Mrs. M. Hutchins

Honors Chemistry Chapter 13

Dissolved Oxygen and Dissolved Carbon Dioxide

Go to Cherokee web page click on assignments, then science and answer the following questions using the hyperlink and or website provided.


1. / Go to the source page for dissolved oxygen and read it carefully. When you are done, answer the following questions.(
a. Define dissolved oxygen (DO).
b. List three ways that oxygen dissolves into water.
c. Describe two impacts that an imbalance of dissolved oxygen in an aquatic setting can have on the fish that live there.
d. Why is it important to have oxygen dissolved in river or lake water?
2. / Go to the source page for temperature effect on dissolved oxygen and answer the following question. (
a. What impact does the temperature of the water have on the DO in a stream or lake?
3. / Go to the source page for the effect of nitrogen on dissolve oxygen levels. Read it carefully and answer the following questions. (
a. What impact does the nitrogen, or nitrogen compound, levels in water have on the DO in a stream or lake?
b. List 5 ways that nitrogen can get into an aquatic environment
4. / To find out how phosphates effect the DO levels in aquatic environments, read the information at the link provided. Then you should answer the following questions. (
a. Explain the effect of an excess of phosphates on the potential growth of plankton and aquatic plants in a water system.
b. Define eutrophication.
c. What is the major danger of an excess of phosphates in a waterway?



1.  What acid does carbon dioxide gas form when it dissolves in water ?

2.  Compare the solubility of carbon dioxide gas to oxygen gas.

3.  Why does plant life depend on dissolved carbon dioxide ?

4.  What chemical process decreases oxygen concentration and increases carbon dioxide concentration in waters that contain living organisms and organic waste?

5.  Why is it more difficult for fish to use this limited amount of oxygen?