ExampleMiddle School

Bully Report (Fall, 2007 vs Spring 2008)

Fall 07 Spring 08

%* Mean %* Mean What Bullying Looks Like and Where it Happens (Type)

23 / 4.50 / 9 / 4.44 / I am hit, pinched, kicked, tripped, pushed, elbowed, touched orgrabbed in a hurtful or embarrassing way.
9 / 4.24 / 8 / 4.26 / I am ignored, rejected, lied about, had rumors told about you, or had hurtful and mean notes written about me.
10 / 4.36 / 8 / 4.33 / I am called names, teased, made fun of the way I look or dress, or put down in a hurtful way.
3 / 4.72 / 2 / 4.73 / I am forced to do things I don’t want to do.
7 / 4.27 / 8 / 4.27 / I have had things damaged or stolen from me.
5 / 4.61 / 3 / 4.69 / I am bullied in other ways.

%* Mean %* Mean Bullied Inside the SchoolBuilding

4 / 4.64 / 5 / 4.56 / I am bullied in the classroom.
4 / 4.64 / 3 / 4.64 / I am bullied in the hall.
3 / 4.73 / 3 / 4.72 / I am bullied in the lunchroom.
1 / 4.87 / 2 / 4.82 / I am bullied in the gym or locker room.
2 / 4.85 / 2 / 4.81 / I am bullied in the bathroom.
3 / 4.72 / 3 / 4.73 / I am bullied in other places in the school.
5 / 4.58 / 5 / 4.56 / I am being bullied by one student.
6 / 4.51 / 7 / 4.47 / I am being bullied by more than one student.

%* Mean %* Mean Bullied Outside the SchoolBuilding

1 / 4.90 / 2 / 4.90 / I am bullied in the parking lot.
1 / 4.92 / 2 / 4.88 / I am bullied outside during physical education class.
1 / 4.89 / 3 / 4.90 / I am bullied outside the school building before school starts.
2 / 4.86 / 2 / 4.89 / I am bullied on an athletic field.

This is the percentage of students who responded negatively to an item. For example “almost always” or “a lot” to

“I am hit, pinched, kicked, tripped, etc.

Fall 07 Spring 08

%* Mean %* MeanWhat I Have Seen

23 / 3.38 / 24 / 3.33 / I see other students hit, pinched, kicked, tripped, pushed, elbowed, touched or grabbed in a hurtful or embarrassing way.
40 / 2.92 / 35 / 3.01 / I see other students ignored, rejected, lied about, had rumors told about them, or had hurtful and mean notes written about them.
35 / 2.97 / 30 / 3.18 / I see other students called names, teased, made fun of the way I look or dress, or been put down in a hurtful way.
9 / 4.15 / 7 / 4.27 / I see other students forced to do things they don’t want to do.
15 / 3.71 / 16 / 3.66 / I see other students’ things being damaged or taken from them.
18 / 3.63 / 14 / 3.86 / I see other students bullied in other ways.

%* Mean %* Mean Bystanders

58 / 2.33 / 57 / 2.37 / Most students try to help other students who are being bullied.
38 / 3.03 / 34 / 3.09 / When students see someone bullied, most of them ignore it.
49 / 2.69 / 41 / 2.89 / When students see someone bullied, most of them join in by
laughing, or other ways.

%* Mean %* MeanMy Emotional State

8 / 4.56 / 9 / 4.45 / I feel unhappy at school because I am being bullied.
7 / 4.57 / 10 / 4.43 / I feel angry at school because I am being bullied.
4 / 4.70 / 4 / 4.66 / I feel lonely at school because no one likes me.
33 / 3.56 / 16 / 3.82 / I am upset because I see students being bullied.
5 / 4.70 / 4 / 4.68 / I am afraid because I am bullied.
9 / 4.38 / 5 / 4.53 / I feel afraid because I see other students bullied.
3 / 4.79 / 4 / 4.72 / I sometimes stay home because of bullying at school.

%* Mean %* Mean Friends and Feelings of Safety

31 / 3.44 / 32 / 3.33 / I feel safe at school.
15 / 4.19 / 12 / 4.30 / I feel safe at home.
22 / 3.83 / 18 / 3.93 / I feel safe in my neighborhood.
15 / 4.03 / 19 / 3.99 / If I were mistreated by other students, my friends would help me.
11 / 4.35 / 10 / 4.35 / I am able to make friends at school.

Fall 07 Spring 08

%* Mean %* Mean Reporting Bullying

33 / 3.34 / 33 / 3.13 / If I were bullied, I would tell an adult at school.
31 / 3.30 / 37 / 3.11 / If I heard about or saw someone bullied, I would tell an adult at school.
31 / 3.38 / 33 / 3.32 / If I were bullied at school, I would tell an adult at home.

%* Mean %* Mean The Role of Adults as Models and Helpers

16 / 3.92 / 13 / 3.56 / If an adult at school saw bullying, they would try to stop the bullying without making it worse for the student being bullied.
22 / 3.62 / 29 / 3.37 / If an adult at your house reported that you are being bullied, someone at my school would try to stop it without making it worse for me.
15 / 4.19 / 21 / 3.79 / My principal and/or assistant principal try to stop students from bullying.
9 / 4.46 / 14 / 4.14 / My teacher(s) have classroom rules against bullying.
16 / 3.98 / 21 / 3.66 / The punishment for breaking classroom rules about bullying is clear.
9 / 4.21 / 13 / 3.88 / Some adults at school talk to us about bullying.
12 / 3.97 / 23 / 3.60 / Some adults at school talk to us about the Golden Rule – treating others the way we want to be treated.

%* Mean %* Mean Bus and Other Forms of Bullying

5 / 4.60 / 7 / 4.54 / I am being bullied by one or more adults at school.
13 / 4.09 / 12 / 4.10 / There are some adults at school who bully students.
10 / 4.32 / 7 / 4.41 / There are some adults at school who bully other adults.
1 / 4.84 / 2 / 4.67 / I am bullied while walking to school.
1 / 4.88 / 1 / 4.76 / I am bullied while walking home from school.
1 / 4.88 / 3 / 4.79 / I am bullied while waiting for the bus to arrive to take you to school.
2 / 4.75 / 2 / 4.63 / I am bullied on the bus going to school.
3 / 4.75 / 4 / 4.73 / I am bulled while waiting for the bus to arrive to take me home.
7 / 4.55 / 6 / 4.51 / I am bullied while riding the bus home from school.

*This is the percentage of students at the middle school who responded negatively to an item. For example (“almost never” or “a little” ) to “My principal tries to stop students from bullying.”