
Prof. M.Finney

This course, entitledEnvironmentalEconomics, studies the relationship between economic activityandenvironmental quality. Theenvironmental problem is treated bythe discipline of economics as amisallocation of scarce resources. Wewillstudymarket and non-market approaches to solvingenvironmental problems.

The textbook for the courseisEnvironmental Economics(6thedition) byBarryField and Martha


Econ4340meets in room SH C238 from 4:30 to 5:45pm on Monday/Wednesday. My office hours are 3:00 to 4:00pm Monday/Wednesday; 4:30 to 5:30pm on Thursdays.

OfficeLocation: Simpson Tower Room 909

Phone: (323)343-2937 (do not leavemessages)


Learning Outcomes

I.Introduction to Environmental Economics notes

Chapters 1 and 2

II.Markets andtheConcept ofEconomic Efficiency notes notes

Chapters 3 and 4

III.TheEconomics ofPollution Control notes


IV.Assessing theValueofEnvironmental Goods notes


V.Approaches to SolvingEnvironmentalProblems

A.CommandandControl notes


B.Market Oriented Solutions notes


VI.Public Advocacy and Individual Demands for Environmental Goods lecture article


VII.Federal AirPollution Control Policy / CO2 Emissions Trading notesnotes

Chapter15, Chapter13,p. 255-259

VIII.Topics on Air Quality

A.AirQuality in Los Angeles lecture article

B.An ExaminationoftheHealthEffects ofPoorAirQuality lecture article

IX.FederalPolicy onToxic andHazardous Substances notes


X.Efficiency andEquity inPollution Control notes


XI.Developing Countries andtheEnvironment notes


XII.International CooperationandOzone Depletion lecture

Chapter20, p. 423-430

XIII.Greenhouse Gas Emissions andtheEnvironment

A.GlobalWarming lecture

Chapter20, p. 430-443

B.California’s Climate Policies notes

C.International Trade and Greenhouse Gas Emissions lecture article

D.Urbanization and Greenhouse Gas Emissionsnotes article

Final Exam

Therewillbeamidterm and final exam. Bothexams willconsist of some problem solving as wellas short essayquestions. Take-homeessayassignments will replaceaformal paper requirement. Iwillgiveyou two questions thatyou willanswer in long essays. You will receive fivepointsextracreditfor the essayif you prepareitearlyand allowmeto reviewit with you. In anycase,youwilllose substantial creditifyou turn in an incoherentessay. One homework will also be assigned.

Grade Distribution

Midterm / 34%
FinalExam / 38%
EssayAssignments / 25%
Homework / 3%