This page contains our most frequently asked questions. Click on the category of interest to expand the list of questions to view.


What is the difference between catalog requisition and non-catalog requisition?

A catalog requisition is a request for items from existing University contracts with special pricing that are loaded into the online eProcurement system called Show-Me Shop. A non-catalog requisition is a request for items NOT covered by existing University contracts listed in the online eProcurement system called Show-Me Shop.

Do I have to enter delivery and funding information for each requisiton?

No. Each Requester has a default ShipTo code (aka delivery address) and a default chartfield string (aka funding) associated with their user ID. Nothing needs to be entered, but you have the ability to change the defaults as needed. See Requester Funding and Shipping Modifications topics contained in the ePro Requester Training Guide.

Can I split fund a requisition and where do I change the funding?

See Requester Funding and Shipping Modifications topics contained in the ePro Requester Training Guide.

Can I split fund a requisition using another business unit's MoCode/chartfield information if the other business unit is paying for part of the order?

No. Funding on a requisition cannot cross business units. The business unit identified at the beginning of requisition creation must match each line item's GL unit and PC Business Unit on all MoCode/chartfield strings used. After the order is paid, a journal entry can be created to move a portion of the expense to the appropriate MoCode/Chartfield string of the other business unit.

Can I change the default delivery address and where do I change the Ship To code?

See Requester Funding and Shipping Modifications topics contained in the ePro Requester Training Guide

Can I use more than one Ship To code on a requisition if some items are going to different locations?

Use only one Ship To code per vendor on a single requisition

Can I enter no charge items on a requisition?

Yes, if an item is no cost, the system will display a question when adding the item. Click the yes button to confirm the item is zero dollars and to continue with the requisition creation process. Can I enter a discount or credit line item with a negative dollar amount?

Yes, enter a dash before the digits in the price field and the system treats it similar to a no charge item. When an item is entered with a negative dollar amount or zero dollars, the system will display a question after you click Add Item. Click the Yes button if the item's cost is a negative dollar amount or zero. The discount/credit amount is calculated in the total amount of the requisition.

Is there a decimal place cut off in the price field? When I entered our department's annual maintenance agreement requisition, the cost per copy price was rounded. How do I change it to show the actual amount?

The system displays a rounded unit cost on some pages and not others; however, good news is the system calculates the extended cost using the actual and correct unit cost entered. For example, you can enter $.0175 as the unit cost and enter the quantity is 50,000 for line item total amount of $875. After adding the item and going to the review and submit page, the unit cost is displayed as a rounded amount three decimal places out ($.018) with an extended total price of $875. If the system calculated $.018 x 50,000, the total would be $900. The line item distribution detail (accessed via the truck icon on the line item row) shows the correct and actual unit cost of $.0175 and correct extended amount of $875. If you save the req and go to Manage Requisitions, click on the req name/number to see the requisition details, a rounded unit cost of $0.010 is displayed, but again the extended amount is shown correctly as $875. When the Approver views line detail information before approving the req, the unit cost of $.0175 is displayed correctly there too. If you print the req using the UM Print Req process, it will display the correct unit cost as entered.

Can I create a template for catalog items?

No, not a template, but you can create favorites for catalog items in the Show-Me Shop. See the Show Me Shop Quick Reference Guide for instructions.

Can I copy a requisition?

Only non-catalog requisitions can be copied. If the requisition to be copied is not Approved status on the Manage Requisitions page, the requisition should be available to copy into a new request by clicking the Select Action dropdown and choosing Copy Requisition. Be sure to review the chartfield information on each line of the new requisition as some fields may not be populated.

Does a Buyer name need to be included on the requisition?

Buyer field is only applicable to non-catalog requisitions and use of it is optional. A procurement services buyer can be added to a non-catalog requisition by selecting a name using the buyer field look up feature under Line Defaults on the Define Requisition page (entry on this page must be made BEFORE adding any line items), or by clicking on the Line Details icon on the right end each line item row on Review and Submit page after line items are added.

How do I delete a requisition?

Requesters cannot delete or cancel a requisition. Contact procurement services if a requisition needs to be canceled. A requisition can only be canceled by procurement before a PO is issued. If a PO has been issued, procurement would need to cancel the PO and the requisition.

How do I print a requisition?

Use UM Print Req feature. Menu path is eProcurement > UM Print Requisition. Refer to “Printing a Requisition” section of the eProcurement Requester Training Guide for detailed steps.

How come all the requisitions I created do not appear in Manage Requisitions?

Search results depend on the criteria used in Manage Requisitions. The Date fields for searching in Manage Requisitions default one week from the current date so expand the date range or remove the values in the date fields. The Request Status may also limit the results. The default Request Status "All but Complete" will pull information for all requisitions except those associated with POs that are paid in full, so change the Request Status as needed to narrow the search to a specific status or select the first option (blank) under the Request Status drop down to not include any status criteria.