PRG Meeting Minutes – 23.9.14

Present: Tracy Parker, Paula Sharpe, Jackie Meadows- lea, Julie Parker, Dr Akhtar (part) = surgery

Stan Cooke, Jeffrey Parrans, Noreen Spendlove, Linda Starkey, Sylvia Harris - PRG

Apologies: Barry Appleby

1)  Those who are eligible to have their flu jabs

Any members of the PRG who are eligible for the flu jabs had them prior to the meeting taking place with the exception of Sylvia Harris. This will ensure that the members of the PRG have received theirs prior to helping out with any future flu clinics.

2)  Introduction to Dr Akhtar

Dr Akhtar joined the meeting for 10 minutes and gave the group a brief insight on her past training and confirmed that she will be working with Newhall Surgery for the next 20 months. The group welcomed Dr Akhtar to the surgery.

3)  Support for flu clinics

The group were asked for support where possible with flu clinics. This would involve directing patients to the self arrival check in machine and asking patients to take cardigans/coats off etc. Sylvia could not commit to any dates due to an operation which she is due to have. Noreen will also be out of the country for 45 days (back during November).

Stan, Jeffrey and Noreen agreed to cover the following dates and times:

Friday 26/9 8.40am to 10am and 2pm to 3.30pm – covered by Stan

Tuesday 30/09/14 11.50am to 12.40 – covered by Jeffrey

Friday 3/10/14 11am to 12.30 – covered by Noreen

Friday 3/10/14 1.50pm to 3.30pm – covered by Jeffrey

Any future clinics that require cover Tracy will contact individuals direct. Jeffrey confirmed Tues and Thurs are good for him and Stan confirmed Mon, Tues, Weds are good for him.

4)  Balance of PPG bank account - £465.39 Previous decision was to purchase 3 x fridge data monitors and split the remaining quantity between 4 charities. Paula confirmed the fridge data monitor that we tried caused PC problems. Paula has spoken to practice managers in the area asking for information on types of fridge monitors that they use that are compatible with the PC’s. Money has been suspended until new examples of kit are available to try.

Action – Paula to arrange for new examples asap

5)  Health Awareness Fun Day – 21st August 2014 - update

Good support from PRG, staff, Doctors and external agencies. Good networking between all parties. Special thanks to Peter Archer who donated the goods to sell and to extra helpers – Laura Parker, Geoff and Chris Fox and Lilian Storie . Thank you card to be sent to Peter Archer. Left over merchandise was donated back to Village Hall.

Made a slight profit on the day of £5.48 which the group agreed could be added to the £465.39.

It was agreed by the group that next year we should try another summer activity and to link in the council when they do their “fun days” for the local children.

Action – Tracy to arrange for a thank you card for Peter Archer and send via Sylvia.

Tracy/Paula to email the council asking if possible to join them on one of their Newhall Park summer activity sessions in 2015.

6)  Review action plan for the remaining part of 2014

A review of the action plan drawn up for 2014/15 took place and the following applied:

DNA’s – seemed to have gone up over the summer – what was the reason for this? Jackie to look at the way DNA’s are coded on the system and to brief any changes out to the patient services team. A DNA newsletter to be produced another way to advise patients of the problem surgeries have. Are the DNA’s being driven by online appointments?

Action: - Jackie to produce a newsletter based on DNA information board.

Jackie to look at the way appointments are coded and advise the patient services team of any changes.

Jackie to monitor over the next month how many of the DNA’s are booked by the patients online and feedback to the group at the next meeting in October.

Hearing Loop Awareness - Scrivens will be running hearing clinics from the surgery from 16th October. Scrivens after their first clinic will have a status of AQP – Any Qualified Provider and will then be able to receive referrals from the surgery. This will hopefully be of benefit to our patients having a hearing centre on their doorstep. Once Scrivens are in post a noticeboard to be developed on hearing loop/services etc. Jackie confirmed that the hearing loop system works very well but the portable hearing loop does not get used.

Action: - Jackie to develop a noticeboard in conjunction with Scrivens once in post.

Healthy Lifestyle Programme – as previous Healthy Lifestyle for 2014 has been covered off by the fun day. No further action currently but further events will be run in 2015.

Natterbox Coffee Morning – no needs currently in this area.

7)  AOB

a)  Car park safety – quotes obtained. Paula has met with Chameleon School of Construction who have agreed to do the ground works required and painting and decorating in the surgery. Ground works will start next Wednesday.

b)  Fundraising – the group decided that they would still like to do some fundraising activities such as Xmas raffle and Easter Bingo.

An account needs to be set up and a proposal was to use the Post Office with several signatories required to draw on funds. It was agreed that when the account reaches £1000 that a review meeting would be carried out to decide if the funds roll over or if there is an item that can be purchased.

Xmas Raffle will run from 3rd November to Weds 17th December when the draw will take place. Any prizes to be sent into the surgery. Xmas Hamper to be made up.

The tree of remembrance and letters to Santa will continue this year.

Agreed on Easter Bingo, proposed date Thursday March 19th 2015.

Action – Jeffrey to look at opening Post Office account

-  Paula to write statement for the £1000 review limit for the waiting room

-  Jackie to contact Newhall Social Club to book room for Easter Bingo

-  Sylvia to issue a Hamper wish list for main prize in Xmas raffle

8)  Next Meeting Date

Tuesday 28th October 2014 at 2pm

Apologies from Noreen for this date.