To: / Ingleby Greenhow Parish reportFrom: / PC 184Lisa Jones
Date: / 7th August 2016
Subject: / Report for Parish Council Meeting on the 9th August 2016
12th July – 7th August 2016
Over the last month the following incidents have been reported to police :
24/07/2016 - 19:03 Report of 3/4 motorbikes using the public bridleway near to Incline cottages, the access to this is locked up via a gate. Offenders appear to have a key for the gate. Area search conducted to no gain for offenders.
Auto Crime
We have had no reports this month
We have had no reports this month
Criminal Damage
No Reports
No Reports
Suspicious Activity
16/07/2016 – 11:37 – Reports of a vehicle trying to sell fish in the Battersby Junction area, reported as suspicious activity. Areasearch no gain.
25/07/2016 -01:45 - Reported from Stone Stoup Farm, Farm CCTV viewed and two males seen walking up the drivelooking into stable windows, then left on foot.
26/07/2016 – 22:10 – Reports of two vehicles parked up in the over flow car park of the Dudley Arms. The vehicles stayed for approximate 30 minutes. One vehicle was believed to
be a VW Passat.
Stokesley Police are now on Facebook
Stokesley Allotments –
All allotment holders should now have received contact from the Safer Neighbourhood Team. We have so far had a fairly positive number of replies but would urge anyone who hasn’t as yet to please do so. Asa result we are planning on being down on the allotments on Sunday 7th August 2016(time to be confirmed) to put up the allotment watch signage, fit shed alarms for those that have requested them and offer crime prevention advice.
Help keep North Yorkshire safe - new community messaging
Members of the public are invited to do their bit to keep their neighbourhoods safe, by joining a new community messaging system.
North Yorkshire Community Messaging is a free system that lets people register to receive the latest crime notifications and community news in their neighbourhoods.
As North Yorkshire Police is geographically England's largest single county force, the new system will be the biggest of its kind in the country. Particularly in rural areas, community messaging can be used to share messages and appeals across a wide area very quickly.
The new service has been designed to allow people who live or work in North Yorkshire and the City of York to get information when they want, and how they want it.
Users can tailor preferences for the type of the message they receive, their preferred channel (phone, text, or email) and the locations that matter to them. Topics include details about:
• crime and other police incidents, including missing people and witness appeals;
• rural policing, including crimes against farms and rural businesses;
• anti-social behaviour;
• road safety, including road closures and traffic updates; and
• neighbourhood news and events, such as invitations to public meetings.
Users can even choose to register multiple locations, not just a home address - ideal if they want to know more about where their children go to school, where family members live, places to socialise and around their place of work.
Registering is safe, secure and easy, and takes less than five minutes. Just visit on a smartphone or PC to get started.
Over the coming weeks, local police teams will be out in communities raising awareness of the new system, and encouraging people to join.
The alerts that members of the public receive are not confidential, so they will be able to share the information they receive with friends and family. Users may also wish to encourage others to sign up to North Yorkshire Community Messaging so they can receive their own alerts. The system will also be the point of contact with all Neighbourhood Watch groups in their area.
"The information and intelligence that we receive from members of the public can be absolutely crucial in preventing and detecting crime and anti-social behavior, so the more people that join Community Messaging, the safer North Yorkshire will be.
"The system is free to join and easy to use. Signing up will take less than five minutes, so I'd encourage everyone to visit and get started today."
Many thanks,
Dave Anderson
PC 100Anderson
Stokesley Safer Neighbourhood Team
Telephone: 101 (select option 2 and ask for Stokesley Police Station)