Macbeth – Tyrant
Introduction – Text details, words of question, summary of play (2 sentences), themes and personal response.
P1 – Initial impression of Macbeth – noble and brave BUT ruthless streak evident. Quote how he behaves in battle - this suggests an evil side. Early indication of more to Macbeth than loyal soldier.
P2–Macbeth’s opening words ‘So foul and fair a day I have not seen’ (1,3,36) – paradox suggesting all is not as it seems with Macbeth. Meeting with witches – how does he respond? He wants to hear more he is seduced by the idea of power.
- (1,3,138-142) Macbeth is already thinking of murdering Duncan
- He is angry at being overlooked for King instead it is Malcolm (1,4,49-53)
P3 – Murder of Duncan – he knows this is wrong (quote) BUT he allows himself to be manipulated by Lady Macbeth and carries out the murder. Both these characters demonstrate extreme ambition. We realise he is not to be trusted – ‘False face must hide what false heart doth know’ (1,7,82)Murders the guards – is this necessary? Does this reveal a ruthless side? Refer to words of the question.
P4–Murder of Banquo – to deny Banquo’s sons the throne ‘No son of mine succeeding. If’t be so, For Banquo’s issue have I filed my mind’ (3,1,66-67) Macbeth orders the murder of Banquo and Fleance. He now longer behaves as a ‘noble soldier’. Macbeth recognises he is behaving in an unacceptable manner – river of blood metaphor – (3,4,134-136). He visits the witches and chooses to continue with violence. ‘Something wicked this way comes’ (4,1,45)
p.5 –Murder of Mcduff’s defenceless family. Macbeth is a complete tyrant ruling by fear – quote. He has almost forgotten how to fear – has he been dehumanised (5,5,9). Moreover look at how he speaks to his servants ‘What soldiers , whey-face’ (5,3,17) and (5,5,34). His court are deserting him ‘Then fly false thanes’ (5,3,7) This is ironic as he too was a ‘false face’ to Duncan.
P6 – Destruction of Scotland ‘Alas poor country…smile’ (4,3,168-170). Macbeth has been continually referred to as a tyrant by Macduff (4,3,180) (5,7,15), Lennox (3,6,22). Macbeth refuses to recognise he has brought the country to its knees ‘I will not yield/To kiss the ground before young Malcolm’s feet’ (5,9,27-28). When Macbeth is slain Macduff says ‘Th’usurper’s head’ (5,9,22) which reveals it is known he was a ‘false’ king. Finally Macbeth is referred to the ‘dead butcher’ this sums up Macbeth’s bloody and cruel reign.
Conclusion – sum up your argument – no new points and no quotes. Return to words of question and give personal response.
Link words, no abbreviations, topic sentences, analyse techniques – metaphor, pathetic fallacy – weather representing evil. Word choice – fires, dark, grave – what do these words suggest. Analyse words from quotations you use. Revelation of Macbeth’s character comes through his actions, his asides and soliloquys which reveal his evil and weaknesses and from what other characters say about him.
Macbeth – Tragic Hero
Introduction – Text details, words of question, summary of play (2 sentences), themes and personal response.
P1 – Initial impression of Macbeth – noble and brave people have a high opinion of him and he is of ‘noble’ birth related to the King. You may mention ruthless side but this must be viewed in a positive light to emphasise he would be a formidable leader.
P2 – Macbeth’s opening words ‘So foul and fair a day I have not seen’ (1,3,36) – paradox suggesting all is not as it seems with Macbeth. The witches appear to have him in their power as he repeats what they say earlier. Meeting with witches – how does he respond? He wants to hear more he is seduced by the idea of power.
- He is pleased at the idea of being King (1,3,127-129) ‘Two truths…’
- He reveals ambition but does not want to pursue this (1,4,49-53)
Shakespeare reveals character through Macbeth’s soliloquys which help us to understand and sympathise with him. We see his fatal flaw.
P3 – Lady Macbeth reveals kind side to Macbeth ‘Yet I do fear thy nature…way’ (14-16) Does he value ‘the golden opinions’.Murder of Duncan – he knows this is wrong (quote) but he allows himself to be manipulated by Lady Macbeth and carries out the murder – demonstrating extreme ambition. Sees the dagger does this suggest evil forces also at work?How does he react after the death? What happens? Does he show remorse?
P4 – Reversal of fortune. ‘Fruitless crown’ (3,1,62) Murders Banquo – insecurity. He no longer behaves as a ‘noble soldier’ and experiences extreme guilt when seeing Banquo’s ghost. River of blood metaphor (3,4,134-136) reveals he feels trapped. He visits the witches and is again manipulated when told to ‘Fear Macduff’.
p.5 – Murder of Mcduff’s family. This is a heinous crime and portrays Macbeth’s lowest deed. Macbeth has almost forgotten how to fear – has he been dehumanised -he recognises this when he hears his wife scream (5,5,9). Moreover members of his court are deserting him he recognises that the values of life will be denied him in old age (5,3,23-25) – recognition that he has brought his own downfall.
P6 – Following his wife’s suicide he realises the brevity of human life. He returns to a noble soldier asking for his armour. He does not want to fight Macduff out of guilt but does not deny Macduff a fight and dies a soldier’s death. The country is restored and there is a sense of cleansing and a new start which the demise of a tragic hero brings. Do you feel sorry for him.
Conclusion – sum up your argument – no new points and no quotes. Return to words of question and give personal response.
Link words, no abbreviations, use topic sentences, analyse techniques – metaphor, pathetic fallacy – weather representing evil. Word choice – golden opinions, valiant – what do these words suggest. Analyse words from quotations you use. Revelation of Macbeth’s character comes through his actions, his asides and soliloquys which reveal his guilt and finally from what other characters say about him.