ARM-LWR-387 (Feb. 2006)
/ Wisconsin Dept. of Agriculture Trade and Consumer Protection
Agricultural Resource Management Division
PO Box 8911
Madison, WI 53708-8911
Phone: (608) 224-4611 or 608-224-4610 / Soil and Water Resource Management Program
ss. ATCP 50.08(4), 50.40(18) and 50.42(1)(d)

THIS ADDENDUM to County cost-share contract no. provides for a CREP-equivalent payment under ss. ATCP 50.08(4), 50.40(18) and 50.42(1)(d) for either (check one):

a fifteen (15) year agreement by the landowner to keep riparian land out of agricultural production, or

a fifteen (15) year conservation easement (“Easement”) granted by the landowner to keep riparian land out of agricultural production.

A. The landowner agrees:

1.  That the purpose of this contract addendum is to preserve, enhance, restore and maintain the natural features and ecological values of the premises, and to maintain permanent vegetative cover for protecting water quality and fish and wildlife habitat.

2.  To remove from agricultural production for a period of fifteen (15) years the real estate described in Section 1B of the cost-share contract. The location of the acreage covered by this contract addendum is marked by (flags) (posts) [strike one] and comprises a total of acres.

3.  To convey to the county and its successors and assigns concurrent with the date of this Addendum, a conservation easement for 15 years (“Easement”) on the real estate described in Exhibit A of the Easement, and to allow the county to record the Easement promptly after its execution. If the acreage is placed under an easement, an exact legal description must be included in the recorded easement. [Strike this section if easement is not required]

4.  To comply with the following as determined by the county: a conservation plan that meets the requirements specified in U.S Department of Agriculture’s CRP-1 (Appendix), a construction plan and practice standards, and an operation and maintenance plan. All plans and standards are included by reference and become a part of this Addendum. A copy of the conservation plan will be available at the County Land Conservation for inspection.

5.  To engage in no agricultural production, including livestock grazing, on the acreage under this contract and to make no commercial use of trees or forage or other cover on acreage under this Addendum including the shearing or shaping of trees for future use as Christmas trees (the participants may conduct pruning, thinning, stand improvement, or other activities consistent with customary forestry practices on land that is planted to trees).

6.  To refrain from any use or activity that materially threatens or is inconsistent with the purpose of this Addendum, as determined by the LCC, including disturbances to the acreage under contract during the primary nesting season for wildlife.

Landowner Initials / Date / Spouse Initials / Date / Grant Recipient Initials / Date / Spouse Initials / Date / County
Initials / Date

This document was drafted by the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection.

Personal information you provide may be used for purposes other than that for which it was originally collected (Sec. 15.04 (1) (m), Wis. Stats.).

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7.  To control all weeds, insects, pests and other undesirable species to the extent necessary to ensure that the establishment and maintenance of the approved cover is adequately protected and to provide such maintenance as necessary to avoid an adverse impact on surrounding land taking into consideration water quality, wildlife and other factors.

8.  To provide the LCC, its employees, officers and agents ingress and egress from and to the described property across all contiguous lands owned by the landowner for the purpose of exercising all rights and privileges granted herein including the right of inspection. The landowner may provide a designated route to and from the described property which the county shall use if said route is reasonably convenient.

9.  To repay incentive payments and payments for practices, immediately upon demand by the county, if the terms of this Addendum are not complied with, or the installed practice(s) are not properly maintained, or are not operated in a manner so as to avoid water quality problems. If payback of the grant funds is required by the county within the first five years of this agreement, the payback required will not exceed 1.25 times the incentive payment and any practice payments received from the county. If payback is required by the county after the first five years of the agreement, the payback will not exceed 1.15 times the incentive payment and any practice payments received from the county. Repayment of grant funds shall not be required if a practice(s) is rendered ineffective during the specified agreement period due to circumstances beyond the control of the landowner. However, the landowner must promptly replace the practice(s) without any additional practice payments or incentive payments.

B.  The county agrees:

1.  To provide the landowner CREP-equivalent payments, except for practice payments, in the amounts specified in Section 3 of the cost-share contract, upon execution of this contract with all required attachments, and recording of the easement if required.

2.  To provide the landowner CREP-equivalent practice payments for installing eligible practices in the amounts specified in Section 3 of the cost-share contract, upon certification that the practice(s) are complete and paid in full.

Landowner Initials / Date / Spouse Initials / Date / Grant Recipient Initials / Date / Spouse Initials / Date / County
Initials / Date