May 9, 2017

The regularly scheduled meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Holly was called to order by President Pro-TemMusgrave at 7:00 P.M. in the Village of Holly Council Chambers located at 300 East Street, Holly, Michigan.



Council Members Present

Jim Perkins

Dave Cruickshank

Suzanne L. Heiple

Ryan Shiel

Debra Musgrave

Chris Rankin

Bob Allsop


Staff Present

Jerry L. Walker

Deborah J. Bigger

Brian Klaassen

Mike Story

Steve McGee

Others Present

See attached



Village of Holly Council May 9, 2017

President Pro-tem Musgrave called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

President Perkins said that President Pro-tem Musgrave will conduct tonight’s meeting for him as he is not feeling well.

Clerk/Treasurer Bigger called the roll.


1.  Agenda Approval

2.  Consideration of the Approval of the Council Meeting Minutes of April 25, 2017.

3.  Consideration of the Approval of Warrant 2017-009 in the amount of $191,560.99.

4.  Consideration of Approval of Resolution 2017-017 Setting the Council, Board of Commission Meeting Dates for Fiscal Year 2017-2018.

5.  Consideration of Re4solution 2017-018 Opting into Oakland County’s Urban County Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Programs for 2018, 2019 and 2020.

6.  Consideration of Resolution 2017-019 issuing a permit for the 2017 Summer Fireworks Display on July 4, 2017.

7.  Consideration of Excusing the Village Attorney from Tonight’s Meeting.

8.  Consideration of the Business Registration for True North Gallery and Gifts.

9.  Consideration of the Acceptance of the Draft Copy of the 2017-18 Fiscal Year Village of Holly Budget Document.



CM 2017-049 Motion by Cruickshank, second by Heiple to accept the agenda as presented.

Roll call vote was as follows:

Voting for: Heiple, Shiel, Musgrave, Rankin, Allsop, Cruickshank, Perkins.

Voting against: None.

Absent: None.

Motion carried.


Diane Jennings, 714 Holly Bush, said she would like to thank them for updating the roads. Shad said it is fabulous. She said she knows that the bids will be going out for the restriping of the lanes on Saginaw street. She hasn’t seen anything in the past minutes and she wants to know if it will be on an agenda.

President Pro-tem Musgrave said that will be addressed after the one year time frame.

Manager Walker said we are waiting on a report from the traffic improvement association. He said it should be on the second council meeting in June or it will be on the second meeting agenda in July.

Ray Fanning, Rose Township said the Holly Area Veterans Resource Center. He said they have helped secure compensation of over $170,000 this year.

George Kullis, 601 East Maple Street, said he attended the funeral of Andy Green and the Holly Fire Department did a wonderful job with that and with the continued fund raising for his children. He said it was a proud moment to be in this community.




#1. Consideration of the Proposed DDA Director/Assistant Village Manager Contract.

Manager Walker said the DDA position has been vacant since October. During that time, he has acted as the interim along with assistance from Pam Krantz and Dick Rossell. The DDA has selected Katie Hughes pursuant to approval by the Council.

Manager Walker said he will highlight some of the points in the contract. He said most of it is the same as the last contract; any purchases over $500 have to be approved by the Manager and DDA, 40 hours of vacation, additional 40 hours after 180 days. Vacation time is inclusive of personal time and sick time. What this has turned into is personal time off. It can be vacation, sick or personal. The other change is health insurance being made available to the employ.

He said the DDA will pay for the director, the Village will pay for spouse and child. Cost to the DDA is $5502. Cost to the Village is $7,610. The contract is slated to run through June the end of fiscal year. Ms. Hughes went through the screening and the interview process and was superior in all ways.

President Pro-tem Musgrave asked if the vacation days were from the personnel manual.

Manager Walker instead of going that route, we would go into the paid time off plan, which is consistent with both private sector and public sector plans today.

Councilor Cruickshank asked when would be day one.

Manager Walker said it tomorrow. We were fortunate that this fits in with Ms. Hughes schedule.

CM 2017-050 Motion by Heiple, second by Shiel to approve the Proposed DDA Director/Assistant Village Manager Contract.

Roll call vote was as follows:

Voting for: Cruickshank, Heiple, Shiel, Musgrave, Rankin, Allsop, Perkins.

Voting against: None.

Absent: None.

Motion carried.


Village Manager

Manager Walker said only one thing in addition to his written report, save the date of June the 26th for our celebrity server night. He said it is a good part of our fundraising. It will be at the Villager’s Restaurant from 4-9.

Village Clerk/Treasurer

Clerk/Treasurer Bigger said she is presenting the draft of the 2017/18 budget to Council tonight.

Boards and Commissions

Planning – Councilor Cruickshank said we have not had a meeting since the last Council meeting.

KRCC – Councilor Heiple said we have not had a meeting since the last Council meeting.

Personnel/Finance - President Pro-tem Musgrave said they have not had a meeting since the last Council meeting.

DDA – President Perkins said the only item on the agenda was the contract for Ms. Hughes.

Zoning – Councilor Allsop said they have not had a meeting since the last Council meeting.

Parks Commission – Councilor Rankin said that last Sunday was our first drop in kickball game and it was well attended. The kids all had fun. He said he and Tony will get together and see where to take from here. He said they might do a kid’s kickball league. At the Parks Commission meeting, he said they discussed Play Day and Holly Day. Also, finding a pathway between the utility right of way, connecting Riverside Drive and Fish Lake Road. Connect to the Village bike lanes.

Historic District and HAYA – Councilor Shiel said no meetings since the last Council meeting.

President Pro-tem Musgrave asked if HAYA would be selling popcorn at the car show.

Councilor Shiel said yes, they would.


Councilor Cruickshank said on Saturday there is a 5K race, Masonic Miles. He said you can sign up Saturday morning in Crapo Park. Also, he said a reminder of the townhall meeting with Chris and Dave at Karl Richter Center.

Councilor Cruickshank said has sent out close to six communications so far, and it is getting great feedback. And he said the Hope Not Handcuffs, is getting off the ground. If anyone wants to volunteer, they can contact him or Chief Story.

Chief Story said June 1st is the start date. He has put instructions on the website. Mr. Fenning said they put the same thing out on a U Tube video. We have no volunteers from the Holly area yet.

Councilor Cruickshank said we should have information at the next meeting on the video recording of the Council meetings.

Councilor Heiple said she would like to congratulation Katie.

President Perkins said he would like to thank President Pro-tem Musgrave for covering the meeting for him.

Councilor Allsop said the car show opens tomorrow. And he would like to wish Katie good luck in her new position.

Councilor Rankin said that on June 17th and July 8th, they will be having music in the park at Crapo Park.

Councilor Shiel said he would also like to congratulate Katie. He said the Spring Fling is May 13. And the flags will be placed at Lakeside on the 21st of May at 9:00 am. The Memorial Day Service is May 29th at Lakeside at 11:00am. Parade before the starts at 10:00 downtown.


Ray Fenning, said we have a wonderful service on Memorial Day. Also, he said there is a luncheon open to the public.

Mr. Kullis said Jason Hughes turned over 1 year salary to buy a new sound system for Lakeside Park, but we have never added anything. He is hoping we can purchase that sound system as Mr. Hughes asked.

President Pro-tem Musgrave asked if we have any plans.

Manager Walker said we will look into it.


With nothing further to discuss, President Pro-tem Musgrave adjourned the meeting at 7:25 PM.

Jim Perkins, Village President

Deborah J. Bigger, Clerk/Treasurer
