
Virginia Clean Cities

Hampton Roads Coalition

401 Keith Ave

Kilmarnock VA 22482

To: ______(potential recipient)

Ref:Letter of Agreement

Grant # DE-FC26-06NT43009

VA-MD-DC E85 retail infrastructure

Please consider this letter an agreement by and between Virginia Clean Cities of Kilmarnock Virginia, hereinafter referred to as “VCC,” and ______, hereinafter referred to as the grant “recipient,” concerning eligibility requirements and recipient’s intentions to apply for grant funds to pay for E85 refueling infrastructure.


E85 refueling projectsmay qualify for a maximum of $12,000 – if a new tank is required -- or up to $6,750 -- for a conversion or retrofit of an existing tank – to assist withcertain costs, such as tanks and dispensers, and may qualify for a maximum of $1,500 in marketing support. Some or all of the marketing support might be in the form of services and materials. The size of individual grants and the total amount of grant money available to a single recipient or E85 refueling propertywill diminish over the course of this two-year grant project. Grants will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis until available funds have been expended. Recipients who are awarded grants after the first few qualifying projectsreceive awards may be eligible for less than the maximum amounts.

Infrastructure categories and ceiling amounts:

Grant awards are available only for E85 project investments inapproved infrastructure categories and cannot exceed the category ceiling amounts described in the attachment titled “Approved E85 infrastructure categories and amounts.”

To be eligible for grant funding, recipient must:

  • Provide equal matching funds from non-federal sources
  • Permit unrestricted public access to E85 refueling
  • Report E85 fuel sales for two years
  • Continue sales of E85 for a minimum of three years
  • Allow and assist VCC to conduct an environmental review BEFORE construction begins

Acceptance of agreement:

By signing, VCC and Recipient agree to the following:

  • That grant amounts, categories, ceilings, terms and eligibility requirements have been explained satisfactorily by VCC and that recipient will seek and VCC will provide additional explanation in writing as may be needed.
  • That recipient has expressed a conditional intent to seek grant funding for the specific project described below, but may not have ascertained fully its ability or willingness to satisfy all grant eligibility requirements.
  • That recipient’s conditional intent to seek grant funding is not binding on VCC until all grant eligibility requirements have been met to the satisfaction of VCC and Recipient.
  • That VCC has explained to Recipient’s satisfaction and that Recipient understands that there is no guarantee concerning the amount of grant funds that could be awarded to the project described below, that grant amounts will diminish following the first few awards and substantially diminish over the two-year life cycle of the grant program.

Project/property for grant consideration:

(Please describe briefly the nature and location of the E85 refueling project)



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Virginia Clean Cities, 401 Keith Ave, Kilmarnock VA 22482

804-436-3867 cell