Section 1: IEMA Training Centre Application
1.1. Centre Details
Centre Name:Main Contact: / Alternative Contact:
Main Contact Tel: / Alternative Contact Tel:
Main Contact Email: / Alternative Contact Email:
Finance Contact: / Marketing/Sales Contact:
Main Address:
Please attach a list of any satellite locations that are included as part of the Centre Approval.
1.2. IEMA Training Centre Quality Standard
Standard / Possible Sources of Evidence / Please list documents/ evidence available in support of this standard / IEMA Comments(to be completed by IEMA) / IEMA USE
Partly Compliant
Non-Compliant /
A. Management, Policies and Systems
A1 / The centre follows sound Environment and Health & Safety principles.
The centre has in place policies and procedures, which are implemented and periodically review these principles. / Policy and procedures
A2 / The centre has comprehensive policies to ensure effective learning.
Policies include Equal Opportunities, Safeguarding, Special Consideration, Reasonable Adjustment, Plagiarism, Appeals, Complaints and Malpractice which ensure the needs of learners are met.
Procedures to ensure effective implementation and periodic review of these policies are in place. / Policies, Procedure, Course records
A3 / The centre uses appropriate, secure and auditable systems for the retention, storage and retrieval of records relating to the administration and management of learning programmes.
The centre can demonstrate that there is an effective procedure for the secure retention and storage of records and documentation in accordance with Data Protection Policy. / Procedure for retention, storage and retrieval of records.
A4 / The centre has effective communications processes.
The centre has a communication process for information and supporting documentation relating to courses, policies and procedures to ensure that changes are distributed and made available in an effective manner to all relevant stakeholders. / Procedure in place for communication of changes.
B. Quality of Teaching
B1 / The centre has a procedure for recruiting the right quality of training staff.
The centre has a recruitment process which demonstrates clear alignment to the skills requirements of the business. / Procedure for training staff recruitment
B2 / The centre will assess, review and support training staff in training delivery, on a regular basis.
The centre can demonstrate an effective professional development process and periodic teaching reviews which will provide a good level of confidence in staff competence. / Tutor Continuing Professional Development procedures, Observation of Teaching and Learning schedule, annual staff appraisal.
1.3. IEMA Training Centre Due Diligence Information
Due Diligence Check / Applicant Information / IEMA USE /1 / Registered Name of Company (as registered with Companies House):
2 / Registered Company Number:
3 / Name of Registered Director:
4 / Has this company ever been registered under any other names? If so, please provide full details – this should include dissolved companies.
5 / Registered Company Address:
6 / Any other premises (address) your company trades or delivers from:
7 / Has the Director of the registered company been associated with any other companies (both active and inactive) currently or in the past? If so, please provide details.
8 / Have any sanctions been imposed by any awarding organisations on your company in the last 3 years? If so, please provide details.
9 / Is your company subject to OFSTED inspections and if so, what was your last OFSTED grade and when was this?
10 / Have there been any serious complaints or allegations made about your company in the last year? If yes, please provide details.
11 / Are any of your senior staff serving a disqualification order made by the court under the Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986? If so, please provide details with dates.
12 / Has your company passed the Due Diligence Assurance Gateway process?
13 / Is your company registered on the Skills Funding Agency Register of Training Organisations?
14 / Is your company registered with the UK Register of Learning Providers? If yes, please provide your UKPRN number:
15 / Awarding Bodies which you have current active status with and course details:
16 / Do you have direct claim status with these bodies?
17 / Please provide full details of anything you consider could give rise to a conflict of interest (e.g. IEMA Committee Member and Training Partner):
18 / Do you have Public Liability Insurance and if yes, please state the amount covered?
19 / Do you have Professional Indemnity Insurance and if yes, please state the amount covered?
20 / Has any of the Directors or any other person who has powers of representation, decision or control been convicted of any of the following:
· Conspiracy which related to participation in a criminal organisation
· Corruption
· Bribery
· Fraud
· Money Laundering
Any other offence within the meaning of Article 45 (1) of the Public Sector Directive.
If you answer Yes to any of the above, please provide full details
21 / Has the company or Directors, or any bidder of funds:
· become insolvent (if company) or bankrupt (if an individual) or had a County Court Judgement against them
If you answer Yes to any of the above, please provide full details
1.4. Training History
Please provide a summary of any training courses your company has delivered over the last 3 years.
Last yearY1 / Y2 / Y3
Course 1 Name and Brief Details: / Number of courses delivered
Countries of delivery
Numbers of learners
Course 2 Name and Brief Details: / Number of courses delivered
Countries of delivery
Numbers of learners
Course 3 Name and Brief Details: / Number of courses delivered
Countries of delivery
Numbers of learners
Course 4 Name and Brief Details: / Number of courses delivered
Countries of delivery
Numbers of learners
Section 2: IEMA Certified or Approved Course Application
2.1. Course for Approval
Please tick the course that you wish to gain approval for (if you wish to gain approval for more than one course, please complete the additional Course Application Form for each further course separately).
a. IEMA Certified Courses
Course Title / Application for approval / Anticipated initial delivery date / Anticipated annual learner numbers / Country / Countries of course delivery / Method of Delivery if applicable (classroom, e-learning, blended, work-based) / Proposed Retail Price per learnerIEMA course specifications which require training materials development
Foundation Certificate in Environmental Management
Certificate in Environmental Management
IEMA Diploma in Sustainable Business Practice
Foundation Course in Environmental Auditing
Internal EMS Auditor
Lead Environmental Auditor
EMS Implementation
Carbon, GHGs, Footprinting, Accounting and Management
IEMA courses with training materials provided by IEMA
Foundation Certificate in Environmental Management
Certificate in Environmental Management
Leading with Environmental Sustainability
Managing with Environmental Sustainability
Working with Environmental Sustainability
Making the Transition to ISO 14001:2015
Auditing to ISO 14001:2015
b. Your own course for gaining IEMA Approval (please complete the table below)
Course Title to be approvedLevel of course (QCF equivalent)
Duration of course (guided learning hours)
Method of Delivery (classroom, e-learning, distance, blended, work-based)
Outline of the course
Cross mapping to the IEMA Skills Map
Learning Outcomes
Learner Entry Requirements
Target Audience
Market Potential
Anticipated initial delivery date
Anticipated annual learner numbers
Country / Countries of course delivery
Proposed Retail Price per learner
2.2. Name of Trainers for Approval
(Please complete the IEMA Registered Trainer Application Form for all trainers)
N.B. A maximum of 3 trainers can be approved within the course approval fee. Any additional trainers will incur further charges.
Name of Trainer1 / 4
2 / 5
3 / 6
2.3. IEMA Training Course Quality Standard
Standard / Possible Sources of Evidence / Please list documents/ evidence available in support of this standard / IEMA Comments(to be completed by IEMA) / IEMA USE
Partly Compliant
Non-Compliant /
A. Course Materials
(N.B. If you are applying to deliver an IEMA course which has training materials provided by IEMA please move to section D: Course Review)
A1 / Depth and breadth of course materials must be sufficient to achieve the defined learning outcomes of the required syllabus and be technically accurate. / Course materials
A2 / Learning outcomes are clearly defined and cross referenced with appropriate timing apportioned.
· Learning outcomes should be cross referenced within a Scheme of Work/table to show how it is being covered within the course.
· Guided learning hours should be indicated and time apportioned appropriately to the subject areas.
· The time allocation should clearly set out how it meets the required guided learning hours for the course including the course structure (e.g. consecutive days or split weeks). / Course materials
Scheme of work
A3 / The centre ensures relevant information relating to the course is developed and accurate.
The centre has information relating to the course available and easily accessible to relevant stakeholders, including details of the learner assessment.
Course information, including the title, is accurate and adheres to IEMA guidelines (if using an IEMA course specification). / Course materials
Course marketing e.g. leaflet, website
A4 / The course materials include pre-course information to send to potential learners as well as information to receive back prior to the course starting.
This should include learner entry requirements, provision for any learner needs (linked to equal opportunities), pre-reading (if applicable) and any other relevant information. / Pre-course information document
A5 / The course materials are of a high standard.
Presentation, visual and written materials provided throughout the course are of good quality.
Case studies used are comprehensive and relevant.
Specified site visits must be appropriate to the course content, accessible and within reasonable proximity to the training venue. / Course materials
A6 / Further reading, learning and recognition opportunities are detailed to learners.
Learning materials issued to learners and course presentations signpost learners to further reading and learning opportunities including IEMA membership/courses where applicable. / Course materials (learner packs, presentation slides)
A7 / Courses include general guidance on exam technique/assessment.
Where applicable, courses must include general guidance on exam technique/assessment. / Course materials
B. Quality of teaching and learning
B1 / The course trainer(s) is/are suitably qualified to deliver the course and are IEMA members. / Trainer application form
B2 / Course content can be tailored to meet learner needs whilst still maintaining the core course specification.
Course content can be tailored to meet learner needs linked with equal opportunities and/or work background (e.g. in-house courses within a specific industry sector). / Course materials (areas that can be tailored for company sectors)
Pre-course information document
B3 / The course contains a variety of suitable teaching and learning methods.
The course contains a good variety and balance of teaching and learning methods, with a flexibility of approach which tailors provision to individual learner needs.
Lesson plans are comprehensive to satisfactorily guide the trainer through course delivery. They must link the teaching activity to the learning outcomes as well as specifying delivery methods.
Providers of a full or part-time academic programme must provide documented detailed learning objectives for each module with guidance on delivery. / Lesson plan, course materials including handouts, activity sheets - evidence of a mix of teaching and learning methods
Learning materials
B4 / Suitable learning plans are in place for longer courses.
For longer courses (e-learning, distance and work-based learning) each learner has a learning plan that is implemented and reviewed to track their progress through the course. / Learning plans
B5 / Group work and remote interaction is promoted in e-learning/distance learning courses
Group work should to be promoted and can include any form of remote interaction including emails, telephone and online forums. / Remote interaction capability
C. Assessment of Learners
C1 / Procedures for learner assessment and its methodology are in place.
Effective methods of assessment are in place which meets IEMA specification requirements where applicable. / Procedure document
C2 / Assessment methodology is suitable for the course.
The assessment methodology should ensure that underpinning knowledge tests are commensurate with course level. Questions test knowledge, understanding and application with clear marking criteria. / Course assessment documents
Marking guide
C3 / Assessment covers all learning outcomes.
The assessment is cross referenced to a table of course Learning Outcomes to ensure it covers all of these. / Assessment/ Learning outcomes table
C4 / Assessment is weighted appropriately.
Marking must take appropriate weighting into consideration for each question, e.g. answers to multiple choice questions must attract fewer marks than free-text type answers.
/ Question paper; Marking guide
C5 / Examination security measures are in place.
Measures must be in place to ensure examination security e.g. storing examination papers securely, use of exam conditions, use of a question pool or rotation of examination papers (Minimum number of 2 question papers). / Examination procedure document; question papers
C6 / Learners are provided with appropriate instructions regarding the assessment.
Pre-assessment instructions to the learner must be clear and concise and include relevant policies that they need to know (see below). / Examination procedure document
Learner information document
Assessment papers
Trainer manuals
C7 / Examinations and post examination processes are carried out in accordance with relevant centre policies and procedures.
These include Reasonable Adjustment, Special Consideration, Malpractice and Appeals Policies.
If a re-sit is applicable a different exam paper must be used. Re-sits must allow sufficient time for further learning to take place (minimum period of two weeks). / Examination procedure document
Centre policies
C8 / For work based/applied learning, the centre has a clearly defined verification and assessment process.
The centre demonstrates good quality internal verification and assessment processes. / IQA and Assessment Policy and procedures.
C9 / The course has an assessment standardisation procedure that is managed, implemented and documented.
There is an effective procedure to ensure assessment marking is standardised and quality assurance maintained. / Course assessment guidance;
assessment standardisation processes
Marking guides
C10 / Learner information is sent to IEMA after course delivery.
Procedures must be place to send completed and accurate learner information and details of achievements to IEMA in accordance with IEMA requirements, along with membership payment for all learners on a course which leads directly to membership (see Policy Manual for further details). / Procedure
Learner Information Forms
D. Course Review
D1 / Quality of provision is regularly evaluated and reviewed, with improvements made in a sustainable manner.
Processes have been developed for evaluating, reviewing and improving course materials, teaching and learning and raising achievement.
Learner feedback (evaluation) covers delivery, course content by module and customer service. / Learner feedback form
Course review procedures
Section 3: Declaration and Signature