Persuasive Essay Outline and Hints

*While you are writing your essay, refer back to your writing prompt often, to be sure that you are “answering” what they are asking you!”

Introduction (Paragraph One)

Attention-getter: (first sentence)

Examples-Statistics (Eight of ten of my friends say they………) (One out of ten people act……) (Fifty percent of basketball players get hurt during...…..) You can create your own statistics for some topics. Make them believable and reasonable! Then talk about it…

-Questions with a great answer: How can cell phones in classrooms help students and teachers? Let me explain how technology and its advantages can help our society. Then talk about it….

-a funny quote or a serious quote

A famous person once said “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” or

My mother always told me, “Jimmy, wear clean underwear every single day.”

My father always said, “Give it your best, in whatever you do.”

My older sister...

My younger brother…

Life is ten percent what happens to you and ninety percent how we react to it.

-Tell a story or a joke

-Use the writing prompt itself to start your essay. It may be a little boring, but if all else fails, begin by restating it with a statement. Do NOT make it your thesis though!

**These are some different ways to begin….Make it personal...about you….about your feelings, your experiences..your life. Support the reasons why you believe the way you believe (about the prompt) Just be sure to explain your starting sentence. Add to it...


THESIS STATEMENT (the last sentence in your first paragraph)

( the most important part of your essay; this is what you believe about the topic)

Be sure you include all three points(ideas) in a way that is easily understood and divided by commas. Remember to use the word “and” before the last idea.

Take a firm stand on what you believe!

Examples- Cell phones in classrooms are useful because the internet is easily accessed, teachers could use them with fun projects, and they could be helpful in a time of emergency.

Another example- The journey of life is more important than the final goal because we learn so many things along the way, we meet new people in different times of our lives, and each brand new day brings a fresh start.

Then EACH one of those ideas in your thesis statement is what your next three paragraphs will be about. See how easy that is? There is no reason to try to “fill up space.” Your thesis has set your essay outline! See why your thesis statement is so important!

*Between the first and last sentence in the first paragraph, you have to write something...What is it? You ask, “What do I put here?” The answer is: You talk about your attention-getter...expand on it...react to it. Ease into your belief about the topic!

Paragraph 2- Your weakest idea (the one you have the least to say about)-The idea is here to write a good reason, but then you have two more great ideas to talk about, which makes up for the one you have the least to say about. Say it, then talk about why you think that….At the end of the paragraph (the last sentence) write your rebuttal or counterclaim: the other side of that idea; a bad point about your idea) DO NOT talk about it in any detail! Just write this:

On the other hand, ………


Yet, ……..


However, …..

Paragraph 3- Your strongest idea and all your reasons why you believe this. At the end of the paragraph, write your rebuttal. (only one sentence, stay brief)

Paragraph 4- Your second strongest (the idea is to backup your strongest paragraph with some more good writing. Then your rebuttal at the end. (only one sentence)

YOU should have seven or eight sentences or MORE in each paragraph. Each paragraph SHOULD NOT have less than five sentences. (unless you want to fail)

**Please DO NOT LIMIT YOURSELF! If you are a good writer, write as much as you can say. Support your idea with personal experiences and reasons why you believe the way you do. ALWAYS Say more, if you can; It is always good to have more... but do not have any less than five…


This paragraph is all about putting the final touches on convincing the reader why you believe like you do and why they should believe that way too...Repeat all three of your ideas (from your thesis statement) HOWEVER, do not say them the same way...Rephrase not say them all in one big long sentence in this final paragraph! Say them separately! Talk about each a little…

FINALLY, YOUR LAST PART(sentence or sentences) of this essay is SO IMPORTANT! Wrap it all up...BE INSPIRING!




Tug on People’s Heartstrings!


Use your Teenage Angst and Be Dramatic!

Some examples: Keep moving!

Life goes on!


Love is its own reward!

I believe in “ME.”

It needs to go along with what you are saying in your essay...Make it relate…

***Transition words -(to use from paragraph to paragraph) First, Second, Last, Third, Finally, At last, Last, To sum it up, Next, Also, In conclusion, To conclude...Use only where appropriate! It is so important to read back over each sentence carefully and make sure that your sentences say WHAT YOU THINK THEY SAY. Be sure each word is what you meant to write. The person reading your essay cannot put words in for you or try to figure out what you are trying to say.

Good Luck!! GBU! Keep drama out of your life, during this week, if you can help it! No Break-ups! No Fighting with your Girlfriends! No Drama! Go to bed early! Get some rest! Eat breakfast and lunch (protein) Take time to read over your writing prompt sheet, if that will help you! Use your scrap paper and write your outline when you get in there...if that helps you!

Do not forget your rebuttals and be convincing...It is called a Persuasive Essay for a reason. Take your time...READ BACK OVER your final draft...check each make sure it makes sense….to see if you need to reword it to sound see if you need to take extra words out….to see if you need to add commas or other punctuation. USE SPELL CHECK, for each word that you are concerned about.

Be sure to capitalize the word, “I,” or “I’d” or “I’ll,” wherever you use it…

Use the correct: your or you’re, depending on what you are saying...

Be sure to add periods or question marks or exclamation points to the end of each sentence!

Be sure to capitalize the names of places or people. If you are referring to mother or father as a proper noun .then you capitalize the word….if it is just a mother, in general, then you do not capitalize the word. Example- Mother, I want to go home.

Be sure to put quotation marks around quotes...or the words that people say….

All punctuation goes inside the quotation marks (if you do this)

Good Luck! I know you are going to do GREAT, if you apply all that you have learned! :) <3 <3 <3

Mrs. Ward