GPG Live Environment Merchant Account Request Form

Merchant Details

Provider Number (if already existing)
Provider Name (English)
Provider Name (Maltese)
Site URL (English)
Site URL (Maltese)
Webservice URL
Web service username
Web service password
Terms and Conditions (English) / <p<span>Terms and Conditions of Use (TCU)</span<br<br<span>These TCU will regulate the payments effected by You using this website. These TCU are not to the exclusion of any Terms and Conditions of Use issued by the issuing banks, or published by Us on our website, the government portal and the Laws of Malta:&nbsp;</span<br<br<span>1.0 "Card" means an BOV Cashlink, APS Premier, Visa and Mastercard, as agreed for the time being to be processed by the Bank for the Cardholder.&nbsp;</span<br<br<span>"Cardholder" means the person to whom a Card is issued or who is authorised to use the Card.&nbsp;</span<br<br<span>"Issuing Banks" means those banks that have reached an agreement with the Government of Malta for the use of the electronic Payment Gateway.&nbsp;</span<br<br<span>"Us/We" means the Public Service or Public Sector Entity, hereinafter referred to as Us/We and to whom the payment is payable. Payment could be for the service being rendered by the Entity or for tax payable to Government or for Social Security Contributions.&nbsp;</span<br<br<span>"You" means the Cardholder.&nbsp;</span<br<br<span>"Electronic Payment Gateway" means any service designated by Government of Malta as its payment gateway</span<br<br<span>2.0 The following terms and conditions shall apply in respect of each and every electronic payment by means of a Card (henceforth Electronic Card (EC) Transaction).</span<br<br<span>3.0 You shall not complete an EC Transaction if You are, or should on exercising reasonable care, be aware that the Card has expired or is not yet valid, without prejudice to any obligations by You with Us.</span<br<br<span>4.0 Neither the acceptance by Us of the submission of any EC Transaction nor any payment by You or other act or omission of ours (other than an express written acknowledgement or waiver thereof by Us) shall constitute or be deemed to constitute any acknowledgement or waiver of compliance by You to warrant and agree that all transaction details so submitted are, within your knowledge, true and complete.</span<br<br<span>5.0 Payment shall be without prejudice to any claims or rights which We may have against You and shall not constitute any admission by Us as to the performance by You of your obligations under this Agreement and the amount payable to You.</span<br<br<span>6.0 Without prejudice to any statutory rights or obligations which either party may have, We shall be entitled at any time to refuse total or partial payment in respect of an EC Transaction in any of the following situations:</span<br<br<span>1. The EC transaction is for any reason unlawful or unenforceable.&nbsp;</span<br<span>2. When the web services are not available.&nbsp;</span<br<span>3. There has been a breach by You of this Agreement, other than the breaches more specifically provided in this Clause 6, in connection with the EC Transaction.&nbsp;</span<br<br<span>7.0 In respect of an EC Transaction, You shall be provided with a record of the EC Transaction (by electronic means, surface mail or other methods acceptable to Us) and such record shall include:&nbsp;</span<br<br<span>a. a description of services provided or the type of tax payable:&nbsp;</span<br<span>b. your name and our name:&nbsp;</span<br<span>c. the transaction amount and currency.&nbsp;</span<br<br<span>8.0 We shall be under no liability to You (whether for loss of profit or otherwise) for any suspension, interruption, error or failure in our computer systems for performing or processing EC Transactions (or any part thereof). We shall however, endeavour to provide an alternative method of payment in addition to the ePayment Gateway method without prejudice to the Terms and Conditions governing the provision of this service or the claims by the Government for taxation.</span<br<br<span>8.1 Except as expressly provided to the contrary in this Agreement all terms, conditions, warranties, undertakings inducements or representations whether express, implied, statutory or otherwise (including without limitation any terms about merchantability or satisfactory quality or fitness for any particular purpose) are excluded.</span<br<br<span>9.0 You will indemnify Us on demand in respect of any actions, claims, costs, damages, demands, expenses and charges, losses and liabilities, suffered or incurred by Us arising directly from or in connection with any failure by You to comply with the provisions of this Agreement.</span<br<br<span>10.0 Both parties expressly exclude liability for consequential loss or damage which may arise in connection with this Agreement, or for loss of profit, business, revenue, goodwill, anticipated savings or otherwise.</span<br<br<span>11.0 You acknowledge and agree that You have not entered into this Agreement in reliance on any representation statement or warranty (whether written or oral and whether express or implied) made by or on our behalf other than such as are expressly set out herein.</span<br<br<span>12.0 Our failure to enforce at any time or for any period any one or more of the terms or conditions of this Agreement shall not be a waiver of them or of the right at any time subsequently to enforce all terms and conditions of this Agreement.</span<br<br<span>13.0 In the case of conflict between the English and the Maltese version of these terms and conditions, the English version shall prevail.</span</p>
Terms and Conditions (Maltese) / <p<span>Termini u Kundizzjonijiet ta' Uzu (TEKU)</span<br<br<span>Dawn it-TEKU jirregolaw pagamenti li jsiru minnek permezz ta' dan is-sit elettroniku. Dawn il-TEKU huma dawk it-termini u kundizzjonijiet addizzjonali mposti mill-banek li johorgu il-kards, jew ppublikati Minna fuq is-sit elettroniku, il-portal tal-Gvern u l-Ligijiet ta' Malta:</span<br<br<span>1.0 "Kard" tfisser BOV Cashlink, Visa, APS Premier, VISA u Mastercard, kif prezentament maqbul li jkunu processati mill-bank ghan-nom tal-Cardholder.&nbsp;</span<br<br<span>"Cardholder" hu/hija dik il-persuna li ghaliha nharget il-Kard jew li hu/hija awtorizzata li tuza l-Kard.&nbsp;</span<br<br<span>"Issuing Banks" tfisser dawk il-banek li lahqu ftehim mal-Gvern ta' Malta ghall-uzu tal-hlasijiet permezz tas-sit elttroniku.&nbsp;</span<br<br<span>"Minna/Ahna/Taghna" tfisser is-Servizz Publiku jew Entit&agrave; tas-Settur Publiku, lil min hu dovut il-hlas. Il-pagament jkun ghas-servizz moghti mil-Entit&agrave; jew ghal xi taxxa dovuta lill-Gvern jew ghal Kontribuzzjonijiet tas-Sigurt&agrave; Socjali.&nbsp;</span<br<br<span>"Minnek/Inti/Lejk" tfisser il-Cardholder&nbsp;</span<br<br<span>2.0 Dawn t-termini u kundizzjonijiet sussegwenti japplikaw gcal kull pagament elettroniku permezz ta' Kard (imsejjah Transazzjoni b'Kard Elettronika (KE)).</span<br<br<span>3.0 Inti m'ghandekx taghmel Transazzjoni b'KE jekk: Inti taf, jew suppost ghandek tkun taf wara li tiehu l-prekawzjonijiet necessarji, u minghajr ma tippregudika l-obbligazzjonijiet Tieghek Maghna, jekk il-Kard skadietx jew jekk ghadiex valida.</span<br<br<span>4.0 Kemm jekk Ahna naccettaw Transazzjoni b'KE kif ukoll jekk hemm xi pagament Minnek jew hemm xi nuqqas minn-naha Taghna (ghajr dak li huma espressament permessi u rinunzjati Minna) tikkostitwixxi jew ghandha titqies bhala konferma, qbil jew rinunzjar ta' dritt li inti tiggarantixxi u taqbel li d-dettalji kollha moghtija huma skond Int vera u kompluti.</span<br<br<span>5.0 Il-pagamenti ghandhom isiru minghajr pregudizzju fuq talbiet jew drittijiet li Ahna jista' jkollna Lejk u ma jfissrux ammissjoni Minna ghall-qadi ta' drittijiet u obbligi maghmula Minnek taht dan il-Ftehim u l-ammont pagabbli Minnek.</span<br<br<span>6.0 Minghajr pregudizzju ghal kwalunkwe dritt statutorju li kwalunkwe parti jista jkollha, Ahna ghandna d-dritt li f'kwalunkwe hin nirriffjutaw parti minn pagament jew pagament shih ta' Transazzjoni b'KE fis-sitwazzjoni kif hawn taht imsemmija:&nbsp;</span<br<br<span>1. Meta t-Transazzjoni b'KE hija ghal kwalunkwe raguni illegali jew ma tistax tigi nfurzata:&nbsp;</span<br<span>2. Meta s-servizzi tal-web ma jistawx jintuzaw.&nbsp;</span<br<span>3. Meta kien hemm ksur Minnek ta' dan il-Ftehim, oltre mill-ksur izjed specifikament kif mnizzel fi Klawsola 6, relatata ma' din it-Transazzjoni b'KE:</span<br<br<span>7.0 Ghal Transazzjoni b'KE, Inti ser tinghata rendikont tat-Transazzjoni b'KE (jew b'mezz elettroniku, posta normali jew xorta ohra li huwa accettat Minna) u dan il-redikont jinkludi:&nbsp;</span<br<br<span>a. deskrizzjoni tas-servizzi moghtija jew tat-taxxa dovuta:&nbsp;</span<br<span>b. ismek u isem min ibiegh jew jaghti s-servizz:&nbsp;</span<br<span>c. l-ammont u l-munita wzata.</span<br<br<span>8.0 Ma nkunu taht l-ebda obbligu Lejk (kemm rigward telf ta' profitt jew telf iehor) ghal kull xorta ta' sospensjoni, interruzzjoni, zbalji jew waqfien tas-sistemi tal-kompjuters taghna li joffru jew jipprocessaw it-Transazzjonijiet b'KE (jew xi parti minnhom). Madankollu, Ahna nghamlu l-almu taghna sabiex nipprovdu xort'ohra ta' pagament flimkien mal-metodu tal-hlas permess tas-sit elttroniku minghajr pregudizzji ghat-termini u kundizzjonijiet sabiex jigi provdut dan is-servizz jew talbiet ta' hlas ta' taxxa mill-Gvern.</span<br<br<span>8.1 Ghajr ghal dak li hu espressament mahsub ghalih f'dan il-Ftehim it-termini kollha, kundizzjonijiet, garanziji, obbligazzjonijiet, mottivi jew rapprezentanzi espressi, implikati, statutorji jew xorta ohra (li jinkludu minghajr limitazzjoni kull termini dwar il-kummercjabilit&agrave; jew kwalit&agrave; sodisfacenti jew addattar ghal kwalunkwe skop partikulari) huma eskluzi.</span<br<br<span>9.0 Inti tobbliga ruhek li thallasna fuq talba taghna rigward xi azzjonijiet, talbiet ta' hlasijiet, spejjez, danni, talbiet, spejjez u hlasijiet, telf u obbligi, sofferti jew mressqa Minna direttament minn jew f'konnessjoni ma' nuqqas Minnek biex tissodisfa il-provvedimenti ta' dan il- Ftehim.</span<br<br<span>10.0 Iz-zewg partijiet espressament jeskludu l-obbligi ghal telf jew danni ta' natura konsegwenzjali li jistghu jirrizultaw b'konnessjoni ma' dan il-Ftehim, jew ghal telf ta' profitt, kummerc dhul, avvjament, tfaddil anticipat jew xorta ohra.</span<br<br<span>11.0 Inti taghraf u taqbel li Inti ma dhaltx f'dan l-Ftehim billi qghadt fuq rapprezentanza ohra jew garanzija (kemm bil-kitba jew orali u kemm espressa jew implikata) maghmula Minna jew ghan-nom Taghna ghajr dak li hu diga stipulat hawnhekk.</span<br<br<span>12.0 In-nuqqas li ninfurzaw fi kwalunkwe hin jew ghal kwalunkwe perijodu xi termini jew kundizzjonijiet jew partijiet minnhom, ma jfissirx li dawn it-termini u l-kundizzjonijiet m'ghadhomx japplikkaw u ma jeskludux il-possibilit&agrave; li jigu nfurzati t-termini u kundizzjonijiet kollha ta' dan il-Ftehim f'hin iehor.</span<br<br<span>13.0 F'kaz ta' kunflitt bejn il-verzjoni Ingliza u l-verzjoni Maltija ta' dawn it-termini u l-kundizzjonijiet, il-verzjoni Ingliza ghandha tipprevali.</span</p>

Contact Details

First Name
Last Name
Phone (fixed)
Phone (mobile)

Bank Details

Merchant No / Terminal ID
Merchant a/c No / Terminal ID / Tranportal Password