Version 1.0.3
PI-TCPResponse Interface1
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PI-TCPResponse Interface1
Table of Contents
Reference Manuals
Supported Features
Diagram of Connections
Program Applications
Principles of Operation
Installation Checklist
Interface Installation on Windows NT
Microsoft Windows Installer
PI-SDK Installation and PIHOME
Interface Installation Procedure
Installing the Interface as a Windows NT Service
PI Point Configuration
Point Attributes
Performance Point Configuration
I/O Rate Point Configuration
Monitoring I/O Rate points
Point attributes
Configuration on the interface node
Startup Command File
Using the PI-ICU to maintain the Startup Command File
Manual maintenance of the Startup Command File
Command-Line parameters
Sample pitcpresp.bat file
Interface node clock
Starting / Stopping the Interface
Starting the Interface interactively
Starting the Interface as a service
Stopping the Interface running as a service
Other service related commands
Example piclient.ini file
Error and Informational Messages
Message Logs
System errors and PI errors
Common problems
Technical Details
PI-TCPResponse Interface1
OSIsoft’s PI-TCPResponse program measures the availability and response times of various essential services that are part of a TCP/IP network. In particular, PITCPResponse allows you to determine the response times of
- HTTP (Web) servers;
- SMTP, POP3, and IMAP (mail) servers;
- FTP servers;
- DNS (name resolution) servers;
- Microsoft Windows NT/2000 Terminal Servers; and
- OSIsoft’s PI Universal Data Servers.
The program can also measure how long a particular device on the network takes to respond to ICMP echo requests (“pings”). Finally, the program can obtain the actual result (and not the response time) of a DNS operation.
PI-TCPResponse stores these response times into OSIsoft’s PI Universal Data Server system. So, you can have access to long-term historical data as well as shortterm current information regarding the performance of your various servers. Therefore, PITCPResponse assists you in proactively managing your network.
Additionally, PI-TCPResponse can help you
- verify your SLAs (service level agreements),
- verify DNS load balancing, and
- test a computer’s readiness for Denial of Service attacks.
The PI-TCPResponse program runs on Windows NT (version 4.0) or Windows 2000 computers. Unless otherwise noted, the remainder of this document uses the term “Windows NT” to refer to both.
PI-TCPResponse requires
- PI Universal Data Server version 3.2 or higher, and
- PI-SDK v1.0.0 or higher (the PI-SDK automatically includes the PI-API)
PI-TCPResponse does not require any special hardware. A standard network interface card on the Windows NT machine is sufficient.
Terminology: PI-TCPResponse is not technically an “interface” because it does not transfer to the PI Universal Data Server existing data located on a device. Instead, it measures values and stores these measurements into PI Universal Data Server.
However, PITCPResponse operates within the PI Interface model. For example, PITCPResponse was developed using OSIsoft’s UniInt (Universal Interface) template. Therefore, the rest of this document refers to the PI-TCPResponse data measurement program as an “interface”.
Reference Manuals
The user may find the following documents useful during the operation of the PITCPResponse Interface.
OSI Software
- UniInt end user document
- PI Universal Data Server manual
- PI-API installation instructions
- PI-API manual
Supported Features
The following table summarizes the features of the PI-TCPResponse Interface:
Feature / SupportPart Number / PI-IN-OS-TCP
Platform / Windows NT (Intel)
PI point types / float16 / float32 / float64 / int16 / int32 / string
Sub-second timestamps / Yes
Sub-second scan classes / No
Automatically incorporates PI point attribute changes / Yes
Exception reporting / Yes; performed by the Interface
Outputs from PI / No
Inputs to PI: scan-based / unsolicited / event tags / Scan-based / event tags
Maximum point count / Unlimited
Uses PI-SDK / Yes
PINet to PI 3.x string support / Not applicable
* Source of timestamps / PI Universal Data Server
History recovery / No
Failover / No
* UniInt-based / Yes
Vendor software required on PIAPI node / No
Vendor software required on foreign device / No
Vendor hardware required / No
Additional PI software included with the interface / No
Device point types / Not applicable
* See paragraphs below for further explanation.
Source of timestamps
The clock on the computer running the PI Universal Data Server provides the source of timestamps for the values sent by PI-TCPResponse.
UniInt stands for Universal Interface; it is a template created by OSISoft to facilitate the rapid development of data collection interface programs. The purpose of UniInt is to keep a consistent feature set and consistent behavior across as many interfaces as possible. UniInt is constantly being upgraded with new options and features.
UniInt is not a separate product or file. Instead, it is integrated into interface programs such as PI-TCPResponse. In any UniInt-based interface, the UniInt template handles some of the startup parameters while the interface itself handles others.
The UniInt End User Document is a supplement to this manual.
Diagram of Connections
PI-TCPResponse Interface1
Program Applications
The following are some specific uses for the PI-TCPResponse Interface.
SLA verification
A Service Level Agreement is a contract between a network provider and its customers. The SLA typically guarantees a certain level of performance of the network.
For example, a corporation has a Wide Area Network (WAN). It has an SLA with the WAN provider. The SLA specifies a minimum response time between various computers on the WAN. This minimum response time is defined in terms of a ping response times. In addition, these minimum response times change during different parts of the day. That is, the SLA calls for a slower response time during regular business hours versus a quicker one during the night.
You can use PI-TCPResponse to perform response time measurements at all hours of the day. These measurements are stored into PI Universal Data Server. You will then have historical data regarding network response times.
So, if you are the network provider, you can prove to your customers that you have met the SLA. Conversely, if you are the customer of the WAN service provider, you can verify that you are receiving the network performance for which you have paid.
Web Server availability
Some network administrators have their web server machines configured so that they do not respond to ping requests. (Examples are and .) To confirm that such Web sites are available, you can use PI-TCPRespone to measure the response times of these servers.
Web Site Hosting verification
Many organizations outsource the management and operation of their Web sites. Web hosting companies that perform these actual management and operational duties often guarantee the level of the availability of the hosted services. When uptime requirements are not met, rebates are provided to customers. For example,
Uptime (monthly %) / Rebate99.50% to 100.00% / 0%
98.00% to 99.49% / 25%
97.00% to 97.99% / 50%
95.00% to 96.99% / 75%
< 95% / 100%
You can use PI-TCPResponse to constantly perform availability measurements of Web servers. These measurements are stored into PI Universal Data Server. You will then have historical data regarding a Web site’s availability.
So, if you are the Web hosting company, you can prove to your customers that you have met your uptime guarantee. Conversely, if you are the customer, you can check whether you are entitled to compensation because of server downtime.
DNS Load Balancing verification
If you have a Web site that receives heavy traffic, you will often distribute such traffic to different physical machines via DNS Load Balancing. For example, you are responsible for the Web site whose address is . You configure your name server to resolve the address into three distinct IP addresses:
You can use PI-TCPResponse to look up the IP address for the Web site at various times of the day. The results of this lookup are stored into PI Universal Data Server. You can then verify that your DNS server is properly load balancing the address .
IP address to name translation
There are many applications that can determine the amount of network resources consumed by your computers. Some of them (such as OSIsoft’s PI-NetFlow Interface) present their results in terms of IP addresses. For example,
Date / Machine / % network usage2/1 / / 21
2/2 / / 28
2/3 / / 18
2/4 / / 22
You probably do not have IP address and the corresponding machine names committed to memory. Also, you may be using DHCP for IP addresses assignment, and you have many notebook computers that connect and disconnect from the network every day.
Thus, on 2/1, the machine with the IP address of may actually be the same machine with the IP address of on 2/2. Similarly, on 2/1, the machine assigned to IP address of may be different than the machine assigned to this same IP address of on 2/4.
The reverse name lookup function of PI-TCPResponse allows you periodically to obtain the machine name for a given IP address. The results of this lookup are stored into PI Universal Data Server. You can then have a record of the DHCP assigned addresses and the corresponding machine names.
Denial of service attack readiness
A denial of service attack occurs when hackers use the Internet to constantly and maliciously connect to one or more of your computers. Your computer spends much of its resources processing the requests for these connections. Meanwhile, users who legitimately want to access your computers cannot get through.
You can use PI-TCPResponse to simulate a denial of service attack. Simply configure the Interface to send, at a high frequency, multiple connection requests to the same computer. Then, use another machine to try to access this computer under attack. As a result, you can determine your machine’s readiness for denial of service attacks.
Router fault detection in a WAN
You can use PI-TCPResponse to determine which router in your WAN is periodically malfunctioning. For example, the following picture shows that the network path between the computer with IP address and the computer with IP address of involves three routers:
You can install PI-TCPResponse on and periodically measure ping response times to each of these four devices:
Similarly, you can run PI-TCPResponse on and periodically measure ping response times to
For a particular moment in time, if you get the following values
Tag / valueping_192.168.100.10_192.168.100.1 / 10
ping_192.168.100.10_152.63.53.237 / I/O Timeout
ping_192.168.100.10_10.109.200.1 / I/O Timeout
ping_192.168.100.10_10.109.200.143 / I/O Timeout
Tag / valueping_10.109.200.143_10.109.200.1 / 11
ping_10.109.200.143_152.63.53.237 / I/O Timeout
ping_10.109.200.143_192.168.100.1 / I/O Timeout
ping_10.109.200.143_192.168.100.143 / I/O Timeout
you can conclude that the router is malfunctioning. The reason is that for both sets of values, the I/O Timeout occurred starting with
PI-TCPResponse Interface1
Principles of Operation
PI-TCPResponse measures the response time of various services that are part of a TCP/IP network. In particular, the PITCPResponse program allows you to determine the response time of
- HTTP (Web) servers;
- SMTP, POP3, and IMAP (mail) servers;
- FTP servers;
- DNS (name resolution) servers;
- Microsoft Windows NT/2000 Terminal Servers; and
- PI Universal Data Servers
PI-TCPResponse also measures how long a particular machine on the network takes to respond to ICMP echo requests (“pings”). In addition, it stores the actual result (and not the response time) of a DNS operation.
In general, PI-TCPResponse measures the response time of a particular service by
- sending a connection request to the appropriate TCP port of the machine on which the service resides,
- waiting for the appropriate response message from the server machine.
For example, the Interface measures the response time of the Web server by sending a connection request to TCP port number 80 of the machine named . PI-TCPResponse then waits for a connection confirmation message. The time interval between the sending of the connection request and the receipt of the connection confirmation is the response time.
For the measurement of DNS server response time, PI-TCPResponse does not explicitly make a connection request to TCP port 42. Instead, it uses the standard Winsock functions gethostbyname() or gethostbyaddress() to query the DNS server that is indicated in the Microsoft Windows TCP/IP settings.
For the measurement of ping response times, PI-TCPRespnose does not send a connection request to a TCP port. Instead, it sends an ICMP echo request message and waits for an ICMP echo reply message.
If the Interface does not receive a response within a specified time limit, it writes the digital state I/O Timeout. However, PI-TCPResponse does not wait for a service to respond or to time out before it performs the next measurement. For example, you configure 3 points so that the Interface measures ping response times to 3 machines whose IP addresses are, respectively,
PI-TCPResponse sends three ping requests, one right after the other. It does not wait until the measurement for the response time from is finished before it sends pings to the other two machines.
In contrast, OSIsoft’s PI-Ping program (v1.4.0 and earlier) waits for a ping response time measurement to complete before it sends the next ping request.
PI-TCPResponse Interface1
Installation Checklist
For those users who are familiar with running PI data collection interface programs, this checklist helps you in getting the PI-TCPResponse Interface up and running. Users who are not familiar with PI interfaces should return to this section after reading the rest of this manual in detail.
You should follow the steps in the order listed below.
- Install the PI-SDK. Verify this installation by running the AboutPI-SDK.exe program and clicking on Connect.
- If necessary, obtain and install Microsoft Windows Installer.
- Install the Interface itself by running pitcpresp.msi.
- Install the Interface as a Windows NT service by running the command file installPITCPRespService.bat.
- Choose a point source for use by the Interface.
- Configure PI points.
For most cases, the InstrumentTag specifies the device.
Location1 is the interface identification number.
Location2 indicates the service.
Location3 should be 0.
Location4 specifies the scan class (and hence the scan frequency).
Location5 is used for debugging.
Exdesc specifies the trigger point for trigger-based inputs.
- If desired, configure interface performance points.
- If desired, configure an I/O Rate point.
- Edit the startup command file (pitcpresp.bat).
- Confirm the settings of the clock on the computer on which the Interface runs.
- Set up security on the PI Universal Data Server so that it accepts data sent by the Interface.
- With PI Buffer Server not running, run the Interface interactively.
- Verify that data are correctly being written to the PI Universal Data Server.
- Stop the interactive execution of the Interface.
- If the Interface runs on a PI-API node, set the Shutdown attribute of configured PI points to 0.
- Start PI Buffer Server.
- Run the Interface as a Windows NT service.
- Verify that data are correctly being written to the PI Universal Data Server.
- Confirm that the Interface re-starts after a complete machine shutdown and restart.
PI-TCPResponse Interface1
Interface Installation on Windows NT
OSIsoft recommends that you install PI data collection interface programs on PI-API nodes instead of on PIServer nodes. A PI Server node is a computer on which the PI Universal Data Server runs. A PI-API node is any computer that has the PI Application Programming Interface (PI-API) installed and which is not a PI Server node.
The primary function of a PI Server node is to run the applications that compose the PI Universal Data Server. These applications archive data and provide data to client computers that request them. Thus, if PI interface programs are absent from the PI Server node, then PI Universal Data Server applications need not compete with these interface programs for this computer’s resources.
After you have installed and tested the Interface, you should enable the PI Buffer Server application. PI Buffer Server (also known as Bufserv) is a utility program distributed with the PI-API. It provides the capability to store and forward events to the PI Universal Data Server. The primary purpose of Bufserv is to allow continuous data collection when communications between the PI-API node and the PI Universal Data Server is lost. Communications will be lost when network problems exist, or when the PI Universal Data Server is shut down because of maintenance, upgrades, backups, or unexpected failures.
Please see the PI-API Installation manual for instructions on installing the PI-API and PI Buffer Server.
After confirming that the Interface and PI points have been configured properly to collect data, you should install the Interface as an automatic service under Windows NT. A Windows NT service keeps running even after the user has logged off. An automatic service automatically restarts when the computer itself restarts. This feature is useful in the event of a power failure.