

I. 慣用語:

1. Cinderella's stepmother, whose unkind behavior was rather annoying and understandable, used to ______Cinderella and was always looking for faults.

(A) lag behind (B) pick on (C) set about (D) pant for

2. Mr. Money flew to Paris ______Dubai, which was one of his favorite routes.

(A) by way of (B) in case of (C) in need of (D) at the bottom of

3. My grandfather got on the number 204 bus ______last night; he should have taken the number 240 bus.

(A) out of power (B) in trouble (C) by mistake (D) in anger

4. The key to success ______diligence and perseverance, not fortune.

(A) consists of (B) lies in (C) comes of (D) makes up

5. Despite the fact that Helen Keller always had her ways, her teacher Anne Sullivan neither ______her nor gave up on her.

(A) plunged into (B) showed off (C) gave in to (D) made away with

II. 文法:

6. The Kenyans had three runners in the 1500 meters, ______could take the gold medal.

(A) any of them (B) each of them (C) and any of whom (D) any of whom

7. People ______diseases are incurable often look for help from the spirit world, astrology, and magic.

(A) who (B) which (C) whose (D) for whom

8. ______I like the color and shape of the flower, I don’t like its smell.

(A) While (B) Since (C) Despite (D) As

9. Bob ______his report, but his computer didn’t work properly last night.

(A) had turned in (B) would turn in (C) would have turned in(D) could not turn in

10. On entering the classroom, the teacher found comic books and newspapers ______all over the floor.

(A) scattering (B) scattered (C) which scattered (D) had scattered

11. The valley of the Nile ______is less than ten miles wide, is surrounded of both sides by blazing deserts.

(A) which (B) that (C), which (D) where

12.Those two brothers look so much alike that people often take one ______.

(A) with another (B) with the other (C) for another (D) for the other

13. Heidi was lying on the pasture, ______on her face.

(A) the sun shone (B) and the sun shining (C) with the sun shone (D) the sun shining

14. Paris is a beautiful European city ______.

(A) worth visiting (B) worthy of visiting (C) worthwhile to visit (D) worth to visit

15. Jane ______an English composition since 10 A.M., but she hasn't finished it yet.

(A) wrote (B) has written (C) has been writing (D) has been written

III. 克漏字選擇:

(A) Matilda was a pretty and charming lady feeling that she deserved to live a life of wealth and luxury. Unfortunately, she was married ___16___ a very average man. However, her husband not only managed to get an invitation to a grand party but also gave her 400 francs to buy a dress. Matilda then went to Jeanne to borrow a diamond necklace. At the party, everyone noticed her. It was the happiest night of her life. ___17___, on arriving home, she found she had lost the necklace. ___18___ it would cost her 36000, she decided to buy a replacement. She spent the next ten years working hard to repay the money she had borrowed. Matilda became a strong, tough woman with red hands. Sometimes, she would___19___ before the window and think of that happy night. How would it ___20___ if she had not lost that necklace?

16. (A) with (B) by (C) to (D) for

17. (A) Besides (B) Nevertheless (C) As a result (D) Furthermore

18. (A) Even though (B) If (C) Moreover (D) Despite

19. (A) sit herself (B) seat (C) be sat (D) seat herself

20. (A) be (B) have been (C) had been (D) have had

(B) People write to Ann and Abby about many different topics. But how do the two famed columnists answer all these letters? Sometimes, ___21___, they give funny but pertinent one-liners. ___22___, they offer rather complete advice, which ___23___ helpful information about a certain organization. Not all of the letters ___24___ are about problems. Many readers have told about how they quit smoking; others write about “acts of kindness” ___25___ they have witnessed in daily life.

21. (A) if irritated (B) if delighted (C) when approved (D) when appropriate

22. (A) On one occasion (B) Once upon a time (C) Other times (D) Above all

23. (A) including (B) inclusive of (C) includes (D) include

24. (A) they are published (B) they publish (C) which publish (D) which published

25. (A) which (B) in which (C) from which (D) by which

(C) The mystic maze Daedalus created was so complex that anyone ___26___ would never find the exit. And it was unlikely to ___27___ by either land or sea. It is said that the children of the King’s enemy would be sent into the maze and ____28___ by a frightful monster. Yet, ___29___ how dangerous their situation was, Daedalus and Icarus decided to escape by way of sky. Just before sailing off into the clouds, the father kept warning his boy not to fly too high, lest the wax of his wings might melt. However, Icarus did not take his advice seriously enough, and ___30___, Icarus realized that he had flown too high.

26. (A) who enters it (B) entering it (C) entered it (D) that entering

27. (A) glue (B) glee (C) free (D) flee

28. (A) eaten alive (B) being eaten alive (C) eating and living (D) ate live

29. (A) to realize (B) unable to realize (C) being realized (D) realizing

30. (A) before long (B) before that (C) long before (D) that before

(D) Natural Selection is nature's own form of genetic engineering. The most fit organisms survive through natural selection. The rate of ___31___ of new species through natural selection is incredibly slow, but methods have been discovered by which nature has optimized the process.

The entire genome (all the genes) of higher animals and plants are ___32___ into functional components known as exons and separated by regions called introns. Special genes ___33___ as transposable elements serve to mix and match functional components of genes in an effort to maximize the likelihood of creating better genes and organisms. There is some evidence that bacteria, one of the simplest ___34___, had introns and exons in some past era, but lost them in favor of efficiency and other means of acquiring new DNA.

Selective Breeding or "Unnatural Selection", is man's most basic effort at genetic engineering by creating our own selective pressures. Many ___35___ farm animals, domesticated dogs and cats were ___36___ created ages ago by selectively breeding animals together with desired traits. Gregor Mendel helped to establish the rules of genetics through his work selectively breeding plants in the 1800's. Selective Breeding has worked well for engineering animals and plants, but it can ___37___ whole human lifetimes to bring about small changes in a species.

Through unnatural selection, certain attributes and ___38___ can be enhanced by selectively killing all organisms that do not have the desired traits. This has been suggested by some as a viable option for genetically engineering humans. Parents could produce a large number of fertilized eggs through in vitro fertilization. Each could be grown for a while in vitro and then be tested for desired traits. Only an egg with all the traits desired by the parents would then be ___39___ in the mother. There are obvious drawbacks, not the least of which is the large number of fertilized eggs that are not selected. This option is not a viable ___40___ for many couples for religious reasons.

31. (A) revolution (B) evolution (C) reproduction (D) organization

32. (A) struck up (B) broken up (C) taken over (D) turned down

33. (A) know (B) knows (C) knowing (D) known

34. (A) organisms (B) molecule (C) hologram (D) hormone

35. (A) stray (B) defenseless (C) endangered (D) conventional

36. (A) like (B) unlike (C) likely (D) unlikely

37. (A) make (B) give (C) need (D) take

38. (A) arrangements (B) observations (C) characteristics (D) generations

39. (A) transferred (B) destined (C) implanted (D) reflected

40. (A) alternative (B) ultimate (C) alternate (D) cultivate

IV. 文意選填:

A merchant of Baghdad was sipping sherbet in his garden one day __41__ one of his servants came running toward him and flung __42__ down at his feet.

“Master!” he cried. “Save me! I have just seen Death walking in your garden. She looked __43__ at me. I was sure she had come for me. Master, I beg you, lend me a horse so I can ride far away, to a place __44__ Death will not find me!”

“Take the __45__ horse in my stable,” said the merchant. “But where will you go?”

“I have a cousin who lives in Samarra. I can be there __46__ nightfall.”

“Then go now,” said the merchant, “with my blessing.”

Off rode the servant, with the wind at his __47__.

The merchant went walking through his garden until he saw Death still standing where his servant had left her.

The merchant was a wise man, not afraid to meet Death __48__.

“Why did you threaten my servant just now?” he asked her.

Death shook her head and smiled. “Did I frighten him? I didn’t __49__ to. I was just so astonished to see him here in Baghdad, __50__ I am supposed to meet him come nightfall in Samarra.”

(A) swiftest (B) because (C) himself (D) heels (E) where
(AB) when (AC) mean (AD) straight (AE) face to face (BC) by

V. 篇章結構:

Training horses, riding fire trucks—
Some dads do that. Other dads
Mostly sit and scribble figures
All day long on paper pads.
Fixing bikes, some fathers falter
Even though for years they’ve tried.
Every time you try to ride.
That’s why when my bike has problems
I ask Mom. Poor helpless Dad
Can’t twist wrenches or ply pliers—
52 .
Truth is, he’s a whiz at adding.
Once when I didn’t dig my math
In the soapsuds of my bath.
Then there was the time my bedroom
Had a visitor—a bat—
Gently in my baseball hat?
Father. Could you find one better?
Maybe. But you’d travel far.
55 .
Doesn’t matter who they are. / (A) Otherwise, he’s not half bad
(B) And what superhero trapped it
(C) He explained it, writing numbers
(D) Any fathers have their good sides
(E) When they’re done, your chain will dangle

VI. 閱讀測驗


Name (Roman) / Places / Animals, Plants / Objects / Attributes, Activities
Zeus (Jupiter) / Olympia, Dodona, Crete / eagle, bull, oak / lightning, aegis, throne / prophecy, weather, kingship, justice
Hera (Juno) / Argos / cow, peacock / marriage, childbirth
Apollo / Delos, Delphi / snake, laurel, hyacinth / lyre, bow &arrow / prophecy, medicine, archery, music, moderation, law
Artemis (Diana) / Delos, Delphi, Brauron / bear, deer / bow&arrow, moon / chastity, hunting, protecting young, childbirth
Hephaestus (Vulcan) / Lemnos, Athens / anvil and forge / craftsmanship, blacksmith, lameness
Dionysus (Bacchus) / Thebes, Delphi, Asia / bull, snake, panther, ivy / wine, thyrsus, fawnskin / prophecy, tragedy, ecstasy, violation of limits
Aphrodite (Venus) / Cyprus, Cythera / dove, goose / (Eros) / love, sex
Poseidon (Neptune) / Athens, Crete / bull, horse / trident / earthquakes, sea
Demeter (Ceres) / Eleusis / grain / harvest, fertility, immortality (Mysteries)
Hermes (Mercury) / Mt Cyllene, Arcadia / hat, winged sandals, wand / messenger, traveller, leads souls to Hades, trickster
Ares (Mars) / Thebes, Thrace / chariot, armor / war
Athena (Minerva) / Athens / owl, snake, olive tree / aegis, armor / wisdom, war, weaving, chastity
Gods sometimes included:
Hestia (Vesta) / sacred fire / chastity, domesticity
Hades (Pluto) / lord of the Dead

56. He is the god of wine and full of ecstasy when he has wine to drink. But the tragedy always follows the joy

after he gets drunk. Guess who he is.

(A) Jupiter (B) Bacchus (C) Pluto (D) Mars

57. The wreath of laurel leaves were used by ancient Greeks and Romans as an emblem of victory or honor. And nowadays

they are worn on the heads of the winners of Olympic Games and Nobel prizes. Do you know whose symbolic plant is

a laurel?

(A) Zeus (B) Hermes (C) Apollo (D) Ares

58. Some gods have the power to say what will happen in the future, but some do not. Which god or goddess of the following

does NOT have this power?

(A) Athena (B) Apollo (C) Jupiter (D) Dionysus

59. It is ugly that the supreme ruler of the gods, Zeus, has many love affairs besides his marriage. But there are three goddesses

of virgin who do not have sexual intercourse at all or except with the one they marry. Which god of the following is NOT

one of the virgin goddesses?

(A) Venus (B) Diana (C) Minerva (D) Hestier

60. If king of the gods, Zeus, plans to hold a party, who will be the best one to deliver the invitation cards to every one of the

gods and goddesses?

(A) Artemis (B) Poseidon (C) Ares (D) Hermes

(B) According to Dr. William Beck of Basel, Switzerland, creativity is not a gift given to a chosen few. It is part of everyone’s humanity. He believes that creativity is a learned process, one built on self-trust. Everyone is creative; everyone gets ideas. Some people trust their ideas and build on them. They scrape away the useless and elaborate on the good parts of the idea. Some, however, just drop their ideas.

Take for example, the artist who sketches or paints. The artist is a person who trusts what his eyes say they are seeing, the shapes, the empty places, and the colors. When his brain says, “But every sky is either blue or gray, not pink,” he just smiles and goes on with what his eyes see as true. And sometimes, as with Picasso and other modern artists, they know they are moving in new directions.