Quilter’s by the Bay

September 23, 2015


Meeting called to order by Karen Renaud Williams.

Karen announced the following members have won awards and recognition for their quilting.

Linda Peterson has a juried quilt hanging at the Quilt and Textile Museum in La Conner.

Linda Peterson has a quilt with a blue ribbon at the Puyallup Fair.

Mary Bradshaw won honorable mention and a second place at the Puyallup Fair.

Dorothy Loveless won a blue ribbon at the Puyallup Fair.


Patricia Belyea gave her program on Japanese Yukata fabric

The August minutes were approved.


We had two new members and 2 guests. There were a total of 45+ members present.

We currently have 60 paid for members.

Hospitality and Birthdays

Barbara Burke will be taking over for Betty Bliss for hospitality and birthdays.

Raffle Quilt

660 tickets have been turned in. The guild is asking that each member be sure to pick up one packet to sell.


October Adonna Richardson will be speaking on the Gees Bend Quilts

November Sit and sew- make and take- wool appliqué


Fall retreat is all set

Spring retreat- you need to make sure that you get your money in by the November meeting. You can mail your payment to Heather Stailey or bring to the next meeting.

Small Groups

Mary Johnston wants all to know that the 1st and 3rd Tuesday’s quilters are meeting at the Milton Edgewood Library. For more information contact Mary 253 306 6182

Old Business

Audit- Nancy Keay reports they are still working on this.

Storage Unit- This has been secured and our retreat supplies are in the container, except for the big mats. They will be there soon. Judy Bader and Karen Renaud Williams have keys and Karen is going to get two more, one for each retreat binder.

Kits are being put together from the donated kid fabric by Paula Brevet and Mary Hart-Furman.

Labels for charity quilts - Nancy Keay needs to know where to get those.

An external hard drive is going to be purchased for the guilds financial and day to day information. The total cost will be less than $100.00.

Christmas stockings are going to be made at the Fall Retreat for the Wishing Well Foundation for foster kids. The material is a part of the fabric donation.

December 2016 meeting is scheduled for the 21st and it has been changed to the 14th.

The Hospice House on Bridgeport has 4 quilts hanging to decorate the rooms. They hang for 2 months. Rose needs people to volunteer their quilts. Contact Rose if you have a quilt you can hang.


Patricia Belyea gave away 3-1 yard yokata cottons

Halloween blocks went to Bobby Ventura.

UFO Block is #6

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