Q1. What is the significance of CPU in computer organization? How a CPU can be arranged to deliver better


Q2. Differentiate between RISC & CISC Processors.

Q3. What are Addressing Modes? Explain relative addressing with example.

Q4. What do you mean by pipelining?

Q5. What are the different types of number representation in the computer system? Define fixed point


Q.6 Represent the floating point in IEEE standard format (single & double precision) for the given number

1.00010100 x 2-10.

Q7. Define various instruction formats in detail.

Q.8 Write a program to evaluate the following arithmetic statement with two address instructions

X= A-B+C*(D*E-F)/G+H*K

Q8. What do you mean by Assembler Directives?

Q9. Explain Shift & Rotate instructions in detail.

Q.10 Explain Error Detection & Correction Technique.


Q1. What do you understand by complements? Define r’s complement and (r-1)’s complement with examples.

Q2. Perform the following subtraction:

(a)4250-76532 (using 10’s complement method)

(b)11101-1100 (using 2’s complement method)

(c)1100-11101 (using 2’s complement method)

Q3. Explain multiplication of positive fixed point numbers and draw the hardware required.

Q4. Write method of multiplication of two numbers using Booth’s algorithm.

Q5. Recode the multiplier 0110010 for booth’s multiplication.

Q.6 Perform multiplication using Booth’s algorithm for the following:

+14 x -5.

Q7. Explain the problems that arise in floating point arithmetic.

Q8. Explain procedure for floating point division with example.

Q9. Perform multiplication 0.625x-0.5 using Robertson algorithm for 2’s complement fraction.

Q10. Explain procedure for addition and subtraction in floating point numbers. Also explain what are floating

point numbers.


Q1. How does control unit of a computer function? Give its block diagram.

Q2. Define the following terms:





Q3. Explain the principle of micro programmed control unit and write the advantage and disadvantage of micro

programmed control unit.

Q4. What do you understand by hardwired control unit? Give various methods to design hardwired control unit.

Q5. Define the concept of pipelining with pipelining processing.

Q6. Define Space timing diagram for pipelining.

Q7. Define arithmetic pipelining with figure.

Q8. Define fetch-execute sequence for instruction pipelining.

Q9. Determine the number of clock cycles it takes to process 200 tasks in a 6 stage pipeline.

Q10. Give the general structure of three segment pipeline.


Q1. Explain the characteristics of multilevel memories.

Q2. Define cache and main features of cache memory in detail.

Q3. Explain memory allocation process with its types.

Q4. Define address mapping with its type.

Q5. Define basic communication methods in brief.

Q6. Define 8085 with its pin diagram.

Q7. Define and explain virtual memory organization.

Q8. Write short notes on interrupt mechanism of 8085.

Q9. Analyze the three bus arbitration methods – daisy chaining, polling and independent requesting with respect to

communication reliability in the event of hardware failures.

Q10. Give the architectural details of 8085 microprocessor.