moses’ initial actions?

2.From verses 10b–11, describe what did Moses after the assembly was gathered.How would you characterize these actions?

3.From verse 12, what two charges did God level against Moses and Aaron?

a.In your own words, describe what it means to treat God as holy.

b.Cite two or three other passages that talk about the holiness of God or His expectation that His people be holy.

c.Describe the relationship between God’s holiness and man’s sin, citing specific verses to support youranswer.

d.How does a deeper understanding of God’s holiness change how you will live this week?

4.In spite of Moses’ and Aaron’s sin, what did God do for the Israelites?

a.What does this reveal about God’s character?

5.What was the consequence of Moses’ and Aaron’s sin? Do you think it was deserved? Supportyouranswer with Scripture.

Day Four:Read the selected passages; Moses Finishes Strong

1.According to Deuteronomy 3:23–27 and Numbers 27:12–14, what didMosesrequestand what was God’s response?

2.From Deuteronomy 3:28 and Numbers 27:15–21, what did God instruct Moses to do?

a.Describe specific ways that Moses’ actions reflect his care for the people. How can this be an exampleas you care for those around you?

3.Read Deuteronomy 31:1–8and describe Moses’ last counsel to Israel.

a.What was Moses’ counsel to the Levites in Deuteronomy 31:9–13?

4.In your own words, describe Moses at the end of his life, knowing thathe would not enter the Promised Land.

Day Five:Read the selected passages; Moses’ Last Days; His Death and Burial

1.Skim the following passages and identify some of Moses’ descriptions of God’s character.

a.Deuteronomy 32

b.Deuteronomy 33, focusing on verses 2–5 and 26–29

c.Psalm 90

d.Which attribute is especially meaningful to you today, and why?

2.Read Deuteronomy 34:1–8 and describe the end of Moses’ life.

3.How is Moses remembered in Hebrews 11:23–29?

4.What do Matthew 17:1–8 andLuke 9:28–36 say about Moses?

5.What have you learned about Moses thatis worthy of imitating in your own life?

______Luenebrink/Peters February 27, 2013