Notes about this list:

1. Not all radicals have a specific pronunciation as they are not always used, as is, as a character for every day use. In this list an effort has been made to give at least a “name” if not the pronunciation, to each radical. This should be kept well in mind. The information and the spelling in the case of Cantonese is based upon information in the Yale romanisation found in the Chinese – English Dictionary of The Chinese University Press ISBN 962-201-922-6 and is the origin of the notes regarding equivalents in Mandarin. Hence you may find the spelling in this list differs from other authorities.

2. While each radical has a meaning, it also has implied meanings.

Where these exist they are sometimes listed on a second line.

3. With the advent of the simplified characters, the numbering in Radical charts does not always agree with the Traditional listings owing to the simplified radicals having a lesser stroke count. To accommodate international use the numbers in this list agree with the original Traditional character listings. The chart of simplified characters is listed accordingly for cross checking and will not agree with some dictionaries.


Radical MeaningBasis Your observationsMandarin/Cantonese

1. One (1)one fingeryi / yat

2. Downstrokenatural

3. dotnaturaltian / tin

4. left strokenatural

5. duplicate, secondstwo strokes

6. down stroke

7.two(2)two fingerser / yi

8. lidpicture of

9.persons, mankindtwo legs walkingren / yan

10 legs, child alternative drawing er / yih

11. enter two rivers joining ru /yap

12. eight(8) ba- / baat

13. upside down box, restrict,natural/, roof, covernaturalrong/yung

15. icecompare 85 water/

16. tablenaturalji/gei

17. open box’ receptaclenatural

18.blade, cut, knifechopper likedao/dou

19. power flexing arm li / lihk

20. wrapping, containthumb & finger/

21.spoon ladle, measure naturalbi / bei on sidenatural

23. enclosureboundary lines

Radical MeaningBasis Your observations Mandarin/Cantonese

24.ten (10)digit cancelledshi `/ sahp

25.predict, divineholding a divining rodbu / buk

26. seal, to containflap/

27.cliff, ledge, hidenatural

28. myself, privatea nose?/

29.again, &, repeatmarked and crossedye / yauh

30. mouth, portnaturalkou/ hau

31. enclosure, boundarynatural

32. ground, earthon flat groundtu~/ tou

33.knight, officerwell armedshi / sih

34. step, advancewalking /

35.walk slowlylonger steps

36. evening, nightsun downxi / jihk

37 big arms extendedda /aaih

38. femalewoman at tablenuu /neuih

39. child, small itemon mothers backzi / ji

40. roof, shaped crownnatural/

41. inch, small measurethumbcun /chyun

42. smallhands together comp. 37 bigxiao / siu

43. mistake, without,lame

44. corpsegrave markershi /si

45. station, setblades of grass tun/jeun

46. mountainthree peaksshan /saan

47. riverwater flowinghuan/chuyn

48. workwork benchgong /gung

49. self, snakenaturalji~ /gei

50. a clothon a railjin /gan

51. offend, shield, drain, dry gan /gon

52. tiny, small, childbound up yao /yiu

53. dotted cliffnatural /

54. move on, extend,step step /

55. twenty2 crossesyah /nian

56. sword, dartcutlass typeyi /yihk

57. bow(weapon)bendclassical shapegong /gung

58. broom, a handbristles, fingers /

59. short hair

60. step/pacea man’s stepchi /chik

61. heart, mindhand on the heartxin / sam

Radical MeaningBasis Your observations Mandarin/Cantonese

62. arms/weaponssword with additionsge/gwoh

63. doornaturalhu/wuh

64. handarm with fingers extendedshou /sau

65. prop, support, bracenaturalzhi /ji

66. gather, draw together /

67. written languagedesk or table wen /mahn

68.measure, amountset of balancesdou /dau

69. pound in weight,axejin /gan

70.direction, square, area running?fang /fong

71. not, without, negativewu /mouh

72.sun, day, lighthieroglyph:circle with dotri / yaht,saywagging tongue in a mouthyue /yuht

74 .moon, monthsunsrays reflecting from moonyue / yuht

(unusual but frequent use) flesh, body parts

75 .tree, wood, timbernaturalmu / uhk

76.lack, owe, losea lost arrowqian /him

77. stophand up & outzhi / chi

78. bad, evil, viciousdai /daai

79. kill, kind of weapon shu /syuh

80. mothermothers breastswu /mouh

81.than, to comparespoon measurebi / bei

82. hairanimal’s tailmao /mouh

83. family name zhi /sih

84. spirit, air,gaswind over a cliffnai / aaih

85.water, fluid in general(see abbrv. Version) water drops shui / seui

86. fire, heatasending flames of a firehuo / fo

87. claw, animal like 3 nailed pawzhua / jaau

88. fatherfather’s face– moustache likefu\ / fuh

89. side

90.wall or side surface

91. strip, slice,sidearm and legpian /pin

92. fang, toothanimal likeya /ngah

93. cow, domestic beastmissing a hornniu /ngauh

94. dog, small animal(see side radical –begging)quan / hyun

95. dark obscureunder the lidhuan /yuhn

96. king/jewelAll over the ground, superior ang/wohng

97. melonstriped apperancegua- /gwa

98. tileinterlocking ceramicswa /ngah

99. sweetpot contentsgan /gam, bear, existcow giving birthsheng /sang

Radical MeaningBasis Your observationsMandarin/Cantonese

101.useland is put to useyong / yung

102. field, area, zonehedged area tian / tihn

103.roll of cloth, step, advancepi / pat

104. sicknessrestrictedding /ding

105. dotted tent, back to backgui/gwai

106.white, clear, pure pointing to the sunbai / baahk

107. skin, coveringpi/peih

108. dishdish rackmin /mihng

109.eye, apertureeye with pupil turned /muhk

110. halberg, lance pole with point and choppermao /maauh

111.arrow, dispatch, sendpoint and tail feathershi /chi

112. stone pebblesomething round in handshi /sehk

113.reveal, show (god)shi /sih

114. track, step

115. growing grain`flower on treehe /woh

116.empty, space, hole, caveroof overxue / yuht

117.stand, to standstanding,support li /lahp

118.bambooflowering stalkszhu / juk

119.rice, food, mealssheaf of grain mi /maih

120. thread, silkmi /mihk

121.hill, earthenwarecow on mountain top? fou / fau

122. a netenclosed meshlikehan /hon

123. sheep two horned beastyang /yeuhng

124.wing feather, bird kind wing like yu~ /yuh

125. age, experiencedigging into groundlao / louh

126. but, yet, ander / yih

127. a ploughwooden share in groundlei /loih

128.ear, hearing, side door ear like shape/lobe er / yih

129. brush, pencilhand holding a bamboo rod yu /wat

130. flesh, body partshanging side of beefrou / yuhk

131.sujects, subjugate (I)chen /sahn

132. self, I, alone,finger to eye(Orntl gesture)zi /jih

133.until, reach, arrivewith ground/pointzhi / jih

134 .a mortarcontainerjiu /kauh

135 tongue, speech, active protruding from mouthshe /siht

136. oppose,dancingchuan /chyun

137. shipsails set on mastzhou /jau

Radical MeaningBasis Your observations Mandarin/Cantonese

138. straight , wellgen /gan

139. colourse / sik

140. grass, herbs ai,yi/ngaaih

141.tigerhu /fu

142. insect

143. bloodcaught in a dishxue / hyut

144.go, perform, dostep to a placexing /hahng


146. westbirds in nest at s/sxi/sai

147.see, comprehendman’s eyejian / gin

148. horn/cornercutting placejiao / gok

149. say, speechbreath out of mouthyan / yihn

150. valleywater shedgu~ /guk

151. bean, small itemsdou /dau

152. piganimal like see dogshi / chi

153. badger, reptilesmall animal /stripes zhi /jih money, valueconch type shellbei /bui

155. red,naked, babyground likechi /chik

156. walk, run foot to groundzou /jau

157. leg, foot, enoughleg/knee,footzu/ /tsuk

158.body, physical partsshen /san

159.vehicletwo wheeled cartche / che

160. hard, bitter standing onxin /san

161. celestial, time chen /sahn

162. round about, advance, run yu /yu,place, districtown peopleyi / yap

164bottlebottle with contentsyou /yauh

165. collect, pickhand on plantcai / choi

166.hometown, a distance, furlong field/groundli~ /leih

167.metal, money goldjin /gam

168.long, senior, chief, boss, head zhang/jeung

169. gates, passage, way, through double doors men / mun

170.hill, separate divided fu /fauh

171 possess, slaveli / daai

172. bird, birds, flight, wingzhui /jeui

173. rainrain drops on cityyu/ /yuh, clear, clean, youngqing /cheng

175. un/not, prefix to negate closed doors?fei /fei

Radical MeaningBasis Your observationsMandarin/Cantonese 176. a face, surface, or side mian/mihn

177.leather, hidesComp. Bull ge / gaak

178. tanned leather wei/waih

179. vegetable, greens, leeks jiu / gau

180.soundsunrise coresyin / yam

181. pagelines on shellye /yihp

182. wind sailfeng /fung

183 fly, jumpfei/fei

184. eat, food, mealsgood for manshi/ /sihk

185. head,neck, main, chief, importantshou /sau

186. scent, popular, appetisingsun on the grain xiang /heung

187. horselegs tail manema /mah

188. bonehollow body partgu/ /gwat

189.high, expensive, gao /gou

190. long hairlong + locksmao /mouh

191. strife, strive, compete kings with sticks dou /dau

192. fragrant herbs hang/cheung

193. cauldronlid on pot li /lihk

194. spirit,demon, unseen power gui /gwai

195. fish,basic for all speciesnatural yu / yuh

196. bird, basic for all species eye, wing claws niao /niuh

197. salt lu /louh

198. deer lu /luhk

199.wheat mai /mahk

200. hemp & other ma /mah

201. yellowdry grass in field huang/wohng

202. millet shu /syu

203. blackburned off field hei /hak

204. sewing zhi / ji

205. green frogdoubled mouth-(croaking) min /mahn

206 .tripodspread legs ding /ding

207.drum gu /gu

208.mouse/ratshu /syu

209. nosedrawing of nose bi /beih

210. equal, uniformqi /chsai

211. teethteeth in mouth shapechi / chi

212. dragonlong /lung

213. tortoisebui /gwai

214. flute, instrumentfinger holesyue /yeuhk