Did I attend any extracurricular clubs last year?


Which ones? ______

What was my proudest sporting achievement last year was…..


My biggest aim for this year is…..

Take a careful look at the competences for each activity area you will be doing in your P.E. lessons. From this information make a decision about what level you think you are working at and what you need to do to progress to the next level.

Invasion Games - PERFORMER: Knowledge, Skill, Understanding / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9
I will attempt to move into space although my opponents easily get free when defending
I will attempt to feint and signal for the ball
I can demonstrate basic control in isolation, out of a game context
I participate in the game with some effectiveness
I am able to pass with strong foot/hand with some consistency and accuracy
I exhibit some skill in my chosen position
I pass accurately with the correct technique with some accuracy
I am able to demonstrate the footwork rule correctly
I have a good standard of passing which is accurate
I attempt to mark the ball
I have knowledge of a position and the impact within a game
I have a good standard of passing and can demonstrate correct technique and timing
I am able to get free from an opponent of a similar standard
I can show that I can influence the game in either attack or defence
I show a high level of skill and tactical awareness
I am able to control consistently
I make a clear attempt to mark the next pass
I have tactical awareness and will make good decisions during play
I pass the ball with variety and accuracy, almost always finding a team mate
I make few unforced errors and assist my team mates
I can run at an opponent and move past on the chosen side, with a high rate of success
I can effectively mark my opponent
I can exert some influence on the game in both attack and defence
I demonstrate a variety of passes showing accuracy and power, and give clear signals when receiving in a game situation
I show tight control when moving past an opponent on either side, and I am beginning to develop a feint action with the upper body
I can get free of my opponent using varying methods
Gymnastics - PERFORMER: Knowledge, Skill, Understanding 'CORE AGILITIES' / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9
I can copy basic agility skills such as rolls with some body control
I can link basic agility skills together to perform a short sequence
I can demonstrate basic agility skills and linking movements in a sequence, with some control and style
I can link more advanced agility skills to form a routine, showing an awareness of body/time/weight
I am able to perform a sequence interpreting the chosen theme with considerable style and control
I can perform a variety of basic and advanced agility skills with excellent style and control
My sequence shows thought, imagination and originality and is fluent, aesthetically pleasing and shows style and poise
Gymnastics - PERFORMER: Knowledge, Skill, Understanding 'VAULTING' / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9
I can perform a basic vault with minimal assistance
I can perform a more advanced vault with speed on approach and a secure landing
I can perform a difficult vault involving rotation, with good speed on approach and a secure landing
Dance - PERFORMER: Knowledge, Skill, Understanding / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9
I can use gesture
My dance shows evidence of motif development through the use of some speed and directional changes
I can convey some clear and relevant movement content
My gestures can show expression of the chosen theme
I can demonstrate a variety of actions using the body in a fluid manner and display a basic understanding of linking body actions and movement phrases through the dance
I can convey clear and relevant movement content
My motif is developed throughout the dance, showing some choreographic methods in a structured form
I can show examples of contrast, repetition and accent
I can display an understanding of linking body actions with movement phrases
My motif demonstrate a wide variety of actions using the body in a fluid manner throughout the dance
I demonstrate clarity of expression through a variety of intended body actions
I can effectively use the chosen theme and I explore the scope for variations in tempo and accent
My motif shows a clear development, enabling the dance to be performed with some style and elegance, with some movement in both personal and general space
I project with confidence, only occasionally losing focus
I show effective use of the chosen theme showing variation in tempo and accent
I demonstrate clarity of expression through intended body action, showing some fluency of movements and rhythmic awareness
I show effective use of the chosen theme and demonstrating scope for variations in tempo and accent
My motif shows a clear development of chorographical devices and is performed with style and elegance, showing confidence and spatial awareness
I demonstrate a clear understanding of expression through well-structured movements
My motif is complex, this making the dance a sensitive and skilful performance, demonstrating unity and coherence
My theme is appropriate and effective and I can sometimes vary the tempo, dynamics and accent of movements
I demonstrate an understanding of expression through well-structured movements showing a good degree of fluency, continuity and logical progression
My rhythmic patterns show fluency, continuity and logical progression
My theme is always appropriate and effective and I can skilfully vary the tempo, dynamics and accent of movements
I project with confidence and remain focused throughout a performance
Alternative Roles in Sport - OFFICIATING: Knowledge, Skills and Understanding / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9
I have a limited knowledge and understanding of the rules/laws/regulations and safety issues, can apply these at an appropriate performance level
I have a sound knowledge and understanding of the rules/laws/regulations and safety issues, and can regularly apply these at an appropriate performance level
My communication, positioning and signalling skills are sound and I have the confidence to assert my authority by making well-informed decisions
I have a very good knowledge and understanding of the rules/laws/regulations and safety issues and regularly apply these at an appropriate performance level
My communication, positioning and signalling skills are very good and I have the confidence to assert my authority by making quick, well-informed decisions
I have a thorough knowledge and understanding of the rules/laws/regulations and safety issues, and consistently apply these at an appropriate performance level
My communication, positioning and signalling skills are excellent and I have the confidence to assert my authority by making quick, well-informed and accurate decisions
Alternative Roles in Sport - COACHING/LEADERSHIP: Knowledge, Skills and Understanding / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9
I can identify obvious strengths and areas for development
I demonstrate a basic level of performance in the role of the leader's assistant during practise sessions, helping to set up skills practices within a session and take an active role in encouraging participants
I demonstrate a basic level of performance in the role of the leader's assistant during different sessions
I demonstrate the ability to assist in the planning and delivery of practice sessions, individual, group and team.
I can help set up skills practice and lead part of the session
I can evaluate some performances, indicating strengths and areas for development, providing some helpful feedback
I am confident in certain situations, displaying some good transitional and communication skills
I demonstrate the ability to assist in the planning and delivery of a variety of sessions, and can help set up skills practice and lead elements of the session
I can evaluate performances, indicating strengths and areas for development, providing good feedback
I am confident in most situations, displaying some good transitional and communication skills
I demonstrate the ability to plan and deliver a number of sessions and plan basic skills practices
I can evaluate performances, indicating strengths and areas for development, and give some very positive feedback
As a leader, I am confident in most situations, displaying very good organisation and communication skills
I can demonstrate the ability to plan and deliver a number of sessions for a range of participants and can plan advanced skills practices
I can accurately pinpoint a performer's strengths and areas for development and am able to give very detailed feedback
I am an inspirational leader; I am confident, highly organised and display excellent communication skills
Striking & Fielding Games - PERFORMER: Knowledge, Skill, Understanding 'FIELDING' / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9
Fielding: I can demonstrate basic stops, catching and simple throws
Fielding: I am able to demonstrate basic catching and throwing action over short distances
Fielding: I can stop and perform a 'long barrier' and throw accurately over short distances demonstrating both basic underarm and overarm throws
Fielding: I am able to anticipate and adjust position according to the pace of the ball, and I regularly catch the ball coming at different heights and speeds
Fielding: I show good catching ability and am generally accurate when returning the ball
Fielding: I show consistent catching ability and can quickly and accurately return the ball
Fielding: I demonstrate both underarm and overarm throws with consistent accuracy
Fielding: I can demonstrate both catching and throwing, including deep field, with consistent and show clear evidence of being able to return the ball accurately
Fielding: I can demonstrate all skills with consistency and anticipate where the ball is going and adjust my position in the field
Striking & Fielding Games -PERFORMER: Knowledge, Skill, Understanding 'BOWLING' / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9
Bowling: I can demonstrate a static underarm bowling action
Bowling: I can demonstrate some sideways action
Bowling: I can demonstrate some effectiveness in a game situation
Bowling: I use the correct technique, and my delivery of the ball is consistent
Bowling: My delivery is consistent and I can sometimes make a change in height and speed in an attempt to outwit the batsman
Bowling: I regularly demonstrate a change in height, speed and type of delivery in an attempt to outwit the batsman
Bowling: I show an extremely consistent level of bowling with only the occasional no ball
Bowling: I show full variation of height, speed and spin to try and outwit the batsman
Bowling: I show a full variation of height, speed and spin, and I regularly outwit the batsperson
Striking & Fielding Games -PERFORMER: Knowledge, Skill, Understanding 'STRIKING' / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9
Striking: I can demonstrate where to stand, and have a basic idea of the batting stance
Striking: I can perform basic forward and backward defensive shots
Striking: I use the correct technique in defensive and attacking shots and have a good grip
Striking: I can adopt the correct stance with a good grip and I am able to play the appropriate forward or backward shot to a variety of balls bowled
Striking: I can apply the correct technique to forward and backward defensive shots and demonstrate the ability to control shots and place the ball
Striking: My technique of attacking and defensive shots are strong and I demonstrate a good stance
Striking: I display a high level of technique in defensive and attacking shots, and 70-80% of my balls have good contact
Striking: I demonstrate the ability to control my shots and place the ball dependent on the field position
Striking & Fielding Games -PERFORMER: Knowledge, Skill, Understanding 'GENERAL' / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9
I can perform one component with recognisable technique
I can perform one component with the appropriate technique and performance
I can perform striking and bowling with a good technique and perform most elements of fielding effectively OR I can perform striking and bowling with mostly correct technique and performance, and can perform all elements of fielding to a good level of ability
I can perform striking or bowling with a good technique and can perform elements of fielding effectively OR I can perform striking and bowling with correct technique and performance and perform all elements of fielding to a good level of ability
I can perform striking or bowling to a high level of technique and perform all elements of fielding to a good level of ability OR I can perform striking and bowling with a good technique and performance, and I can perform all elements of fielding to a high level of ability
I can perform striking or bowling to a high level of technique and perform all elements of fielding to a high level of ability
I perform striking or bowling to a very high level of technique and perform all elements of fielding to a high level of ability OR I can perform striking and bowling with high level of technique and performance, and I can perform all elements of fielding to a very high level of ability
I perform striking or bowling to an exceptional level of technique and perform all elements of fielding to a very high level of ability OR I can perform striking and bowling to a very high level of technique and performance, and I can perform all elements of fielding to an exceptional level of ability
Striking & Fielding Games -PERFORMER: Knowledge, Skill, Understanding 'GAME SITUATION' / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9
Game situation: I show some ability to influence the game either in batting or bowling
Game situation: I have a good command of most skills, and show some anticipation of opposition, and adjust accordingly. I can switch from attack to defence
Game situation: I am able to exert some influence on the game in batting, bowling and fielding, and make few unforced errors
Game situation: I show a good level of skill and tactical awareness, even under pressure
Game situation: I am able to exert considerable influence over the game in batting, bowling and fielding, and show a high level of tactical awareness under pressure
Athletics - PERFORMER: Knowledge, Skill, Understanding 'JUMPING' / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9
I can perform a slow run-up and take-off
My run-up shows some attack on approach and an idea of marking our, and my take-off and flight show some technique
My run-up shows attack on approach and I can begin to mark out
My run up and take-off shows shape and some attack
My flight phase is more technical and I can land on the correct part of my body most of the time
My run up and take-off shows shape and attack
My flight phase is technically correct and I can land on the correct part of the body
My run up and take-off is accurate, fast and shows good rhythm
My flight phase is technically correct and I land on the correct part of the body regularly
My run-up and take-off is accurate, very fast and shows good rhythm
My flight phase is technically correct and I always land on the correct part of the body regularly
My run-up has excellent rhythm ad aggression, showing good technique
My flight phase is excellent and I always land correctly
Athletics - PERFORMER: Knowledge, Skill, Understanding 'THROWING' / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9
I can throw from standing
I have some idea of safety and rules of competition
I have an idea of the correct grip have a reasonably effective standing throw
I have a good idea of safety and the basic rules of competition
I have a good idea of the correct grip and have an effective standing throw
I have a reasonable release during my throw
I use the correct gap appropriate to an event and prepare correctly
Athletics - PERFORMER: Knowledge, Skill, Understanding 'THROWING' / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9
I show a high awareness of safety and a good knowledge of the rules of competition
My movement is starting to show speed, and my timing is beginning to be evident
I use the correct grip and correct position which is balanced, relaxed and controlled
My movement shows speed and aggression and release with more drive
I regularly use the correct grip and correct position which is balanced, relaxed and controlled
I show good timing and rhythm
I frequently use the correct grip and prepare correctly, well balanced and relaxed
My movement has a good rhythm and timing, and my release is effective
I exhibit good timing of each phase, smooth rhythm and transition
Athletics - PERFORMER: Knowledge, Skill, Understanding 'RUNNING' / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9
I can complete a race, but my technique is quite uneconomical
I can show some pace judgement
I have some idea of how to start the race
I can show some tactical awareness
My running style is becoming more economical
I have a good idea of how to start, and my posture is more relevant to the event
I am able to judge my pace quite accurately
My running style is economical
My posture is good and maintained throughout all the race
I have a good judgement of pace and I am able to adapt to the conditions of the race
My racing starts are technically and tactically correct, and my posture is excellent throughout
My pace is excellent, and I am able to adapt to the conditions of the race
Net and Wall Games -PERFORMER: Knowledge, Skill, Understanding 'STROKE PLAY' / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9
I can return some shots which are within easy reach
I am able to play some forehand strokes with some correct technique and I can maintain the stroke during rallies at times
I am able to play forehand strokes with the correct technique and can maintain stroke during basic rallies
I am beginning to anticipate shots
I can play basic shots with a good standard of technique, placement and a little disguise
I use the correct grip and the technique of my shots is becoming more effective
My service is varied and, at times, disguised
I can play shots with a good standard of technique, placement and, at times, disguise.
My service is both varied and disguised
I demonstrate a good standard of technique whilst performing all basic strokes
My shots are played with some finesse and disguise, and I regularly place my shots with some accuracy and control
I demonstrate a consistently good standard of technique whilst performing all basic and some more advanced strokes
My shots are played with finesse and disguise, and I regularly place my shots with accuracy and control
I display an excellent level of performance while demonstrating a full range of strokes, all plated with the correct technique, power and direction
I move efficiently with correct footwork and ease
Net and Wall Games -PERFORMER: Knowledge, Skill, Understanding 'GAME SITUATION' / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9
I can return shots which are in easy reach
I am becoming more effective in a game, showing some individual skills when not under pressure
Net and Wall Games -PERFORMER: Knowledge, Skill, Understanding 'GAME SITUATION' / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9
I can maintain a mid-court rally using a basic technique
I have a reasonable understanding of positioning on service and can sometimes score
My game play is effective and I can demonstrate a good level of skill when under pressure
At times I can apply different formation and move efficiently around the court
When rallying, I anticipate my opponents shot and although not always successful, I attempt to place my shots
I understand both scoring and court markings
I can apply different formations and move efficiently around the court
I have a good understanding of both scoring and court markings
I am able to exert an influence of the game, applying a good range of strokes and tactics, even under pressure
I can anticipate my opponent's shots and I have the ability to disguise my own shots
My movement is good and efficient and I can vary both angle and depth of my shots making few unforced errors
I use a combination of formations and have a good understanding of the laws of the game
I am able to exert an influence of the game, applying a very good range of strokes and tactics, even under pressure
My movement is very good and efficient allowing preparation time and I can vary both the angle and depth of shots, making very few unforced errors
I use a combination of formations and have a very good understanding of the laws of the game
I can exert significant control over a game and display outstanding level of skill and tactical awareness, making very few unforced errors
I am a very accomplished player who plays with both variation, depth, disguise and placement
I react quickly to the situation selecting the correct technique to outwit my opponent
I have an excellent understanding of the laws of the game