CBS Test Plan

Madrid, 15th of June of 2007

Eurostat Reference: X-DIS-XBRL_Ph2-Task2_Test_Plan-0001

Software AG Reference: PHC7CE01/P72_Test_Plan-0001

Version: 00.02

Worded / Modified / Reviewed / Approved
Software AG Team /
By: Giuseppe Sindoni
Eurostat Project Officer
Confidential Document property of Eurostat /
CBS Test Plan
1.Objetives and Scope
2.1.To Communicate The Task Approach
2.2.To Accept The Task Approach
2.3.To Search The Local Existing XBRL Taxonomies
2.4.To Choose A Local Existing XBRL Report
2.5.To Compile Information
2.6.To Analyse The Input Taxonomy
2.7.To Provide The Input XBRL Instances
2.8.To Develop The Transformation
2.9.To Provide The Target European XBRL Statistical Instances
2.10.To Get Feedback
3.1.2.Project Team
3.1.3.NSI Active Members
4.Inputs – Outputs
5.1.Overall Task Schedule
5.2.To Communicate The Task Approach
5.3.To Accept The Task Approach
5.4.To Search The Local Existing XBRL Taxonomies
5.5.To Choose A Local Existing XBRL Report
5.6.To Compile Information
5.7.To Analyse The Taxonomy
5.8.To provide the Input XBRL Instances
5.9.To Develop The Transformation
5.10.To Provide The Target European XBRL Statistical Instances
5.11.To Get Feedback
Annex 1.Changes Control
Annex 2.Referenced documentation
Annex 3.Glossary
Eurostat Reference: X-DIS-XBRL_Ph2-Task2_Test_Plan-0001
Software AG Reference: PHC7CE01/P72_Test_Plan-0001
Version: 00.02 | 15/06/2007 / Page: 1
Confidential Document property of Eurostat
CBS Test Plan

1.Objetives and Scope

The document objective is to define a test plan, for CBS (Dutch NSI),with a detailed description of the testing activitiesto be carried out in Phase 2 of X-DIS/XBRL Pilot Project, in terms of phases and their schedule.

The scope of this task is delimited in the following way.

CBSmust choose one XBRLreport existing in its country and provide as many example instances of that XBRLtaxonomy as possible.

That taxonomy will be mapped againstone of the frameworks of the European XBRL statistical taxonomy, i.e.:

Structural Business Statistic (SBS) which it was developed in Phase 1 of the project.

Short term Statistics (STS) which it was developed in Phase 2 of the project.

The Project Team will develop the needed software pieces to produce exampleinstances of the European XBRL statistical taxonomy containing all the statistical data that can be extracted from the input instances.

Thistask’s results will be:

The analysis and mapping between both taxonomies.

The neededsoftware pieces to transform the input instances into the target instances.

The owntarget instances as the result of the transformation from the local instances tothe European XBRLframework.


The sections below disclose the activities that will be carried out to obtain the expected results. The whole list of them is as follows:

To communicate the task approach.

To accept the task approach.

To search the local existing XBRL taxonomies.

To choose a local existing XBRL report.

To compile information.

To analyse the input taxonomy.

To provide the Input XBRLinstances.

To develop the transformation.

To provide the target European XBRL statistical instances.

To get feedback.

2.1.To Communicate The Task Approach

Eurostat formed a small Task Force Group to monitor the project progress and to actively contribute to the project tasks.

Several Task Force Meetingshave been held in Luxembourg:

March 2006.

September 2006.

April 2007.

In the latest TFM, X-DIS/XBRL Pilot Project Phase 2 activities and expectations coming from the NSIactive members were exposed to the NSI active members’ delegates.

In addition, a specific treatment was made for Task 2 of Phase 2. Eurostat explained the approach to carry out this task and the expected collaboration from the NSI active members.

For further information, please see the X-DIS/XBRLTask Force Meeting minutes(meeting held last 19th of April 2007).

2.2.To Accept The Task Approach

CBS must accept the proposed approach to carry out the task like Eurostat explained in the latest Task Force Meeting.

2.3.To Search The Local Existing XBRL Taxonomies

CBSmust identify the local existing XBRL reports in their own countries.

2.4.To Choose A Local Existing XBRL Report

A brief analysis must be carried out by CBS to identify the most promising XBRL report in the light of the main goal is to get the largest amount of data from that report from the statistical point of view.

Then, CBS must communicate to Eurostat, the chosen local existing XBRL report in their own country. It is important to highlight here, that just one local existing XBRL report will be mapped against the European XBRL statistical taxonomy.

In addition, any further information on that local existing XBRL report coming from the NSI active member would be desirable in order to make easy the analysis task.

2.5.To Compile Information

Once the CBS Eurostat on the chosen local existing XBRL report, and in turn, Eurostat informs the Project Team, this must compile the proper information in other to carry out the analysis.

2.6.To Analyse The Input Taxonomy

Once the Project Team has compiled the proper information, ananalysisof the supplied taxonomy will be carried out.

In addition, the mappingbetween the local existing XBRL report and the European XBRL taxonomy will be carried out identifying when possible, for each data in the input taxonomy, the target data in the corresponding European XBRL statistical taxonomy.

2.7.To Provide The Input XBRL Instances

CBSwill provide some example instances of the local existing XBRL report so that the Project Team can verify the mapping and carry out the transformation.

2.8.To Develop The Transformation

If the analysis task successes, the Project Team will develop the software pieces to translate the local existing XBRL report into European XBRL statistical instances.

The expected software pieces are based on XSLT, which is a language for transforming XML documents into other XML documents.

The Project Team will execute the transformation process by using the software pieces developed in order to get the European XBRL statistical instances.

2.9.To Provide The Target European XBRL Statistical Instances

The Project Team will provide the target XBRLinstances obtained from the transformation process to CBS so that they can verify the mapping and evaluate the results.

2.10.To Get Feedback

CBS will communicate their feedback to Eurostat about the result of the POC.



Eurostat Unit B3 is leading the project and performing the tracking tasks needed for the successful of this phase of the project.

For the testing task, Eurostat will also coordinate the communication between the NSI and the Project Team as well as demanding the undertaken commitments for all the stakeholders.

3.1.2.Project Team

Software AG is the contractor selected to carry out the activities in this phase 2 in general, and also for this task in particular.

The table below shows the Software AG resources that will participate in the task.

Role’s Resource / Activities Allocation
Project Leader / Management
Consultant 1 / Task 2 – Plans Documentation
Consultant 2 / Task 2 - Analysis and mapping of local existing XBRL taxonomies against the European XBRL Taxonomy
Analyst-Programmer / Task 2 - Design and development to convert the local existing XBRL instances into European XBRL instances

3.1.3.NSI Active Members

As a consequence of the Task Force Meeting commitments and in order to achieve the project goals, the involvement of the NSI active members is required in this testing task.

Those NSI active members which will take part in this Phase 2 are shown in the table below:

NSI Active Member / Country
CSB (Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek) / The Netherlands
STATBEL (Statistics Belgium) / Belgium
INE(Instituto Nacional de Estadística) / Spain
CSO (Central Statistics Office Ireland) / Ireland

4.Inputs – Outputs


The task needs the following inputs to obtain the expected result:

The local existing XBRL taxonomy definition,identified by CBS.

The local existing XBRLexample instances, provided by CBS.

The European XBRLstatistical taxonomy to map against.

This Test Plan document.

The Test Description document.


The task carrying out will provide the following outputs:

The software piece (XSLT expected) which will be able to transform any input XBRL instance into the expected European XBRL statistical instance.

The European XBRL statistical instances as the result of applying the XSLT to the local XBRL instances.

The Test Results document showing the conclusion drawn in this task.

The Technological Development Report, if CBS required assistance.


5.1.Overall Task Schedule

The overall schedule is shown in the picture below.

For each activity in the testing task, a detailed schedule is shown in the next sections. It also commented who is the owner of each activity.

5.2.To Communicate The Task Approach

This task is shown in the picture below.

The task must be carried out by Eurostat with support of Project Team members.

5.3.To Accept The Task Approach

The milestone of this activity is shown in the picture below.

The task must be carried out by CBS.

5.4.To Search The Local Existing XBRL Taxonomies

The milestone to end this task is the same as commented in the task above.

The task must be carried out by CBS as well.

5.5.To Choose A Local Existing XBRL Report

The milestone for this activity is the same as commented in the task above.

The task must be carried out by CBS as well.

5.6.To Compile Information

The task schedule is shown in the picture below.

The task must be carried out by the Project Team.

5.7.To Analyse The Taxonomy

The task schedule is shown in the picture below.

The task must be carried out by the Project Team.

5.8.To provide the Input XBRL Instances

The milestone is shown in the picture below.

The task must be carried out by CBS.

5.9.To Develop The Transformation

The task schedule is shown in the picture below.

The task must be carried out by the Project Team.

5.10.To Provide The Target European XBRL Statistical Instances

The milestone is shown in the picture below.

The task must be carried out by the Project Team. The target XBRL instances will be delivered to Eurostat who In turn, provide them to CBS.

5.11.To Get Feedback

The milestoneis shown in the picture below.

The task must be carried out by CBS who will provide their feedback to Eurostat.

6. Annexes

Eurostat Reference: X-DIS-XBRL_Ph2-Task2_Test_Plan-0001
Software AG Reference: PHC7CE01/P72_Test_Plan-0001
Version: 00.02 | 15/06/2007 / Page: 1
Confidential Document property of Eurostat
CBS Test Plan

Annex 1.Changes Control

Changes Control List
Version 01.00
First release

Annex 2.Referenced documentation

Eurostat Reference / Software AG Reference / Title
X-DIS_XBRL_Ph2-Plan / X-DIS_XBRL_Ph2-Plan / X-DIS/XBRL Pilot Project Phase 2 Project Plan
XBRL-TF Meeting Minutes 19-04-07 / X-DIS/XBRL Pilot Project Task Force Meting Minutes

Annex 3.Glossary

Concept / Description
CBS / Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek.
CIRCA / Communication and Information Resources Centre Administrator. Document repository Web service allowing remote partners to share a structured information base, including discussion forums and virtual meetings.

CIRCA login page
CSO / Central Statistics Office Ireland.
INE / Instituto Nacional de Estadística de España.
NSI / National Statistics Institute isthe specificNational Institute in charge of public statistics.
POC / Proof of concept
SBS / Structural Business Statistics
STATBEL / Statistics Belgium.
STS / Short Term Statistics
TFM / Task Force Meeting
XBRL / eXtensible Business Reporting Language
X-DIS / XML for Data Interoperability in Statistics
XSLT / eXtensible Stylesheet Language Family
Eurostat Reference: X-DIS-XBRL_Ph2-Task2_Test_Plan-0001
Software AG Reference: PHC7CE01/P72_Test_Plan-0001
Version: 00.02 | 15/06/2007 / Page: 1
Confidential Document property of Eurostat