Raymond Central Natural Resources

Natural Resources

Instructor-Mr. Carriker-Room 106

Availability-Can provide assistance before school, after school (except softball season) and during study hall (must get a pass before the period)

Classroom Expectations

• Be on time with all of the required materials for your class

• Be respectful of the classroom, students and teacher

• Listen to instructions to prevent mistakes

• Chairs are to sit in and not be a form of transportation

Textbook-Managing Our Natural Resources 6th Edition by William G. Camp

Course Description

This course will focus on conservation and wildlife issues. Soil quality and erosion will be big units in this course along with water quality, air quality and wildlife.

Course Outcomes-Students will develop and possess these skills in the course:

·  Identify species within forestry and wildlife

·  Develop an awareness of resources

·  Expand their knowledge of policies within the three areas

Units and Topics of Instruction Periods

A.  Introduction 14

a.  Outline 1

b.  Defining Natural Resources 4

c.  History of Natural Resources 4

d.  Concepts within Natural Resources 4

e.  Test 1

B.  Forestry 12

a.  Tree Growth and Identification 4

b.  Woodland Management 4

c.  Forest Pests 3

d.  Test 1

C.  Soil 21

a.  Soil Introduction 7

b.  Erosion 6

c.  Rangeland 2

d.  Land Judging 5

e.  Test 1

D.  Fish and Wildlife 14

a.  Introduction 4

b.  Game Management 4

c.  Marine and Freshwater Fisheries 4

d.  Test 1

E.  Water and Air Resources 16

a.  Water Supply 4

b.  Water Pollution 4

c.  Water-Use Planning 3

d.  Air Quality 4

e.  Test 1

F.  Research Paper Final 8

All of the following topics may vary in length of time covered or could be scratched from course.

Assessment Plan

Labs 30%

Homework 30%

Tests 30%

Research Paper 10%

Labs-this will include any activity that goes with a lesson. Example would be land judging or tree identification

Homework-Chapter Questions, Workbook, Worksheets or anything else that is done for chapter work

Test-There will be 5 tests over the course of the semester over each main unit

Research Paper-3-5 page paper over food security in a specific country

Emergency Procedures

Tornado shelter is in my office

Fire drill-we will proceed out the shop door to the dock area