Table S2. Object Descriptions, object-color matches, object valences and color preferences for each color. The first letter in the color name refers the cut (saturated (S), light (L), muted (M), and dark (D). The second letter in the name refers to the hue (red (R), orange (O), yellow (Y), chartreuse (H), green (G), cyan (C), blue (B) and purple (P)).

Color / Object Description / Object-Color Match / Object Valence / Color Preference
SR / blood / 0.42 / -27.73 / 10.7
SR / cherries / 0.50 / 44.54 / 10.7
SR / fire / 0.44 / 0.23 / 10.7
SR / fire truck / 0.53 / 7.55 / 10.7
SR / heart / 0.51 / 60.87 / 10.7
SR / lips / 0.53 / 45.90 / 10.7
SR / lipstick / 0.69 / 14.01 / 10.7
SR / pollen / 0.14 / -15.85 / 10.7
SR / red apples (e.g. red delicious, fuji) / 0.47 / 47.57 / 10.7
SR / red nail polish / 0.63 / 15.17 / 10.7
SR / reddish/pink flowers / 0.65 / 45.38 / 10.7
SR / roses / 0.51 / 53.30 / 10.7
SR / santa suit / 0.50 / 34.29 / 10.7
SR / stop light/sign / 0.51 / -14.40 / 10.7
SR / strawberries / 0.49 / 60.65 / 10.7
SR / sun / 0.29 / 56.91 / 10.7
SR / sunset / 0.56 / 69.27 / 10.7
SR / tomatoes / 0.44 / 25.29 / 10.7
SR / tongues / 0.43 / 8.48 / 10.7
LR / blush (makeup) / 0.73 / 12.05 / 2.3
LR / bubble gum / 0.81 / 24.45 / 2.3
LR / carnations / 0.70 / 32.02 / 2.3
LR / chocolate / 0.07 / 54.93 / 2.3
LR / flesh / 0.54 / -6.99 / 2.3
LR / light skin / 0.41 / 23.02 / 2.3
LR / lips / 0.55 / 45.90 / 2.3
LR / lipstick / 0.54 / 14.01 / 2.3
LR / nipples / 0.57 / 23.93 / 2.3
LR / organs / 0.49 / 4.90 / 2.3
LR / peaches / 0.46 / 54.64 / 2.3
LR / pepto bismol / 0.80 / -19.80 / 2.3
LR / pigs / 0.75 / 2.30 / 2.3
LR / pink erasers / 0.84 / 15.87 / 2.3
LR / reddish/pink flowers / 0.70 / 45.38 / 2.3
LR / roses / 0.61 / 53.30 / 2.3
LR / rosy cheeks (blushing, flushed) / 0.70 / 37.77 / 2.3
LR / salmon / 0.79 / 24.61 / 2.3
LR / skin / 0.46 / 23.88 / 2.3
LR / strawberry milk shake / 0.66 / 46.28 / 2.3
LR / sun burn / 0.51 / -50.60 / 2.3
LR / sunset / 0.44 / 69.27 / 2.3
LR / tongues / 0.52 / 8.48 / 2.3
LR / tulips / 0.57 / 40.56 / 2.3
MR / adobe clay (houses, pottery) / 0.54 / 15.03 / 4.9
MR / blood / 0.23 / -27.73 / 4.9
MR / bricks / 0.38 / 2.01 / 4.9
MR / bubble gum / 0.69 / 24.45 / 4.9
MR / cherries / 0.29 / 44.54 / 4.9
MR / clay / 0.43 / 14.03 / 4.9
MR / dirt/earth / 0.25 / 14.14 / 4.9
MR / feces / 0.08 / -72.99 / 4.9
MR / fire truck / 0.15 / 7.55 / 4.9
MR / grapefruit / 0.77 / 22.25 / 4.9
MR / lips / 0.59 / 45.90 / 4.9
MR / lipstick / 0.62 / 14.01 / 4.9
MR / medium tone skin / 0.35 / 32.16 / 4.9
MR / mud / 0.16 / -21.30 / 4.9
MR / organs / 0.58 / 4.90 / 4.9
MR / peaches / 0.54 / 54.64 / 4.9
MR / pigs / 0.70 / 2.30 / 4.9
MR / pink erasers / 0.75 / 15.87 / 4.9
MR / red apples (e.g. red delicious fuji) / 0.31 / 50.50 / 4.9
MR / red nail polish / 0.34 / 15.17 / 4.9
MR / reddish/pink flowers / 0.64 / 45.38 / 4.9
MR / roses / 0.55 / 53.30 / 4.9
MR / rosy cheeks (blushing, flushed) / 0.72 / 37.77 / 4.9
MR / salmon / 0.84 / 24.61 / 4.9
MR / skin / 0.44 / 23.88 / 4.9
MR / stop light/sign / 0.18 / -14.40 / 4.9
MR / strawberries / 0.35 / 60.65 / 4.9
MR / sun / 0.18 / 56.91 / 4.9
MR / sun burn / 0.64 / -50.60 / 4.9
MR / sun tan / 0.33 / 26.40 / 4.9
MR / sunset / 0.55 / 69.27 / 4.9
MR / tangerines / 0.29 / 53.05 / 4.9
MR / terra cota / 0.52 / 6.98 / 4.9
MR / tree bark / 0.13 / 17.43 / 4.9
MR / tulips / 0.53 / 40.56 / 4.9
MR / watermellon / 0.50 / 52.35 / 4.9
DR / blood / 0.78 / -27.73 / 38.3
DR / blush (makeup) / 0.53 / 12.05 / 38.3
DR / bricks / 0.71 / 2.01 / 38.3
DR / cherries / 0.65 / 44.54 / 38.3
DR / eggplant / 0.10 / -1.77 / 38.3
DR / fire / 0.52 / 0.23 / 38.3
DR / fire truck / 0.68 / 7.55 / 38.3
DR / flesh / 0.33 / -6.99 / 38.3
DR / heart / 0.72 / 60.87 / 38.3
DR / kings'/queens' royal robes / 0.45 / 20.93 / 38.3
DR / lips / 0.65 / 45.90 / 38.3
DR / lipstick / 0.76 / 14.01 / 38.3
DR / period blood / 0.68 / -65.49 / 38.3
DR / plums / 0.32 / 36.40 / 38.3
DR / pomegranates / 0.68 / 41.99 / 38.3
DR / red apples (e.g. red delicious, fuji) / 0.67 / 47.57 / 38.3
DR / bell peppers / 0.55 / 16.69 / 38.3
DR / red nail polish / 0.72 / 15.17 / 38.3
DR / reddish/pink flowers / 0.63 / 45.38 / 38.3
DR / roses / 0.75 / 53.30 / 38.3
DR / strawberries / 0.74 / 60.65 / 38.3
DR / tomatoes / 0.71 / 25.29 / 38.3
DR / watermelon / 0.54 / 53.90 / 38.3
DR / wine (red) / 0.57 / 33.76 / 38.3
SO / beach / 0.35 / 61.54 / 25.7
SO / bell peppers / 0.59 / 16.69 / 25.7
SO / bricks / 0.22 / 2.01 / 25.7
SO / candy corn / 0.73 / 10.13 / 25.7
SO / carrots / 0.68 / 21.13 / 25.7
SO / construction/saftey signs / 0.72 / -6.26 / 25.7
SO / desert / 0.43 / 0.90 / 25.7
SO / egg yolk / 0.49 / -5.57 / 25.7
SO / fire / 0.60 / 0.23 / 25.7
SO / lions / 0.40 / 24.06 / 25.7
SO / mango / 0.67 / 56.94 / 25.7
SO / orange drinks (e.g. Sunny-D, Fanta, Tang) / 0.77 / 28.70 / 25.7
SO / orange juice / 0.68 / 45.70 / 25.7
SO / oranges / 0.71 / 49.13 / 25.7
SO / pollen / 0.46 / -15.85 / 25.7
SO / pumpkin / 0.70 / 34.31 / 25.7
SO / sand / 0.32 / 23.99 / 25.7
SO / sun / 0.53 / 56.91 / 25.7
SO / sunset / 0.61 / 69.27 / 25.7
SO / sunshine / 0.52 / 72.06 / 25.7
SO / tangerines / 0.75 / 53.05 / 25.7
SO / tigers / 0.56 / 32.17 / 25.7
SO / tomatos / 0.34 / 25.29 / 25.7
SO / yellow flowers (e.g. sunflowers, daffodils, buttercups, marigolds) / 0.52 / 19.60 / 25.7
LO / band aid / 0.81 / 0.11 / -5.4
LO / camels / 0.59 / 12.61 / -5.4
LO / clay / 0.53 / 14.03 / -5.4
LO / cloudy/overcast sky / 0.18 / -5.25 / -5.4
LO / coffee / 0.25 / 17.58 / -5.4
LO / desert / 0.60 / 0.90 / -5.4
LO / foundation (makeup) / 0.76 / 3.11 / -5.4
LO / hummus / 0.57 / 19.37 / -5.4
LO / leather / 0.36 / 11.77 / -5.4
LO / light skin / 0.69 / 23.02 / -5.4
LO / mold/mildew/fungus / 0.23 / -54.96 / -5.4
LO / oranges / 0.23 / 49.13 / -5.4
LO / peaches / 0.66 / 54.64 / -5.4
LO / reddish/pink flowers / 0.30 / 45.38 / -5.4
LO / sand / 0.63 / 23.99 / -5.4
LO / sand paper / 0.60 / -9.23 / -5.4
LO / skin / 0.74 / 23.88 / -5.4
LO / strawberries / 0.15 / 60.65 / -5.4
LO / sun tan / 0.45 / 26.40 / -5.4
LO / wood / 0.39 / 19.60 / -5.4
MO / adobe clay (houses, pottery) / 0.71 / 15.03 / -3.8
MO / band aid / 0.77 / 0.11 / -3.8
MO / bricks / 0.32 / 2.01 / -3.8
MO / chocolate / 0.21 / 54.93 / -3.8
MO / chocolate desserts / 0.23 / 53.93 / -3.8
MO / clay / 0.71 / 14.03 / -3.8
MO / coffee / 0.29 / 17.58 / -3.8
MO / construction/saftey signs / 0.24 / -6.26 / -3.8
MO / desert / 0.60 / 0.90 / -3.8
MO / dirt/earth / 0.50 / 14.14 / -3.8
MO / dog feces / 0.24 / -71.44 / -3.8
MO / dust / 0.34 / -40.26 / -3.8
MO / feces / 0.24 / -72.99 / -3.8
MO / fire / 0.28 / 0.23 / -3.8
MO / foundation (makeup) / 0.75 / 3.11 / -3.8
MO / honey / 0.39 / 41.96 / -3.8
MO / leather / 0.46 / 11.77 / -3.8
MO / light skin / 0.57 / 23.02 / -3.8
MO / lipstick / 0.25 / 14.01 / -3.8
MO / medium tone skin / 0.62 / 32.16 / -3.8
MO / milk chocolate / 0.23 / 57.19 / -3.8
MO / mud / 0.47 / -21.30 / -3.8
MO / oranges / 0.39 / 49.13 / -3.8
MO / peaches / 0.76 / 54.64 / -3.8
MO / pigs / 0.42 / 2.30 / -3.8
MO / pumpkin / 0.52 / 34.31 / -3.8
MO / reptile/amphibians (e.g. iguanas, alligators, crocodiles, snakes) / 0.21 / -9.87 / -3.8
MO / rust / 0.41 / -39.84 / -3.8
MO / sand / 0.56 / 23.99 / -3.8
MO / sand paper / 0.64 / -9.23 / -3.8
MO / sewage / 0.23 / -68.22 / -3.8
MO / skin / 0.68 / 23.88 / -3.8
MO / soil / 0.39 / 13.83 / -3.8
MO / specific wood (e.g. cedar, mahogany, oak, cherry) / 0.57 / 30.73 / -3.8
MO / stained wood / 0.49 / 7.26 / -3.8
MO / sun / 0.36 / 56.91 / -3.8
MO / sun tan / 0.57 / 26.40 / -3.8
MO / tangerines / 0.36 / 53.05 / -3.8
MO / terra cota / 0.60 / 6.98 / -3.8
MO / tigers / 0.28 / 32.17 / -3.8
MO / tomatos / 0.20 / 25.29 / -3.8
MO / tree bark / 0.33 / 17.43 / -3.8
MO / wood / 0.57 / 19.60 / -3.8
DO / adobe clay (houses, pottery) / 0.71 / 15.03 / -23.0
DO / animal feces (e.g. bird, horse, duck) / 0.61 / -65.46 / -23.0
DO / blood / 0.25 / -27.73 / -23.0
DO / bricks / 0.49 / 2.01 / -23.0
DO / carrots / 0.33 / 21.13 / -23.0
DO / chocolate / 0.49 / 54.93 / -23.0
DO / chocolate desserts / 0.49 / 53.93 / -23.0
DO / clay / 0.68 / 14.03 / -23.0
DO / coffee / 0.51 / 17.58 / -23.0
DO / desert / 0.44 / 0.90 / -23.0
DO / dirt/earth / 0.73 / 14.14 / -23.0
DO / dog feces / 0.64 / -71.44 / -23.0
DO / dry/dead foliage (grass, leaves, pine needles) / 0.69 / -11.60 / -23.0
DO / feces / 0.63 / -72.99 / -23.0
DO / fire / 0.33 / 0.23 / -23.0
DO / forest / 0.37 / 40.56 / -23.0
DO / foundation (makeup) / 0.47 / 3.11 / -23.0
DO / grapefruit / 0.16 / 22.25 / -23.0
DO / grass / 0.20 / 34.10 / -23.0
DO / horses / 0.64 / 31.64 / -23.0
DO / leather / 0.59 / 11.77 / -23.0
DO / leaves / 0.50 / 29.26 / -23.0
DO / milk chocolate / 0.51 / 57.19 / -23.0
DO / mud / 0.71 / -21.30 / -23.0
DO / oranges / 0.29 / 49.13 / -23.0
DO / pumpkin / 0.63 / 34.31 / -23.0
DO / red apples (e.g. red delicious, fugi) / 0.18 / 47.57 / -23.0
DO / rotting (e.g. fruit) / 0.47 / -64.24 / -23.0
DO / rust / 0.72 / -39.84 / -23.0
DO / soil / 0.65 / 13.83 / -23.0
DO / specific wood (e.g. cedar, mahogany, oak, cherry) / 0.71 / 30.73 / -23.0
DO / stained wood / 0.68 / 7.26 / -23.0
DO / sun / 0.23 / 56.91 / -23.0
DO / sun burn / 0.26 / -50.60 / -23.0
DO / sunset / 0.35 / 69.27 / -23.0
DO / terra cota / 0.65 / 6.98 / -23.0
DO / tomatos / 0.26 / 25.29 / -23.0
DO / tree bark / 0.57 / 17.43 / -23.0
DO / trees / 0.46 / 47.21 / -23.0
DO / vomit / 0.39 / -81.41 / -23.0
DO / wood / 0.64 / 19.60 / -23.0
SY / bananas / 0.78 / 41.70 / 26.5
SY / bees / 0.76 / -23.71 / 26.5
SY / caution light/sign / 0.77 / -13.22 / 26.5
SY / daisy / 0.69 / 41.48 / 26.5
SY / egg yolk / 0.74 / -5.57 / 26.5
SY / fire / 0.51 / 0.23 / 26.5
SY / gold / 0.60 / 52.11 / 26.5
SY / honey / 0.47 / 41.96 / 26.5
SY / lemons / 0.82 / 33.30 / 26.5
SY / mango / 0.48 / 56.94 / 26.5
SY / moon / 0.22 / 55.57 / 26.5
SY / mustard / 0.70 / 5.30 / 26.5
SY / orange drinks (e.g. Sunny-D, Fanta, Tang) / 0.43 / 28.70 / 26.5
SY / peaches / 0.20 / 54.64 / 26.5
SY / pineapples / 0.68 / 46.77 / 26.5
SY / pollen / 0.67 / -15.85 / 26.5
SY / school bus / 0.76 / 5.05 / 26.5
SY / squash / 0.58 / -0.17 / 26.5
SY / sun / 0.73 / 56.91 / 26.5
SY / sunset / 0.46 / 69.27 / 26.5
SY / sunshine / 0.76 / 72.06 / 26.5
SY / urine / 0.66 / -54.63 / 26.5
SY / vomit / 0.22 / -81.41 / 26.5
SY / wheat / 0.30 / 18.47 / 26.5
SY / bell peppers / 0.56 / 16.69 / 26.5
SY / yellow flowers (e.g. sunflowers, daffodils, buttercups, marigolds) / 0.83 / 19.60 / 26.5
SY / yellow taxi / 0.86 / 8.37 / 26.5
LY / algae / 0.18 / -12.16 / 7.5
LY / animal feces (e.g. bird, horse, duck) / 0.21 / -65.46 / 7.5
LY / baby feces / 0.24 / -63.37 / 7.5
LY / bananas / 0.62 / 41.70 / 7.5
LY / beach / 0.61 / 61.54 / 7.5
LY / bees / 0.51 / -23.71 / 7.5
LY / butter / 0.85 / 21.23 / 7.5
LY / caution light/sign / 0.37 / -13.22 / 7.5
LY / chickens / 0.45 / 19.28 / 7.5
LY / daisy / 0.52 / 41.48 / 7.5
LY / desert / 0.57 / 0.90 / 7.5
LY / dirt/earth / 0.24 / 14.14 / 7.5
LY / dirty water / 0.17 / -63.67 / 7.5
LY / dry/dead foliage (grass, leaves, pine needles) / 0.33 / -11.60 / 7.5
LY / dust / 0.28 / -40.26 / 7.5
LY / egg yolk / 0.62 / -5.57 / 7.5
LY / frogs / 0.17 / 4.79 / 7.5
LY / lemonade / 0.70 / 48.27 / 7.5
LY / lemons / 0.60 / 33.30 / 7.5
LY / light skin / 0.30 / 23.02 / 7.5
LY / moss / 0.20 / -1.65 / 7.5
LY / mustard / 0.49 / 5.30 / 7.5
LY / pineapples / 0.53 / 46.77 / 7.5
LY / pollen / 0.68 / -15.85 / 7.5
LY / sand / 0.63 / 23.99 / 7.5
LY / skin / 0.29 / 23.88 / 7.5
LY / squash / 0.58 / -0.17 / 7.5
LY / sun / 0.62 / 56.91 / 7.5
LY / sunshine / 0.70 / 72.06 / 7.5
LY / urine / 0.54 / -54.63 / 7.5
LY / wheat / 0.54 / 18.47 / 7.5
LY / yellow flowers (e.g. sunflowers, daffodils, buttercups, marigolds) / 0.72 / 19.60 / 7.5
MY / bananas / 0.73 / 41.70 / 5.4
MY / butter / 0.82 / 21.23 / 5.4
MY / camels / 0.49 / 12.61 / 5.4
MY / caution light/sign / 0.56 / -13.22 / 5.4
MY / desert / 0.60 / 0.90 / 5.4
MY / dirt/earth / 0.28 / 14.14 / 5.4
MY / dry/dead foliage (grass, leaves, pine needles) / 0.40 / -11.60 / 5.4
MY / egg yolk / 0.71 / -5.57 / 5.4
MY / feces / 0.19 / -72.99 / 5.4
MY / fire hydrant / 0.37 / 5.16 / 5.4
MY / gold / 0.62 / 52.11 / 5.4
MY / grass / 0.29 / 34.10 / 5.4
MY / honey / 0.59 / 41.96 / 5.4
MY / hummus / 0.56 / 19.37 / 5.4
MY / leather / 0.23 / 11.77 / 5.4
MY / lemons / 0.68 / 33.30 / 5.4
MY / light skin / 0.30 / 23.02 / 5.4
MY / mango / 0.52 / 56.94 / 5.4
MY / moss / 0.24 / -1.65 / 5.4
MY / mustard / 0.67 / 5.30 / 5.4
MY / pineapples / 0.67 / 46.77 / 5.4
MY / pollen / 0.66 / -15.85 / 5.4
MY / pus / 0.44 / -70.81 / 5.4
MY / sand / 0.56 / 23.99 / 5.4
MY / sand paper / 0.42 / -9.23 / 5.4
MY / school bus / 0.62 / 5.05 / 5.4
MY / skin / 0.28 / 23.88 / 5.4
MY / squash / 0.60 / -0.17 / 5.4
MY / urine / 0.64 / -54.63 / 5.4
MY / vomit / 0.37 / -81.41 / 5.4
MY / wheat / 0.51 / 18.47 / 5.4
MY / yellow flowers (e.g. sunflowers, daffodils, buttercups, marigolds) / 0.75 / 19.60 / 5.4
MY / young foliage (grass, leaves) / 0.37 / 32.89 / 5.4
DY / algae / 0.51 / -12.16 / -39.9
DY / army camouflage / 0.45 / -9.21 / -39.9
DY / astroturf (artificial grass) / 0.14 / -5.86 / -39.9
DY / baby feces / 0.66 / -63.37 / -39.9
DY / curry / 0.76 / 20.51 / -39.9
DY / diarrhea / 0.63 / -81.28 / -39.9
DY / dirt/earth / 0.45 / 14.14 / -39.9
DY / dog feces / 0.47 / -71.44 / -39.9
DY / dry/dead foliage (grass, leaves, pine needles) / 0.63 / -11.60 / -39.9
DY / feces / 0.54 / -72.99 / -39.9
DY / forest / 0.30 / 40.56 / -39.9
DY / gold / 0.55 / 52.11 / -39.9
DY / lizards / 0.37 / -5.86 / -39.9
DY / mold/mildew/fungus / 0.51 / -54.96 / -39.9
DY / moss / 0.41 / -1.65 / -39.9
DY / mud / 0.44 / -21.30 / -39.9
DY / mustard / 0.74 / 5.30 / -39.9
DY / olives / 0.42 / 2.67 / -39.9
DY / pus / 0.55 / -70.81 / -39.9
DY / rotten banana / 0.56 / 37.77 / -39.9
DY / rotting (e.g. fruit) / 0.59 / -64.24 / -39.9
DY / sand / 0.46 / 23.99 / -39.9
DY / sewage / 0.61 / -68.22 / -39.9
DY / soil / 0.38 / 13.83 / -39.9
DY / sun / 0.36 / 56.91 / -39.9
DY / tree bark / 0.39 / 17.43 / -39.9
DY / urine / 0.61 / -54.63 / -39.9
DY / vomit / 0.64 / -81.41 / -39.9
DY / wheat / 0.46 / 18.47 / -39.9
DY / wood / 0.36 / 19.60 / -39.9
DY / yellow flowers (e.g. sunflowers, daffodils, buttercups, marigolds, dandilions) / 0.44 / 50.13 / -39.9
SH / animal feces (e.g. bird, horse, duck) / 0.23 / -65.46 / 3.0
SH / army camouflage / 0.25 / -9.21 / 3.0
SH / boogers/snot / 0.63 / -55.18 / 3.0
SH / eggplant / 0.15 / -1.77 / 3.0
SH / fire truck / 0.27 / 7.55 / 3.0
SH / frogs / 0.48 / 4.79 / 3.0
SH / grapes / 0.34 / 43.90 / 3.0
SH / grass / 0.31 / 34.10 / 3.0
SH / green apple (e.g. granny smith) / 0.45 / 37.64 / 3.0
SH / green vegetables (e.g. peas, greenbeans, snowpeas) / 0.29 / 25.38 / 3.0
SH / kiwi / 0.47 / 38.63 / 3.0
SH / lawn / 0.24 / 25.38 / 3.0
SH / leaves / 0.37 / 29.26 / 3.0
SH / limes / 0.53 / 27.60 / 3.0
SH / lizards / 0.46 / -5.86 / 3.0
SH / mold/mildew/fungus / 0.46 / -54.96 / 3.0
SH / money (US dollar bills) / 0.30 / 47.07 / 3.0
SH / mountain dew (soda) / 0.81 / 10.62 / 3.0
SH / pine trees / 0.20 / 37.70 / 3.0
SH / plants / 0.40 / 37.37 / 3.0
SH / slime / 0.67 / -47.35 / 3.0
SH / swamp / 0.36 / -30.16 / 3.0
SH / tree leaves / 0.33 / 31.11 / 3.0
SH / turtles / 0.29 / 34.95 / 3.0
SH / unripe banana / 0.44 / -9.95 / 3.0
SH / urine / 0.44 / -54.63 / 3.0
SH / vomit / 0.39 / -81.41 / 3.0
SH / young foliage (grass, leaves) / 0.40 / 32.89 / 3.0
LH / algae / 0.34 / -12.16 / -12.9
LH / army camouflage / 0.27 / -9.21 / -12.9
LH / astroturf (artificial grass) / 0.24 / -5.86 / -12.9
LH / avocado / 0.34 / 37.06 / -12.9
LH / boogers/snot / 0.57 / -55.18 / -12.9
LH / clover/shamrock / 0.22 / 30.04 / -12.9
LH / desert / 0.38 / 0.90 / -12.9
LH / dry/dead foliage (grass, leaves, pine needles) / 0.30 / -11.60 / -12.9
LH / frogs / 0.32 / 4.79 / -12.9
LH / grass / 0.28 / 34.10 / -12.9
LH / green apple (e.g. granny smith) / 0.38 / 37.64 / -12.9
LH / green tea/green tea icecream / 0.49 / 32.38 / -12.9
LH / green vegetables (e.g. peas, greenbeans, snowpeas) / 0.25 / 25.38 / -12.9
LH / kiwi / 0.31 / 38.63 / -12.9
LH / leaves / 0.35 / 29.26 / -12.9
LH / lemonade / 0.70 / 48.27 / -12.9
LH / lemons / 0.59 / 33.30 / -12.9
LH / lettuce / 0.32 / 25.56 / -12.9
LH / limes / 0.34 / 27.60 / -12.9
LH / mint / 0.29 / 32.65 / -12.9
LH / mint flavored gum/candy/icecream / 0.41 / 30.87 / -12.9
LH / mold/mildew/fungus / 0.45 / -54.96 / -12.9
LH / moon / 0.38 / 55.57 / -12.9
LH / moss / 0.33 / -1.65 / -12.9
LH / mustard / 0.46 / 5.30 / -12.9
LH / olives / 0.28 / 2.67 / -12.9
LH / pea/splitpea soup / 0.43 / -4.26 / -12.9
LH / reptile/amphibians (e.g. iguanas, alligators, crocodiles, snakes) / 0.32 / -9.87 / -12.9
LH / slime / 0.46 / -47.35 / -12.9
LH / sun / 0.48 / 56.91 / -12.9
LH / tree leaves / 0.34 / 31.11 / -12.9
LH / trees / 0.27 / 47.21 / -12.9
LH / unripe banana / 0.50 / -9.95 / -12.9
LH / vines (ivy, ferns, fir) / 0.29 / 22.97 / -12.9
LH / vomit / 0.41 / -81.41 / -12.9
LH / young foliage (grass, leaves) / 0.38 / 32.89 / -12.9
MH / algae / 0.60 / -12.16 / -8.8
MH / animal feces (e.g. bird, horse, duck) / 0.36 / -65.46 / -8.8
MH / army camouflage / 0.47 / -9.21 / -8.8
MH / avocado / 0.69 / 37.06 / -8.8
MH / boogers/snot / 0.73 / -55.18 / -8.8
MH / cactus / 0.58 / -0.25 / -8.8
MH / celery / 0.60 / -5.30 / -8.8
MH / dry/dead foliage (grass, leaves, pine needles) / 0.35 / -11.60 / -8.8
MH / forest / 0.47 / 40.56 / -8.8
MH / grass / 0.43 / 34.10 / -8.8
MH / grass at night / 0.30 / 19.86 / -8.8
MH / green tea/green tea icecream / 0.69 / 32.38 / -8.8
MH / green vegetables (e.g. peas, greenbeans, snowpeas) / 0.56 / 25.38 / -8.8
MH / kiwi / 0.56 / 38.63 / -8.8
MH / lawn / 0.43 / 25.38 / -8.8
MH / leaves / 0.52 / 29.26 / -8.8
MH / lettuce / 0.54 / 25.56 / -8.8
MH / limes / 0.56 / 27.60 / -8.8
MH / mold/mildew/fungus / 0.62 / -54.96 / -8.8
MH / money (US dollar bills) / 0.37 / 47.07 / -8.8
MH / moss / 0.62 / -1.65 / -8.8
MH / ocean/sea / 0.23 / 54.61 / -8.8
MH / olives / 0.48 / 2.67 / -8.8
MH / pea/splitpea soup / 0.72 / -4.26 / -8.8
MH / plants / 0.56 / 37.37 / -8.8
MH / reptile/amphibians (e.g. iguanas, alligators, crocodiles, snakes) / 0.52 / -9.87 / -8.8
MH / sewage / 0.50 / -68.22 / -8.8
MH / sky / 0.08 / 54.49 / -8.8
MH / slime / 0.71 / -47.35 / -8.8
MH / sports field (, football) / 0.43 / 38.18 / -8.8
MH / tree leaves / 0.55 / 31.11 / -8.8
MH / trees / 0.45 / 47.21 / -8.8
MH / unripe banana / 0.61 / -9.95 / -8.8
MH / vines (ivy, ferns, fir) / 0.40 / 22.97 / -8.8
MH / vomit / 0.55 / -81.41 / -8.8
MH / watermelon / 0.37 / 53.90 / -8.8
MH / young foliage (grass, leaves) / 0.54 / 32.89 / -8.8
DH / algae / 0.74 / -12.16 / -6.9
DH / animal feces (e.g. bird, horse, duck) / 0.43 / -65.46 / -6.9
DH / aquariums/fish tanks / 0.35 / 33.02 / -6.9
DH / army camouflage / 0.57 / -9.21 / -6.9
DH / astroturf (artificial grass) / 0.45 / -5.86 / -6.9
DH / avocado / 0.66 / 37.06 / -6.9
DH / baby feces / 0.54 / -63.37 / -6.9
DH / boogers/snot / 0.72 / -55.18 / -6.9
DH / celery / 0.56 / -5.30 / -6.9
DH / christmas trees/reaths / 0.38 / 53.93 / -6.9
DH / dirty water / 0.40 / -63.67 / -6.9
DH / dry/dying grass / 0.51 / -11.60 / -6.9
DH / forest / 0.60 / 40.56 / -6.9
DH / frogs / 0.66 / 4.79 / -6.9
DH / grass / 0.57 / 34.10 / -6.9
DH / grass at night / 0.39 / 19.86 / -6.9
DH / green apple (e.g. granny smith) / 0.63 / 37.64 / -6.9
DH / green tea/green tea icecream / 0.61 / 32.38 / -6.9
DH / green vegetables (e.g. peas, greenbeans, snowpeas) / 0.70 / 25.38 / -6.9
DH / jungle (leaves, grass) / 0.59 / 35.23 / -6.9
DH / lawn / 0.55 / 25.38 / -6.9
DH / leaves / 0.69 / 29.26 / -6.9
DH / lettuce / 0.50 / 25.56 / -6.9
DH / limes / 0.61 / 27.60 / -6.9
DH / marijuana / 0.64 / 8.48 / -6.9
DH / mold/mildew/fungus / 0.71 / -54.96 / -6.9
DH / moss / 0.69 / -1.65 / -6.9
DH / mud / 0.22 / -21.30 / -6.9
DH / ocean/sea / 0.24 / 54.61 / -6.9
DH / olives / 0.61 / 2.67 / -6.9
DH / pea/splitpea soup / 0.82 / -4.26 / -6.9
DH / pine trees / 0.48 / 37.70 / -6.9
DH / plants / 0.67 / 37.37 / -6.9
DH / pollution (air, water) / 0.41 / -63.26 / -6.9
DH / rotten banana / 0.24 / 37.77 / -6.9
DH / seaweed / 0.62 / 1.66 / -6.9
DH / sewage / 0.66 / -68.22 / -6.9
DH / slime / 0.73 / -47.35 / -6.9
DH / swamp / 0.72 / -30.16 / -6.9
DH / tree leaves / 0.64 / 31.11 / -6.9
DH / trees / 0.59 / 47.21 / -6.9
DH / vines (ivy, ferns, fir) / 0.57 / 22.97 / -6.9
DH / vomit / 0.55 / -81.41 / -6.9
DH / young foliage (grass, leaves) / 0.66 / 32.89 / -6.9
SG / algae / 0.59 / -12.16 / 19.9
SG / astroturf (artificial grass) / 0.56 / -5.86 / 19.9
SG / chalkboard / 0.29 / -7.07 / 19.9
SG / christmas trees/reaths / 0.41 / 53.93 / 19.9
SG / clover/shamrock / 0.63 / 30.04 / 19.9
SG / emeralds / 0.54 / 40.68 / 19.9
SG / forest / 0.50 / 40.56 / 19.9
SG / grass / 0.51 / 34.10 / 19.9
SG / green apple (e.g. granny smith) / 0.54 / 37.64 / 19.9
SG / leaves / 0.49 / 29.26 / 19.9
SG / mint / 0.71 / 32.65 / 19.9
SG / mint flavored gum/candy/icecream / 0.72 / 30.87 / 19.9
SG / moss / 0.49 / -1.65 / 19.9
SG / ocean/sea / 0.39 / 54.61 / 19.9
SG / parrot/parakeet / 0.51 / 26.24 / 19.9
SG / pine trees / 0.35 / 37.70 / 19.9
SG / plants / 0.59 / 37.37 / 19.9
SG / pollution (air, water) / 0.25 / -63.26 / 19.9
SG / rainforest / 0.58 / 50.50 / 19.9
SG / seafoam / 0.60 / 13.41 / 19.9
SG / sports field (, football) / 0.57 / 38.18 / 19.9
SG / swimming pool / 0.28 / 45.96 / 19.9
SG / teenage mutant ninja turtles / 0.63 / 46.54 / 19.9
SG / trees / 0.48 / 47.21 / 19.9
SG / tropical birds / 0.50 / 41.54 / 19.9
SG / turqouise (stone) / 0.38 / 40.56 / 19.9
SG / turtles / 0.52 / 34.95 / 19.9
SG / watermelon / 0.49 / 53.90 / 19.9
SG / young foliage (grass, leaves) / 0.55 / 32.89 / 19.9
LG / algae / 0.48 / -12.16 / 2.6
LG / astroturf (artificial grass) / 0.33 / -5.86 / 2.6
LG / christmas trees/reaths / 0.33 / 53.93 / 2.6
LG / dirty water / 0.24 / -63.67 / 2.6
LG / frogs / 0.44 / 4.79 / 2.6
LG / grass / 0.33 / 34.10 / 2.6
LG / green tea/green tea icecream / 0.69 / 32.38 / 2.6
LG / green vegetables (e.g. peas, greenbeans, snowpeas) / 0.39 / 25.38 / 2.6
LG / leaves / 0.43 / 29.26 / 2.6
LG / lettuce / 0.48 / 25.56 / 2.6
LG / lizards / 0.44 / -5.86 / 2.6
LG / mint / 0.74 / 32.65 / 2.6
LG / mint flavored gum/candy/icecream / 0.76 / 30.87 / 2.6
LG / moss / 0.45 / -1.65 / 2.6
LG / ocean/sea / 0.46 / 54.61 / 2.6
LG / parrot/parakeet / 0.41 / 26.24 / 2.6
LG / plants / 0.47 / 37.37 / 2.6
LG / reptile/amphibians (e.g. iguanas, alligators, crocodiles, snakes) / 0.45 / -9.87 / 2.6
LG / seafoam / 0.64 / 13.41 / 2.6
LG / swimming pool water / 0.32 / 45.96 / 2.6
LG / trees / 0.38 / 47.21 / 2.6
LG / tropical ocean/sea / 0.49 / 63.57 / 2.6
LG / turqouise (stone) / 0.45 / 40.56 / 2.6
LG / turtles / 0.42 / 34.95 / 2.6
LG / watermelon / 0.43 / 53.90 / 2.6
LG / young foliage (grass, leaves) / 0.45 / 32.89 / 2.6
MG / algae / 0.63 / -12.16 / 12.9
MG / astroturf (artificial grass) / 0.46 / -5.86 / 12.9
MG / chalkboard / 0.29 / -7.07 / 12.9
MG / christmas trees/reaths / 0.37 / 53.93 / 12.9
MG / clear blue sky / 0.10 / 67.89 / 12.9
MG / clover/shamrock / 0.59 / 30.04 / 12.9
MG / dirty water / 0.25 / -63.67 / 12.9
MG / emeralds / 0.50 / 40.68 / 12.9
MG / evergreen trees / 0.42 / 41.16 / 12.9
MG / forest / 0.48 / 40.56 / 12.9
MG / frogs / 0.56 / 4.79 / 12.9
MG / grass / 0.51 / 34.10 / 12.9
MG / green vegetables (e.g. peas, greenbeans, snowpeas) / 0.50 / 25.38 / 12.9
MG / jungle (leaves, grass) / 0.50 / 35.23 / 12.9
MG / kiwi / 0.48 / 38.63 / 12.9
MG / lawn / 0.42 / 25.38 / 12.9
MG / leaves / 0.52 / 29.26 / 12.9
MG / lettuce / 0.48 / 25.56 / 12.9
MG / lizards / 0.47 / -5.86 / 12.9
MG / mint / 0.78 / 32.65 / 12.9
MG / mold/mildew/fungus / 0.53 / -54.96 / 12.9
MG / moss / 0.53 / -1.65 / 12.9
MG / ocean/sea / 0.41 / 54.61 / 12.9
MG / olives / 0.34 / 2.67 / 12.9
MG / plants / 0.56 / 37.37 / 12.9
MG / pollution (air, water) / 0.25 / -63.26 / 12.9
MG / seafoam / 0.65 / 13.41 / 12.9
MG / seaweed / 0.47 / 1.66 / 12.9
MG / shallow ocean/sea / 0.46 / 43.93 / 12.9
MG / trees / 0.52 / 47.21 / 12.9
MG / tropical fish / 0.47 / 46.12 / 12.9
MG / tropical ocean/sea / 0.47 / 63.57 / 12.9
MG / vines (ivy, ferns, fir) / 0.52 / 22.97 / 12.9
MG / watermelon / 0.47 / 53.90 / 12.9
DG / algae / 0.73 / -12.16 / 25.8
DG / army camouflage / 0.59 / -9.21 / 25.8
DG / astroturf (artificial grass) / 0.73 / -5.86 / 25.8
DG / christmas trees/reaths / 0.72 / 53.93 / 25.8
DG / clover/shamrock / 0.77 / 30.04 / 25.8
DG / cucumber / 0.65 / 23.28 / 25.8
DG / dirty water / 0.25 / -63.67 / 25.8
DG / eggplant / 0.15 / -1.77 / 25.8
DG / emeralds / 0.71 / 40.68 / 25.8
DG / evergreen trees / 0.77 / 41.16 / 25.8
DG / forest / 0.73 / 40.56 / 25.8
DG / grass / 0.75 / 34.10 / 25.8
DG / grass at night / 0.51 / 19.86 / 25.8
DG / jade / 0.76 / 35.56 / 25.8
DG / jungle (leaves, grass) / 0.72 / 35.23 / 25.8
DG / lakes / 0.24 / 44.06 / 25.8
DG / lawn / 0.71 / 25.38 / 25.8
DG / leaves / 0.74 / 29.26 / 25.8
DG / money (US dollar bills) / 0.69 / 47.07 / 25.8
DG / moss / 0.68 / -1.65 / 25.8
DG / pine trees / 0.69 / 37.70 / 25.8
DG / plants / 0.79 / 37.37 / 25.8
DG / pollution (air, water) / 0.20 / -63.26 / 25.8
DG / rainforest / 0.72 / 50.50 / 25.8
DG / reptile/amphibians (e.g. iguanas, alligators, crocodiles, snakes) / 0.66 / -9.87 / 25.8
DG / spinach / 0.69 / 12.34 / 25.8
DG / swamp / 0.61 / -30.16 / 25.8
DG / tree leaves / 0.76 / 31.11 / 25.8
DG / trees / 0.77 / 47.21 / 25.8
DG / vines (ivy, ferns, fir) / 0.71 / 22.97 / 25.8
SC / aquariums/fish tanks / 0.66 / 33.02 / 36.6
SC / clear blue sky / 0.58 / 67.89 / 36.6
SC / clear water / 0.59 / 60.43 / 36.6
SC / coral reef / 0.56 / 46.97 / 36.6
SC / deep water (e.g. ocean, sea, lake) / 0.33 / 21.85 / 36.6
SC / emeralds / 0.22 / 40.68 / 36.6
SC / forest / 0.18 / 40.56 / 36.6
SC / mint / 0.33 / 32.65 / 36.6
SC / morning sky / 0.49 / 53.08 / 36.6
SC / ocean/sea / 0.63 / 54.61 / 36.6
SC / parrot/parakeet / 0.46 / 26.24 / 36.6
SC / seafoam / 0.57 / 13.41 / 36.6
SC / shallow ocean/sea / 0.63 / 43.93 / 36.6
SC / sky / 0.64 / 54.49 / 36.6
SC / swimming pool / 0.70 / 45.96 / 36.6
SC / tropical birds / 0.58 / 41.54 / 36.6
SC / tropical fish / 0.61 / 46.12 / 36.6
SC / tropical ocean/sea / 0.73 / 63.57 / 36.6
SC / turqouise (stone) / 0.69 / 40.56 / 36.6
SC / water / 0.58 / 52.35 / 36.6
LC / aquariums/fish tanks / 0.65 / 33.02 / 24.9
LC / blue jeans / 0.28 / 38.14 / 24.9
LC / clear blue sky / 0.77 / 67.89 / 24.9
LC / clear water / 0.68 / 60.43 / 24.9
LC / clouds / 0.43 / 33.37 / 24.9
LC / cloudy/overcast sky / 0.40 / -5.25 / 24.9
LC / cold/ice water / 0.65 / 35.78 / 24.9
LC / coral reef / 0.54 / 46.97 / 24.9
LC / glaciers / 0.63 / 30.86 / 24.9
LC / ice / 0.66 / 18.74 / 24.9
LC / limes / 0.11 / 27.60 / 24.9
LC / mint / 0.22 / 32.65 / 24.9
LC / morning sky / 0.66 / 53.08 / 24.9
LC / ocean/sea / 0.62 / 54.61 / 24.9
LC / robin eggs / 0.68 / 14.78 / 24.9
LC / sand paper / 0.10 / -9.23 / 24.9
LC / seafoam / 0.64 / 13.41 / 24.9
LC / shallow ocean/sea / 0.67 / 43.93 / 24.9
LC / sky / 0.74 / 54.49 / 24.9
LC / snow / 0.34 / 46.91 / 24.9
LC / sunset / 0.21 / 69.27 / 24.9
LC / swimming pool / 0.71 / 45.96 / 24.9
LC / tropical birds / 0.44 / 41.54 / 24.9
LC / tropical ocean/sea / 0.66 / 63.57 / 24.9
LC / vines (ivy, ferns, fir) / 0.17 / 22.97 / 24.9
LC / water / 0.70 / 52.35 / 24.9
MC / aquariums/fish tanks / 0.68 / 33.02 / 14.8
MC / astroturf (artificial grass) / 0.20 / -5.86 / 14.8
MC / beach / 0.46 / 61.54 / 14.8
MC / clear blue sky / 0.62 / 67.89 / 14.8
MC / clear water / 0.58 / 60.43 / 14.8
MC / coral reef / 0.55 / 46.97 / 14.8
MC / dirty water / 0.35 / -63.67 / 14.8
MC / dry/dead foliage (grass, leaves, pine needles) / 0.12 / -11.60 / 14.8
MC / emeralds / 0.27 / 40.68 / 14.8
MC / forest / 0.22 / 40.56 / 14.8
MC / grass / 0.24 / 34.10 / 14.8
MC / jade / 0.44 / 35.56 / 14.8
MC / leaves / 0.19 / 29.26 / 14.8
MC / mint / 0.42 / 32.65 / 14.8
MC / moss / 0.25 / -1.65 / 14.8
MC / ocean/sea / 0.69 / 54.61 / 14.8
MC / pollution (air, water) / 0.27 / -63.26 / 14.8
MC / rain / 0.46 / 28.00 / 14.8
MC / robin eggs / 0.72 / 14.78 / 14.8
MC / seaweed / 0.29 / 1.66 / 14.8
MC / shallow ocean/sea / 0.65 / 43.93 / 14.8
MC / sky / 0.67 / 54.49 / 14.8
MC / swamp / 0.26 / -30.16 / 14.8
MC / swimming pool / 0.70 / 45.96 / 14.8
MC / trees / 0.18 / 47.21 / 14.8
MC / tropical ocean/sea / 0.69 / 63.57 / 14.8
MC / turqouise (stone) / 0.67 / 40.56 / 14.8
MC / twilight sky / 0.37 / 63.38 / 14.8
MC / vines (ivy, ferns, fir) / 0.24 / 22.97 / 14.8
MC / water / 0.58 / 52.35 / 14.8
DC / aquariums/fish tanks / 0.64 / 33.02 / 18.9
DC / army camouflage / 0.20 / -9.21 / 18.9
DC / chalkboard / 0.32 / -7.07 / 18.9
DC / deep water (e.g. ocean, sea, lake) / 0.52 / 21.85 / 18.9
DC / dusk sky / 0.31 / 38.24 / 18.9
DC / forest / 0.37 / 40.56 / 18.9
DC / grass / 0.24 / 34.10 / 18.9
DC / grass at night / 0.24 / 19.86 / 18.9
DC / jade / 0.51 / 35.56 / 18.9
DC / kings'/queens' royal robes/cloak / 0.25 / 20.93 / 18.9
DC / lakes / 0.54 / 44.06 / 18.9
DC / mold/mildew/fungus / 0.43 / -54.96 / 18.9
DC / morning sky / 0.32 / 53.08 / 18.9
DC / ocean at night / 0.45 / 51.03 / 18.9
DC / ocean/sea / 0.66 / 54.61 / 18.9
DC / seaweed / 0.36 / 1.66 / 18.9
DC / shallow ocean/sea / 0.63 / 43.93 / 18.9
DC / swimming pool / 0.50 / 45.96 / 18.9
DC / trees / 0.26 / 47.21 / 18.9
DC / tropical ocean/sea / 0.68 / 63.57 / 18.9
DC / turqouise (stone) / 0.76 / 40.56 / 18.9
DC / water / 0.42 / 52.35 / 18.9
SB / beach / 0.42 / 61.54 / 52.3
SB / blue jay / 0.67 / 26.35 / 52.3
SB / blue jeans / 0.54 / 38.14 / 52.3
SB / clear blue sky / 0.84 / 67.89 / 52.3
SB / deep water (e.g. ocean, sea, lake) / 0.43 / 21.85 / 52.3
SB / dusk sky / 0.36 / 38.24 / 52.3
SB / lakes / 0.63 / 44.06 / 52.3
SB / ocean/sea / 0.63 / 54.61 / 52.3
SB / police uniform / 0.35 / -9.60 / 52.3
SB / shallow ocean/sea / 0.60 / 43.93 / 52.3
SB / sky / 0.82 / 54.49 / 52.3
SB / snow / 0.14 / 46.91 / 52.3
SB / swimming pool water / 0.66 / 45.96 / 52.3
SB / tropical fish / 0.49 / 46.12 / 52.3
SB / tropical ocean/sea / 0.64 / 63.57 / 52.3
SB / twilight sky / 0.34 / 63.38 / 52.3
SB / water / 0.63 / 52.35 / 52.3
SB / whales / 0.36 / 38.93 / 52.3
LB / blue jeans / 0.45 / 38.14 / 29.6
LB / clear blue sky / 0.78 / 67.89 / 29.6
LB / clouds / 0.57 / 33.37 / 29.6
LB / cloudy/overcast sky / 0.47 / -5.25 / 29.6
LB / evening sky / 0.40 / 58.98 / 29.6
LB / foggy sky / 0.45 / -5.57 / 29.6
LB / glaciers / 0.73 / 30.86 / 29.6
LB / ice / 0.62 / 18.74 / 29.6
LB / lakes / 0.53 / 44.06 / 29.6
LB / ocean/sea / 0.54 / 54.61 / 29.6
LB / rain / 0.54 / 28.00 / 29.6
LB / sidewalk / 0.22 / 3.49 / 29.6
LB / sky / 0.79 / 54.49 / 29.6
LB / swimming pool / 0.57 / 45.96 / 29.6
LB / water / 0.70 / 52.35 / 29.6
MB / aquariums/fish tanks / 0.59 / 33.02 / 36.8
MB / blue jay / 0.15 / 26.35 / 36.8
MB / blue jeans / 0.58 / 38.14 / 36.8
MB / clear blue sky / 0.78 / 67.89 / 36.8
MB / cloudy/overcast sky / 0.50 / -5.25 / 36.8
MB / deep water (e.g. ocean, sea, lake) / 0.47 / 21.85 / 36.8
MB / dusk sky / 0.49 / 38.24 / 36.8
MB / evening sky / 0.49 / 58.98 / 36.8
MB / hazy daytime sky / 0.53 / 6.85 / 36.8
MB / ice / 0.53 / 18.74 / 36.8
MB / lakes / 0.64 / 44.06 / 36.8
MB / night sky / 0.28 / 59.69 / 36.8
MB / ocean/sea / 0.67 / 54.61 / 36.8
MB / pollution (air, water) / 0.29 / -63.26 / 36.8
MB / sky / 0.78 / 54.49 / 36.8
MB / swimming pool / 0.64 / 45.96 / 36.8
MB / water / 0.68 / 52.35 / 36.8
MB / whales / 0.42 / 38.93 / 36.8
DB / blue ink / 0.68 / 12.69 / 28.3
DB / blue jeans / 0.76 / 38.14 / 28.3
DB / deep water (e.g. ocean, sea, lake) / 0.67 / 21.85 / 28.3
DB / dirt/earth / 0.11 / 14.14 / 28.3
DB / dusk sky / 0.59 / 38.24 / 28.3
DB / evening sky / 0.58 / 58.98 / 28.3
DB / lakes / 0.72 / 44.06 / 28.3
DB / midnight sky / 0.32 / 62.20 / 28.3
DB / navy uniform / 0.44 / 3.01 / 28.3
DB / night sky / 0.49 / 59.69 / 28.3
DB / ocean at night / 0.48 / 51.03 / 28.3
DB / ocean/sea / 0.70 / 54.61 / 28.3
DB / plums / 0.13 / 36.40 / 28.3
DB / police uniform / 0.54 / -9.60 / 28.3
DB / sky / 0.72 / 54.49 / 28.3
DB / swimming pool / 0.57 / 45.96 / 28.3
DB / twilight sky / 0.61 / 63.38 / 28.3
DB / water / 0.73 / 52.35 / 28.3
DB / whales / 0.41 / 38.93 / 28.3
SP / amethyst crystal / 0.60 / 36.54 / 23.2
SP / Barney the dinosaur / 0.74 / 0.95 / 23.2
SP / clay / 0.14 / 14.03 / 23.2
SP / eggplant / 0.48 / -1.77 / 23.2
SP / grape juice/jelly / 0.69 / 26.15 / 23.2
SP / grapes / 0.58 / 43.90 / 23.2
SP / kings'/queens' royal robes/cloak / 0.55 / 20.93 / 23.2
SP / plums / 0.61 / 36.40 / 23.2
SP / purple flowers (e.g., lavender, violets, lilacs, irises) / 0.75 / 49.29 / 23.2
SP / purple heart metal / 0.57 / 38.40 / 23.2
SP / tulips / 0.51 / 40.56 / 23.2
SP / twilight sky / 0.34 / 63.38 / 23.2
LP / blood / 0.08 / -27.73 / 19.0
LP / bubble gum / 0.70 / 24.45 / 19.0
LP / carnations / 0.65 / 32.02 / 19.0
LP / eggplant / 0.38 / -1.77 / 19.0
LP / grape juice/jelly / 0.50 / 26.15 / 19.0
LP / grapes / 0.41 / 43.90 / 19.0
LP / plums / 0.40 / 36.40 / 19.0
LP / purple flowers (e.g., lavender, violets, lilacs, irises) / 0.77 / 49.29 / 19.0
LP / roses / 0.40 / 53.30 / 19.0
LP / sunset / 0.37 / 69.27 / 19.0
LP / tulips / 0.63 / 40.56 / 19.0
LP / wine (red) / 0.16 / 33.76 / 19.0
MP / amethyst crystal / 0.70 / 36.54 / 28.8
MP / Barney the dinosaur / 0.74 / 0.95 / 28.8
MP / eggplant / 0.60 / -1.77 / 28.8
MP / grape flavor (e.g. in candy, drinks, cough syrup) / 0.74 / 3.20 / 28.8
MP / grapes / 0.63 / 43.90 / 28.8
MP / heart / 0.19 / 60.87 / 28.8
MP / kings'/queens' royal robes/cloak / 0.56 / 20.93 / 28.8
MP / plums / 0.54 / 36.40 / 28.8
MP / purple flowers (e.g., lavender, violets, lilacs, irises) / 0.80 / 49.29 / 28.8
MP / purple heart metal / 0.60 / 38.40 / 28.8
MP / rotting (e.g. fruit) / 0.18 / -64.24 / 28.8
MP / sunset / 0.39 / 69.27 / 28.8
MP / tulips / 0.63 / 40.56 / 28.8
MP / wine (red) / 0.16 / 33.76 / 28.8
DP / Barney the dinosaur / 0.89 / 0.95 / 34.6
DP / dusk sky / 0.34 / 38.24 / 34.6
DP / eggplant / 0.76 / -1.77 / 34.6
DP / grape flavor (e.g. in candy, drinks, cough syrup) / 0.84 / 3.20 / 34.6
DP / grape juice/jelly / 0.76 / 26.15 / 34.6
DP / grapes / 0.72 / 43.90 / 34.6
DP / kings'/queens' royal robes/cloak / 0.64 / 20.93 / 34.6
DP / plums / 0.74 / 36.40 / 34.6
DP / purple flowers (e.g., lavender, violets, lilacs, irises) / 0.77 / 49.29 / 34.6
DP / purple heart metal / 0.69 / 38.40 / 34.6
DP / tulips / 0.53 / 40.56 / 34.6
DP / twilight sky / 0.36 / 63.38 / 34.6