Location: Town Hall, 9:00 a.m.
Attendees: Dennis Thornton, Joe Mass, Carol Wegner, Pam Bruecker, Fran West, Dick Thurow, Dave Rosenfeldt Guests: Jessica Meier, Chris Sampson
1. Dennis called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.
2. Joe moved to accept the minutes of the April 10, 2017 meeting, Dave second, motion carried.
3. The treasurer’s report was presented by Pam.Paid Liability Insurance $900. Current membership is 179 with additional donations $14,560. Dave moved to accept the treasurer’s report, Dick second, motion carried.
4. Annual Meeting May 27, 10 a.m. at Round Lake Park. Carol will duplicate minutes of last meeting, agenda, and treasurer’s report. Pam will provide updated membership report for check-in of attendees. Pam and Fran will see to coffee and donuts. Chris Sampson will run for board position and Jessica Meier will run for Treasurer.
5.DaneeCollier is the new boat monitor.
6.Danee will hand out 50 ice packs to fishermen during the June 9-11 Drain Campaign.
7. Scott Koehnke will reset the modern high water lake level measurement on May 30 at 10 a.m. with a backup at the dam.
8. Carol and the Welcome Committee are preparing new Welcome Packets to be given to new lake residents. A free membership will be given to Micksters for issuing Annual Boat Landing Passes.
9. Dennis attended the WAMSCO meeting on April 22. Boating rules, zoning, and shoreland restoration wee discussed.
10. The lake management plan needs an update on previous studies.
11. Dave indicated the buoys are dented and discolored and should be replaced. DNR needs to authorize wording. The town may be able to purchase. There will be a new pier on Round Lake.
Chris told of a solar aerator for dredging on Adams Beach muck. A larger sign should indicate new regulations for fish sizes. The boat monitor should inform fishermen. When the DNR netted fish there were no Walleyes.
Dennis mentioned the notice about Rustic Drive Neighbors organization.
There is only one baby eagle according to Molly Joosten
Bears have been sighted in woods, eating bird seed from feeders, and Dennis T had bears on his deck.
12. The next board meeting will be held June12, 2017 at the Town Hall. At 10:25 a.m. Joe moved to adjourn the meeting, Dave second, motion carried.
Carol Wegner, Secretary
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