Staff Handbook
Lunch tickets for adults this year are $2.50 and breakfast tickets are $1.50. Only staff working for the student nutrition department will be allowed free meals. Teachers and paraprofessionals will not be allowed to charge meals! Everyone must pay.
Attendance records will be kept in the office, but teachers are to keep an accurate record of absenteeism and tardiness for their own information. All teachers will turn in morning absentee slips to the office by 1:30. No student who is tardy is to be admitted to class until he/she has signed in at the office. In the case of a late bus, the office personnel will announce it on the intercom and provide instructions. If a student arrives at school or is checked out
before your lunch please mark the student present or absent. For perfect attendance awards, a student must not miss more than a ½ day. (The lunch period is considered the half-day mark.)
The audio-visual equipment will be under the supervision of the librarian. Audio-visual equipment not assigned to individual classrooms will be checked-out through a sign-out sheet in the library. If any of the equipment malfunctions or breaks down, return it to the librarian, Ms. Weatherwax. Help take good care of our equipment!
The Navajo bilingual education materials are available through the Title VII Program. The Resource Teacher will assist you in locating information or materials for your classroom. All materials will be checked out through a sign-out sheet.
The Xerox Copier is available for reproducing copies. It is to be used by staff members only. No students are allowed to use the copy machine. The office copier ismaintained for theoffice complex staff, food service and library.
The definition of discipline means “Giving Life to Learning.” Students should never be given a second chance to fail, but always be given a second opportunity to succeed. Student discipline is the responsibility of every adult who has chosen to work in this building.
Unmanageable problems seldom arise in classrooms where the work is well organized and assignments are specific, clear, and meaningful. In classrooms where it is obvious to pupils that the teacher knows exactly what is to be done and how to precede in doing it, where a student knows they are respected, safe and their best effort is needed so everyone can experience success together.
While school should be an enjoyable experience, in friendly surroundings, children must know that there are standards of behavior they are expected to meet. Most students respond readily to wise, positive leadership on the part of the teacher, but are quick to step into the breach when the teacher falters in their role as leader.
Good Discipline and a Well-Supervised School Succeed Together
It is not possible to make rules and regulations to govern every situation which students may find themselves in while at school. It is likewise impossible for teachers to have a set of regulations for supervision of students that will work in every situation. In general, we must do whatever is necessary to insure:
- Student safety and well-being.
- Respect for law, order and authority.
- Respect for the rights and privileges of others.
- Respect for school and private property.
When a situation arises that the teacher cannot handle, it should be brought to the principal. Proper discipline measures will be followed as specified in the Central Consolidated School Board Manual.
Failure letters will be sent home for students who are having academic difficulties, or for students who are working considerably below their academic ability. Please keep in mind that neatness; form, correct grammar, and courtesy are essential in maintaining good public relations.
The appearance of employees is considered essential in creating an atmosphere that reflects the high standards students are expected to meet in their behavior and academic studies. The appearance of school employees affects the perception many local citizens and visitors make about the quality of our school.
All employees are expected to dress in a manner that reflects the nature of their work. Each supervisor shall regulate the appropriate dress of employees under their direct supervision. Common sense, compromise, and cooperation are essential in establishing a professional image and atmosphere within a school.
Any employee, regardless of their position, shall dress in a professional manner. Attire such as denim jeans, sweats, shorts, and T-shirts, are considered inappropriate dress for any employee to wear.
Stokely Elementary School will use Monday through Thursday as professional dress days and Fridays as a "casual dress" day. The principal may relax dress expectations on a specific day, other than Friday, to celebrate a special occasion.
Faculty meetings are arranged and conducted by Mr. Kasper. All staff are expected to attend. An agenda will be provided. Meeting times and locations will be announced.
Field trips are accepted as a part of the education process and should be a definite learning situation. Please follow the following procedures when arranging out of school activities:
- Teachers should submit a list of objectives tothe principal for each trip at least a month in advance.
- All tripswill require permission notes from parents. (These are available in the office.)
- All signed permission slips must accompany the teacher while on the trip.
- Notify food service for sack lunches and if students will be missing lunch.
- Itinerary of the trip and a list of participating students must be turned in to the office.
- Bus / Transportation request forms submitted 2 weeks in advance.
- Over-night & out of state trips require district level approval.
- Explain to parents the educational alternatives that will be available to students who do not go on the field trip. (Which teacher will they be assigned) No child is to remain home & not come to school.)
- Submit a list of attending students to the office, as you leave for the trip.
The fire alarm will be set for a continuous ring. At this time the teacher will announce to the class that this is a fire drill. All staff members will follow the fire escape plan and evacuate the building. Each teacher will do the following:
- Turn off the lights.
- Close all windows and doors.
- Check to see if all students are accounted for.
- Take roll outside the building.
- Turn in fire drill form immediately following the drill.
Fire drills will take place 12 times during the school year. The evacuation plan to be used by each room should be posted in a conspicuous place next to the main exit of the room and the students should be thoroughly instructed in safe evacuation procedures.
1.All fundraising projects shall have prior approval from the principal.
- Each sponsor shall submit in writing the purpose of the fund-raiser with information pertaining to the method and time frame of the activity.
- Moneys will be handled according to state and fundraising guidelines as outlined in the accounting handbook.
- Moneys raised by student groups shall be spent to benefit those students.
- Money will be turned in and receipted the same day.
2.Out-of school fund-raisers are classified as those activities, which involve students in selling products from door to door, or outside of the school environment.
- All activities of this nature shall be approved through the superintendent’s office upon request of the building principal.
- No school shall exceed 4 out-of-school fund-raisers per school year.
- Objectives for the fundraising activity will be submitted in writing to the principal outlining reasons for the activity, method, and time frame.
- Collection and spending of moneys shall follow district and state accounting procedures as outlined in the district accounting handbook.
- Parents and students will be informed on the purposes of fund-raisers as well as any requirements for participation or consequences arising from non-participation.
3.Fund-raisers: “In-School” and “Out-of-School” will be governed by the following guidelines.
- Sponsors are responsible for becoming knowledgeable in district accounting procedures and policies in conducting student activities.
- No student grades, transcripts, nor diplomas will be affected as a result of participation or non-participation in fund-raisers. These items will not be withheld as a result of any student debt.
Teachers may call to the office at any time, however: Do not allow students to play with the intercom. If you would like to make an announcement please see Mrs. Frazier. The ALL CALL feature should never be used during the teaching day. This disturbs all classes and destroys quality-teaching time. Announcements will be made at 8:00 and again at 2:30, please submit your announcements in writing to the secretarial staff.
Lesson plans and class record books, (seating charts if used) must be kept where a substitute can easily find them. All grades given daily, quarterly, semester, test grades, etc. should be kept in your class record book. It should be kept to serve as the basis for answering questions concerning grades by parents, pupils, or the principal. Anything unusual about the student such as late entry into class or withdrawal from school should also be noted.
The lesson plan acts as a guide and refreshes the memory; it shows organization and is part of each child’s public record. Lesson Plans are routinely called upon in legal proceedings and may be demanded at any time by legal authorities. All teachers will submit a copy of their weekly lesson plans into Mr. Kasper’s mailbox each Monday. Teachers are responsible for maintaining the daily attendance of their students as well as recording attendance on report cards and cumulative folders at the end of the school year.
The library is for the use of the students and staff of Stokely School. Teachers should notify the librarian in advance, when scheduling students to the library for an assignment. At times the library will be closed to the students during the school year for the following activities:
Staff Meetings, Staff Training / Workshops, Special Presentations, and Parent Meetings
All staff members are expected to leave the workroom clean and neat. No child may ever be used to render personal service for a teacher. (Example, a child may not be sent to the teacher’s lounge to purchase a soda.) No students are allowed in the staff workroom.
Teachers should discuss the following guidelines and rules with all students onthe first day of school, and remind them throughout the school year.
- Talk quietly to other students at your own table.
- No playing with food, milk cartons, etc.
- No food is to be taken out of the lunchroom.
- Deposit all litter in the proper place. Return trays and utensils to the dishwashing area.
- Students must leave the table and floor in their area clean.
Successful parent / teacher conferences are very important. The school has an opportunity to inform the parents about their children’s progress. Be prepared, you are the expert in your field, parents need your opinions and evaluations. The dates for Parent-Teacher Conferences are; Tue. Sept. 16th and Mon. Jan. 26th. Every teacher is expected to make 100% contact with his or her classroom parents by conference, telephone, or personal visit
Payday falls on the 1st and 15th of each month, unless the date falls on a Saturday or Sunday. When payday falls on a Friday, please do not ask to be dismissed before the school day ends.
Staff work hours are set by contract; all teaching staff on signing their contract have agreed to adhere to the contracted hours of 7:30 to 3:30. There are times when it is necessary to leave school early. It is important in order to maintain professionalism that we hold these times to a minimum and not abuse this privilege. When it is necessary to leave early, come to Mr. Kasper’s office and discuss with him your emergency. All staff are require to sign in & out.
Work hours for non-certified staff
- The normal workweek is Monday through Friday.
- The schedule of hours worked has been determined for the following employees:
Custodian:40 hours per week
Secretaries:40 hours per week
Teaching Assistants:35 hours per week
Clerical Assistants:35 hours per week
The mail will be placed in each teacher’s box located in the workroom. Do not use the schools’ mail service as your personal post office box.
All adults, whether assigned to duty or not, are expected to stop misbehavior any time. Duty personnel are to be active on duty. Personnel on duty are expected to be at their duty station on time and to be aware of their scheduled assignment. A copy of the duty roster will be posted in the building and in this handbook. It is the scheduled duty person’s responsibility to find a substitute if you are not able to be at your assigned post.
A very important factor in the success of our school is the morale of the staff. Due to our situation here in Shiprock, we have opportunities uncommon to most other schools. However, by maintaining professionalism, we can overcome any challenges. Lines of communication to and from the office must be kept open. Complaints should be aired in the principal's office, not in the secretary’s office, at the Chapter House, teacher's lounge or in front of students.
School Board Policy requires all employees to follow the proper channel of authority in reporting or attempting to resolve problems. It is considered to be insubordination whenever an employee knowingly circumvents the proper "chain of command".
Allowing groups of students in the hall disrupts other classes. Only students with a pass will be allowed in the hall. Adults are asked to help supervise the students in the hallway during their respective lunch times. Students are expected to use an inside voice while inside the building.
When a parent wishes to check a student out of school early, they must report to the office and obtain a checkout slip from the secretary. Mrs. Frazier will maintain a log of the student checkout and his/her reason for early dismissal. Only after you receive a call from the office are you to dismiss the student. If there appears to be a problem with a student being checked out frequently, Mr. Kasper will counsel the parents and the student involved.
If you are unable to come to school call Mrs. Matilda Beyale (368-2872) or Mrs. Martha Frazier (368-5211) by 6:30 am. They have the responsibility of assigning a substitute in your place. If you know the night before that you are going to be absent the next day, call that night.
Always make certain that lesson plans, seating charts, class record book, etc., are on your desk each evening when you leave school so that they will be readily accessible for a substitute in case you are not able to return to school the next morning. Turn in a copy of your emergency lesson plans to Mrs. Beyale to keep on file.
Please limit all personal calls. NO PERSONAL CALLS will be relayed during teaching time to staff or students unless it is an emergency. Please check your office box for incoming messages.
Textbooks will be distributed to each classroom prior to the opening of school each fall. Please adhere to the following policies concerning textbooks.
- All textbooks should be numbered. Use the following system in numbering your
books: Year issued, room number and book number. Example: 88-02-1.
- Enter numbers in the most effective manner to prevent students changing assigned numbers.
- All textbooks should be stamped with the State Textbook stamp. If any of your books are not stamped, please use the stamp located in the office.
- Extra textbooks are to be stored in a proper designated area.
- Textbook requests should be brought to the attention of the principal in a written form.
- Students who lose textbooks are not to be issued a new copy until the lost one is paid for in the office.
Transportation requests for activity or field trips must be made in advance. Forms for these may be obtained in the office and must be filled out at least two weeks in advance of your trip. It is increasingly difficult to find drivers available on short notice. Please give the transportation director as much notice as possible. (Minimum of 2 weeks) Out-of-state field trips require district approval. Unique field trips that require an overnight stay require school board approval.