6th Grade Social Studies Curriculum Guide
SUBJECT:Social Studies / GRADE LEVEL:6th / GRADING PERIOD: 2nd 9 weeks
Chapter: 12 / Time Frame: 10 days
Dates: 1/9-1/22 / Unit: Roman Civilization
Essential Standards:
Write to Learn
The Ancient World: 7.3 Roman Daily Life
Lessons / Academic Vocabulary: / Assessment(s): / Additional Resources:
Lesson 1: The Roman Way of life
Clarifying Objective(s):
Time Frame:
Essential Question: What makes a culture unique? / Content Vocabulary
Academic Vocabulary
Visual Vocabulary
Arch / Formative:Review and Assess
Lesson Quizzes can be customized or given as online assessments using McGraw-Hill Networks Assessment
Guided Notes: Have Students use the My Notes feature in the Student Center to create comprehensive study notes.
Lesson Review: Assign the Lesson Review in the Student Edition.
Self-Check Quiz | Lesson 1: Roman Civilization
McGraw-Hill Networks Assessment | Lesson 1 Quiz
Summative: End of chapter test from question bank online / Videos and Presentation Resources
  • Video | The Geography of Italy
  • Interactive Map | Roads of the Roman Empire A.D. 117
  • Interactive Chart | Roles of Family Members
  • Interactive Graphic Organizer | The Greeks and the Romans
  • Interactive Whiteboard Activity | Women’s Roles
  • Biography | Livia
  • Lecture Slide | Roman Achievements
  • Slide Show | Roman Architecture
  • Slide Show | Roman Home
  • Interactive Image | Roman and Modern Medicine
  • Interactive Image | Ancient Roman Glassmaking
Worksheets and Activities
Worksheets can be customized or given as online assignments using McGraw-Hill Networks Editable Worksheets.
  • Guided Reading Activity | Lesson 1: Roman Civilization
  • Interactive Graphic Organizer | Taking Notes: Identifying, The Greeks and the Romans
  • Primary Source Activity | Roman Civilization
  • Reading Essentials and Study Guide for World History | Lesson 1: Roman Civilization
  • McGraw-Hill Networks Editable Worksheets

Lesson 2: Rome’s Decline
Clarifying Objective:
Time Frame:
Essential Question: Why do civilizations rise and fall? / Content Vocabulary
Academic Vocabulary
Participate / Formative: Review and Assess
Lesson Quizzes can be customized or given as online assessments using McGraw-Hill Networks Assessment
Guided Notes: Have Students use the My Notes feature in the Student Center to create comprehensive study notes.
Lesson Review: Assign the Lesson Review in the Student Edition.
Self-Check Quiz | Lesson 2: Rome’s Decline
McGraw-Hill Networks Assessment | Lesson 2 Quiz
Summative: End of chapter test from question bank online / Videos and Presentation Resources
  • Video | The Coliseum
  • Interactive Map | Germanic Migrations c. A.D. 200-500
  • Interactive Graphic Organizer | The Empire Collapses
  • Interactive Graphic Organizer | History of Constantinople
  • Interactive Graphic Organizer | The Fall of Rome
  • Biography | Constantine
  • Lecture Slide | Scaarcity and Inflation Definitions
  • Slide Show | Roman Architecture
  • Interactive Image | Roman Wall
  • Slide Show | Roman Architecture influenced the U.S. Capitol
  • Game | Invaders of the Roman Empire, Concentration Game
  • Game | The Early Roman Empire, Crossword Puzzle
Worksheets and Activities
Worksheets can be customized or given as online assignments using McGraw-Hill Networks Editable Worksheets.
  • Guided Reading Activity | Lesson 2: Rome’s Decline
  • Interactive Graphic Organizer | Taking Notes: Organizing, The Empire Collapses
  • Economics of History Activity | Roman Civilization – Rome’s Decline
  • Reading Essentials and Study Guide for World History | Lesson 2: Rome’s Decline
  • McGraw-Hill Networks Editable Worksheets

Lesson 3: The Byzantine Empire
Clarifying Objective:
Time Frame:
Essential Question: How does geography influence the way people live? / Content Vocabulary
Academic Vocabulary
Restore / Formative:Review and Assess
Lesson Quizzes can be customized or given as online assessments using McGraw-Hill Networks Assessment
Guided Notes: Have Students use the My Notes feature in the Student Center to create comprehensive study notes.
Lesson Review: Assign the Lesson Review in the Student Edition.
Self-Check Quiz | Lesson 3: The Byzantine Empire
McGraw-Hill Networks Assessment | Lesson 3 Quiz
Summative: End of chapter test from question bank online / Videos and Presentation Resources
  • Video | Constantinople to Istanbul
  • Interactive Map | Justinian’s Conquests
  • Interactive Chart | Justinian’s Army
  • Interactive Whiteboard Activity | Justinian I and Theodora
  • Biography | Justinian and Theodora
  • Lecture Slide | The New Rome
  • Slide Show | Hippodrome
  • Slide Show | Hagia Sophia
Worksheets and Activities
Worksheets can be customized or given as online assignments using McGraw-Hill Networks Editable Worksheets.
  • Guided Reading Activity | Lesson 3: The Byzantine Empire
  • Interactive Graphic Organizer | Taking Notes: Listing, Why the Byzantine Empire Thrived
  • Geography and History Activity | The Byzantine Empire: Understanding Location: Constantinople
  • Reading Essentials and Study Guide for World History | Lesson 3: The Byzantine Empire
  • McGraw-Hill Networks Editable Worksheets

Day 1
Lesson: / Day 2
Lesson: / Day 3
Lesson: / Day 4
Lesson: / Day 5
Clarifying Objective:
Academic Vocabulary: / Clarifying Objective:
Academic Vocabulary: / Clarifying Objective:
Academic Vocabulary: / Clarifying Objective:
Academic Vocabulary: / Clarifying Objective:
Academic Vocabulary:
Bell Ringer:
Instructional Tasks:
(Projects, Readings, Literacy and Technology Tasks, Write to Learn, Assignments, Group Work, Research, Etc.)
Summarizer: / Bell Ringer:
Instructional Tasks:
(Labs, Readings, Literacy and Technology Tasks, Write to Learn, Assignments, Group Work, Research, Etc.)
Summarizer: / Bell Ringer:
Instructional Tasks:
(Labs, Readings, Literacy and Technology Tasks, Write to Learn, Assignments, Group Work, Research, Etc.)
Summarizer: / Bell Ringer:
Instructional Tasks:
(Labs, Readings, Literacy and Technology Tasks, Write to Learn, Assignments, Group Work, Research, Etc.)
Summarizer: / Bell Ringer:
Instructional Tasks:
(Labs, Readings, Literacy and Technology Tasks, Write to Learn, Assignments, Group Work, Research, Etc.)
(Formative and/or Summative) / Assessment:
(Formative and/or Summative) / Assessment:
(Formative and/or Summative) / Assessment:
(Formative and/or Summative) / Assessment:
(Formative and/or Summative)


  1. gladiator - a person who fought people andanimals for public entertainment
  2. satire - writing that pokes fun at humanweaknesses
  3. ode -poem that expresses strong emotionsabout life
  4. vault - a curved ceiling
  5. anatomy - the study of the body’s structure
  6. reforms - political changes to bring about improvement
  7. mosaics - patterns or pictures made from small pieces of colored glass or stone
  8. saints - Christian holy people