Town of Stockton Springs

Select Board’s Meeting and Workshop

Minutes July 2, 2015 9:00 A.M.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Peter Curley, Lesley Cosmano, Sara Skolfield


MEETING: 9:00 A.M.

1.Roll Call:Call to Order

The Meeting was called to order at 9:04 a.m. by Peter Curley

Motion by Lesley Cosmano to amend the agenda as presented; Seconded by Sara Skolfield. VOTE: 3-0.

2.Organizational Discussion

Motion by Lesley Cosmano to appoint Peter Curley as the Selectmen authorized to sign the payroll warrant and to appoint Lesley Cosmano as the alternate/back up; Seconded by Sara Skolfield.

VOTE: 3-0. This motion is included in the Policy on Treasurer’s Disbursement Warrants for employee Wages and Benefits.

The Board approved the “reminder” to be added to the Select Board agendas. The Board asked the Town Manager to distribute the reminder to all Committee Chairs so that all Town affiliated committees’ agendas would show the reminder.

There was a discussion concerning the “position of chair”. The Board has not had a chosen “Chair” for the past year. The decision was to continue without a designated Chair.

The Town Manager suggested that the Board look to change up their meeting schedule to reduce the Thursday night meetings down to 1. The Board is holding regular meetings every week on Thursday mornings which allows for ample public input. The Board decided that, starting in August, the only evening meeting will be the first Thursday of the month.

3.Appointment of EMA Director

Motion by Lesley Cosmano to appoint Charles Hare as the EMA Director to a term that begins 7/1/2015 and ends 6/30/2016; Seconded by Peter Curley. VOTE: 3-0.

4.Discussion Concerning the Appointment of an Assistant Harbor Master

The June Harbor Committee Meeting had held a discussion about Dave Estes being appointed as an Assistant Harbor Master. Peter brought the topic to the Board for discussion, though the Committee chair had been tasked to do so. The Committee felt that the Harbor Master may need time off (at some time over the season) and as Dave is around the harbor at night, he could volunteer to patrol the dock/harbor area. There would be no additional cost to the Town. The position is referenced in the “Harbor “Ordinance with the Selectmen making the appointment.

The Board discussed the pros and cons of the position and discussed what the job description may look like, and how the position would be filled.

Motion by Peter Curley to appoint Dave Estes as unpaid Assistant Harbor Master; Seconded by discussion purposes by Lesley Cosmano. VOTE: 1-2 with Lesley Cosmano and Sara Skolfield opposed. Motion fails. There was no other motion made.

5.Approval of Accounts Payable Warrant #113 & Payroll Warrant #114

Motion by Lesley Cosmano to approve Accounts Payable Warrant #113; Seconded by Peter Curley. VOTE: 3-0.

6.Acceptance of Donations

NOTE: The Board noted that the Town had received two donations: $600 from the V.A.S.H Marketing Group for picnic tables for the Harbor park and $300 anonymously for mailing flyers

7Report of Costs to Produce the Town Report

The costs to produce the Town report were reviewed. At almost $5.00 per copy, it might be cheaper to outsource the production. The Town Manager will report back on potential costs.

8.Poverty Abatement Correspondence

The Board has received a poverty abatement application. It will be returned as this type of application can only be requested for an individual’s primary residence.

9.Approval of 80K Action by CEO

Motion by Lesley Cosmano to approve the CEO’s request to pursue an 80K enforcement procedure on a violation on Mountain View Road (Rene Walker); Seconded by Sara Skolfield. VOTE: 3-0.

10.Report on RSU #20 Withdrawal Committee- BOS Representative

Lesley is the Selectmen’s representative to the RSU Withdrawal Committee. She reported on the Committee’s last meeting and the various social media posts that she has seen/been forwarded.

11.Setting Goals for the Coming Year

Topic tabled until the next meeting.

12.Adjourn to Workshop Session

Motion at 11:32 a.m. by Lesley Cosmano to adjourn to a workshop session; Seconded by Sara Skolfield. VOTE: 3-0.

WORKSHOP: Immediately following the Meeting

1.Select Board Member Concerns & Comments

Peter is concerned that the shellfish Committee has not met. Lesley suggested that Peter Robbins be appointed to the Committee. She also asked about commercial licenses and if the Town should be issuing them. This is a topic for the Committee to discuss.

Lesley asked about a property on Cape Jellison Road.

2.Review of end of FY 15 Year Financial Reports (w/o additional payables)

Topic was tabled.


Motion to adjourn the meeting was made at 12:15 p.m. by Lesley Cosmano; Seconded by Peter Curley. VOTE: 3-0.