Physical Science Syllabus
Steve Boint – Room 153
Physical Science is an introduction to the basic principles of Physics and Chemistry. For many students, this is the first time they will study the relationship between math and science. Throughout this course, students will gain an understanding of the importance of these two subjects in their every-day lives.
During the Chemistry portion of the course, students will study the atomic theory, states of matter, chemical bonding, the Periodic Table and other chemistry-related topics.
The second portion of the course, Physics, will have students studying motion and forces. Topics covered will include calculating acceleration of objects, Newton’s Laws of Motion, the relationship between work and power, sound, light and electromagnetism.
Grading Policies:
BVHS grading scale:
A / 100-95A- / 94-92
B+ / 91-89
B / 88-86
B- / 85-83
C+ / 82-80
C / 79-77
C- / 76-74
D+ / 73-71
D / 70-68
D- / 67-65
F / 64-0
Quarter Grade Determination:50% ~ daily work, labs
50% ~ quizzes, tests, projects
Semester Grade Determination:Quarter 1 (or Quarter 3) = 40%
Quarter 2 (or Quarter 4) = 40%
Semester Test (1 or 2) = 20%
Late Work Policies:
1. Late work will be accepted for reduced credit
2. Students absent for extracurricular activities are responsible for speaking with the
instructor BEFORE attending the event to get assignments and arrange make-up
quizzes/tests. Failure to contact the instructor BEFORE missing class, may result
in the student receiving a zero for all missed work.
3. Students with excused absences (not extracurricular) will have as many days as they
were absent plus one additional day to make up all work for full credit. Students
are responsible for contacting the instructor to obtain missed assignments and to
meet deadlines.
Extra Credit:
Extra credit may be offered at the discretion of the teacher.
Cheating is behavior defined as cheating in the student handbook. The penalties for cheating will,
at a maximum, be those specified in the student handbook.
Behavioral Expectations:
- Any behavior that prevents or interferes with the classroom learning environment will not be permitted.
- Students need to bring the following to class EVERY DAY – textbook, notebook, pen (blue or black) or pencil, and student planner.
- No food or drink is allowed in the classroom. Water – in a clear bottle – is allowed.
- Students are expect to respect others, their property and their opinions.
- Students must follow the rules and procedures as stated in the Student Handbook.
Disciplinary Actions:
Should classroom rules be broken, the following action may be taken:
First Offense – verbal warning
Second Offense – written office referral
Third Offense – written office referral and begin process for removal from the classroom
Physical Science classes rely upon a flexbook which can be accessed through links on the lesson plan website.
Semester Test:
The semester test is a review of the topics covered in the semester. Students must be able to not only answer questions about concepts or specific memorized facts, but must also be able to work story problems of the type covered during the semester. Since the test covers the whole semester, student tests, papers, and/or notes from the semester's assignments will serve as study guides.