Abrons Student Health Center

Are you at risk for infection with HIV or another Sexually Transmitted Disease?

1.  How many sex partners have you had within the past year

o None o One o 2-5 o 6-10 o more than 10

2.  About how many sex partners have you had in your lifetime?

o None o One o 2-5 o 6-10 o more than 10

3.  Have you ever had sex with a person with HIV or AIDS? o Yes o No o Unsure

4.  Have you ever had a sexually transmitted disease (of any type)? o Yes o No o Unsure

5.  If you are male, have you ever had sex with men? o Yes o No

6.  If you are female, have you had sex with men who have had sex with men? o Yes o No o Unsure

7.  Have you ever had anal intercourse without a condom? o Yes o No

8.  How often do you currently use condoms with your sex partner(s)?

o Always o Usually o Sometimes o Seldom o Never

9.  Have you ever regularly had sex without a condom? o Yes o No

10.  Do you have unprotected oral sex that involves ejaculation? o Yes o No

11.  Have you ever injected (shot-up) drugs or used crack cocaine? o Yes o No

12.  Have you ever had sex with an injecting drug user? o Yes o No o Unsure

13.  Have you ever had sex with someone who used crack cocaine? o Yes o No o Unsure

14.  Have you ever drank alcohol or used drugs and then engaged in o Yes o No

risky behavior/sex?

15.  Have you ever traded sex for drugs or alcohol or money? o Yes o No

16.  Have you ever had sex with a prostitute? o Yes o No

17.  Have you ever had sex with someone you met at a sex club/internet sex site? o Yes o No

18.  Have you ever been forced to have sex (any type) against your will? o Yes o No

A positive response to questions 1-18 increases your risk

A positive response to the next question can help minimize your risk

19. Are you presently involved in an ongoing long-term sexual relationship o Yes o No

with one and only one person with known negative HIV status?

After answering the above questions, what do estimate your risk of being infected with HIV?

o no risk o low risk o medium risk o high risk o very high risk o not sure

SHC rev 11/08