Approved notes from the Emergency Management Technical Committee (EM-TC) Meeting

Date: May 16,2017Next meeting: May 30, 2017

  1. Attendance

Patti Aymond
Rex Brooks
Gary Ham
Elysa Jones
Al Kenyon

A quorum was in attendance

  1. The Meeting notes for May 16, 2017 were reviewed and minor corrections made. Rex made and I seconded a motion to approve the amended notes.
  1. Notes from the Chair.
  2. EIC meeting 5/26. I am still looking to obtain the NWS presentation. When I find it, it will be posted to the TC repository in the “Emergency Interoperability Member” Section folder. Recall this presentation identifies enhancements and fixes the NWS made in their use of CAP. As of April 30, their CAP 1.2 becomes operational with termination of CAP 1.1 by Sept 1, 2017. They have also added CAP parameters, provided multiple dissemination channels (to include JSON) and updated documentation.
  3. I have not reached out to Ed Czarneci yet regarding AS work and need his contact info. Thanks to Al who will provide.
  4. Patti informed the group that she will be retiring as of June 30. We expressed our sincere thanks to her for all her contributions to the EMTC over the many years. She has not been shy to take on roles to support our work when often times the size of the iceberg was not known. Her work early on with CAP and most recently the huge accomplishment with TEP and the HL7 liaison work is highly commended. Her departure will leave a huge gap and big shoes to fill. Patti indicated that IEM will continue participation in OASIS and the EMTC. However, Karen Legrand will be picking up some larger responsibilities and may not be as available as expected. IEM does intend to provide a resource to help with the work underway. Patti’s departure will also leave a seat in the Emergency Steering Committee Member Section. We discussed that perhaps Al Kenyon would be willing to serve. We described the meetings to be once a month and the role the MS plays. Al will talk to leadership at FEMA to see if he could be made available. Rex expressed that it would be very good to have a FEMA representative on the Steering Committee given their commitment to CAP. It could also help to spread the word about the EDXL standards.
  5. As Scott Robertson is not on the call, Rex informed us know that Scott will be on vacation for a couple of weeks. Scott was on the HAVE call Monday and will be joining again after in a more active role when he returns. Rex also suggested that I should resend the HL7 Project scope Statement drafts for his review when he returns.
  6. I reported on a discussion with former EMTC member and longtime supporter of the EDXL work, Don McGarry. He is now CTO with Ardent who has an active work product using the Distribution Element (DE). He said he has budget to and intends to rejoin OASIS and become active in our work. He further expressed an interest in participating in the EDXL workshop.
  1. Subcommittee (SC) Reports.
  2. EDXL- Hospital Availability Exchange (HAVE). Rex reported that meetings are going well. They hope to be able to wrap up the data dictionary work in another week. They are veering away from adding the diagrams. Karen does not think they are necessary and Rex agrees it may not be a good idea. She added that her time may be restricted going forward. Rex added that HAVE may not be able to be the model for the data dictionary, we will just need to wait and see as his work on the toolkit progresses. Patti noted that IEM was recently awarded one of the biggest projects ever and Karen will be distracted due to her commitment on that project. Patti is meeting someone new to the IEM team to see if he could be a good one to take over the OASIS involvement. Rex asked if there is a chance of a tie in for TEP with the new IEM work. Patti offered that the new project is in the area of disaster response. I offered that Honeycomb Networks may be in a position to bring TEP forward in the OASIS implementation space.
  3. EDXL Reference Information Model (RIM) SC. Rex reported that the RIM SC is considering standing up the Infrastructure SC regarding the DE. During his work with developing the toolkit there are two specific issues with the DE 1) use of Xlink and 2) adding the list of emergency data exchange language specifications that he feels should be included. There will be a call next Tues to discuss this possibility.
  4. Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) SC. Rex and I reported from the recent CAP SC Meeting that we are making some progress on the details of the event list. We are meeting every 2 weeks and will have more work to do to prepare for the CAP workshop. We asked if anyone on the call would be attending the workshop, specifically FEMA. Al said with the budget constraints it would be a hard lift. He added there has been some changes at FEMA/IPAWS but as of Monday, Mark Lucero remains branch chief for engineering. Al is now branch chief overseeing customer service and dealing more with alerting authorities.
  5. Adoption.
  6. The time for the Adoption meetings have changed to accommodate Tom Ferrentino’s new job commitment. It will now be 2:30ET. Tom is waiting to get intro to Nuwan to discuss ref implementation of SitRep.
  7. Rex reported that this committee supports the effort of the toolkit that the RIM is doing. Help is needed and he hopes to get Ardent involved.
  8. EDXL Workshop Planning. Current presentations expected:
  9. EDXL Intro and Overview – Elysa
  10. EDXL Toolkit and reference implementations – Rex
  11. IES presents EDXL usage in Italy – Massimo Cristaldi?
  12. Italian Fire Corp to present EDXL usage – Stephano?
  13. Sahana to present EDXL/SitRep – Nuwan Waidyanatha
  14. Ardent to present EDXL/DE – Don McGarry
  15. Honeycomb Networks to present TEP/HAVE (?) - Elysa
  16. Wrap up – summary, notes and next steps
  1. Adjourn. With our agenda complete, Rex made and Patti seconded a motion to adjourn. All agreed.

Respectfully submitted,

Elysa Jones Chair OASIS EM TC

Emergency Management Technical Committee