Exotic Istanbul

Where East Meets West!

(with an optional four night extension toCappadocia, Turkey)

Main tour: April 26 -May 3, 2013

Extension: May 3 – 7

Location, location, location! That is the story of Turkey, where east meets west, Europe meets Asia, Christianity meets Islam and where the world’s oldest city was discovered. Turkey today is a splendid mosaic, a thriving democracy that is rich in Oriental history and European splendor. Full of marvelous mystery and intrigue, it’s a glistening city of tiled mosques, world-class cuisine and the whirl of a dervish. Istanbul, Cappadocia and all things Turkish conjure exotic images most of us dream about but few actually experience in their lifetime. Join our magical carpet ride to a land that is far away, romantic and unforgettable.

Daily Itinerary:

Day1– FRIDAY April 26, 2013

Depart from metro NY to Istanbul.Thisnon-stop flightincludesmeals,refreshments, andin-flightentertainment.

Day2– SATURDAYApril 27, 2013

Uponarrival in Istanbul,we willtransferto our hotel.Thebalanceof thedayisatleisure. Thiseveningour guide will take us for a stroll through the flower market area for wonderful Turkish cuisine at our welcome dinner.


Meals: Dinner

Day3–SUNDAY April 28, 2013

Following breakfast at our hotel, we will meet our Turkish tour manager and local guide for a full day of sightseeing in Istanbul. We will explore:

The Blue Mosque:
One of the most famous monuments in both the Turkish and Islamic worlds, the Sultan Ahmet Mosque (also known as the Blue Mosque) is a superb creation in the classical Ottoman style. The mosque has six towering minarets and 260 windows illuminating its vast main chamber, which is decorated with more than 20,000 Iznik tiles.
(Blue Mosque exterior, Istanbul)

(Blue Mosque interior, Istanbul),

We will next visit the Roman Hippodrome(“square of the horses”). This Byzantine scene was home to Constantinople's sporting and political life. Inspired by the Circus Maximus in Rome, it was once the stadium for chariot racing and large public events. Today we can see many monuments including a 3500 year old Egyptian Obelisk.

Haghia Sophia, The Church of Holy Wisdom, is an awe-inspiring expression of religious faith and one of the world’s foremost architectural wonders. The first church on the site burned down in the year 404, the second church was destroyed in 532, but the third – inaugurated by Emperor Justinian in 537 --firmly stands to this day. The church was converted into a mosque in 1453. Since 1934 the structure has been a renowned museum.

Our last stop today will be to the Caferage Medresseh, a small artistic sanctuary in the middle of the hustle and bustle of old town Istanbul -- a delightful and memorable experience. We will see Turkish handicraft demonstrations that include paper marbling, calligraphy and porcelain painting. There will be time on your own for shopping and dinner.



Day4–MONDAY April 29, 2013

Today we will have a half day guided tour exploring the many culinary delights of Istanbul. We will wander down Istiklal Street which is a pedestrian route with many food vendors, cafes, tea shops, bookstores and “lokantasi” (small eateries). We will stop and our guide will introduce us to the food vendors and we will sample all sorts of “Turkish delights.” Afternoon is on our own for shopping, photography or for exploring one of the museums.



Day 5 – TUESDAY April 30, 2013

After breakfast we will meet our guide and head to the Dolmabahce Palace. The designs in the palace contain eclectic elements from the Baroque, Rococo and Neoclassical styles, blended with traditional Ottoman architecture. Filled with great collections from European antiquities, furniture and a 4.5 ton chandelier, the palace has 285 rooms. After visiting the palace we will continue on our guided tour of the Yildiz Royal Garden.

This afternoon we will explore the Istanbul Spice Market. Also known as the Egyptian Bazaar, this is one of the best places in the city to buy little presents. The sea of stalls offers spices, treats, and souvenirs of all kinds. Tonight there is an optional trip to an authentic Turkish bath. No stay in Istanbul would be complete without a session of steaming, soaping, scrubbing and massaging in a Turkish bath (hamam). Originally founded by the Romans, public baths remain a social institution in Turkey. It is an experience you will not soon forget!



Day 6 – WEDNESDAY May 1, 2013

After breakfast we will spend another full day of guided touring in Istanbul. Today we will visit the Topkapi Palace, the Basilica Cistern and the Grand Covered Bazaar. You will have free time on your own in the later afternoon and evening for shopping.



Topkapi Palace:The largest and oldest palace in the world, Topkapi is the crown jewel of the Ottoman Empire. With its treasury and exotic buildings overlooking the Golden Horn, this was the residence of the Ottoman Sultans between the 15th and 19th centuries. It was here that the power politics of ruling an empire stretching from the gates of Vienna to the Persian Gulf were played from the backdrop of harem intrigue! The jeweled turban crests, silken caftans and priceless Chinese porcelains bear witness to the grandeur of a bygone era.

Basilica Cistern:

Next we will visit the Basilica Cistern. The name of this subterranean structure derives from a large public square on the First Hill of Constantinople, the Stoa Basilica, beneath which it was originally constructed. The underground ceiling is supported by a forest of 336 marble columns, many reused from Roman buildings. Full of atmosphere, the cistern was featured in the 1963 James Bond film From Russia with Love and other movies.

Grand Bazaar:
In operation since the 14th century, the Grand Bazaar is the oldest and one of the world's largest covered markets, with 58 streets and over 4,000 shops. It is a labyrinth where one delights in getting lost and finding one’s way out! The bazaar is specially known for its jewelry, leather, pottery, spices and carpets.



Day 7 – THURSDAY May 2, 2013

After breakfast we will meet our tour manager and board our motor coach to drive one hour out of Istanbul to a small holiday city on the Black Sea named “Sile.” We will visit a workshop where a special cotton fabric is woven and enjoy the ambience of a small seaside village.

We will return to Istanbul and this evening have a delightful cruise on the Bosporus, a strait that runs a winding course between two continents from the Black Sea to the Aegean. We will view seaside mansions, mosques, palaces, restaurants and beaches along its shores. It is sure to be a magical cruise followed by our farewell dinner in the city.

Overnight:Istanbul Meals: Breakfast and Dinner

Day 8 – FRIDAY May 3, 2013

This morning our main tour will end. Those travelers going on the extension to Cappadocia will depart for their flight. Those not attending the extension will depart on their flight back to the USA.

Meals: Breakfast at hotel. Our non-stopflight to New Yorkincludesmeals,refreshments, andin-flightentertainment.

Those continuing on the trip extension to Ankara and then Cappadocia will fly to Ankara. This afternoon we will visit the world famous Museum of Anatolian Civilization.Housed within an old Ottoman bazaar building,the museum has a number of exhibits of Anatolian archeology. The exhibits of gold, silver, glass, marble and bronze works date back as far as 500 B.C. The coin collections, with examples ranging from the first minted money to modern times, represent the museum's rare cultural treasures.

After touring the museum we will visit the memorial to Ataturk, the beloved Turkish leader considered the founder of modern Turkey.

Overnight: Ankara

Meals: Breakfast and dinner.

Day 9 – SATURDAY May 4, 2013

After breakfast we will visit the AKEKA Design Atelier and observe the production of hand rendered felt rugs, garments and decorative items.

We will then drive via motor coach to Cappadocia via Salt Lake. Our accommodation while in Cappadocia is in a luxury cave-style hotel. We will check in and this evening we will experience a performance by whirling dervish.


Meals: Breakfast

Day 10 - SUNDAY May 5, 2013

Today we will visit the rock-carved churches filled with frescoes at Göreme. The unique landscape of this area was created by volcanic, geological and erosive activity. Here, amid the soft type of rock called tuff, one of the most ancient and influential monastic movements took root in the fourth century. This afternoon we will have some time to explore an authentic carpet weaving co-operative.

Overnight: Cappadocia

Meals: Breakfast

Day 11 – MONDAY May 6, 2013

After breakfast we will take a return flight to Istanbul where we will have our final overnight and a last evening for exploring magical Istanbul!



Day 12 - TUESDAY May 7, 2013

After breakfast we will transfer to Istanbul’s Ataturk Airport for our direct flight to metro New York.

Meals: Breakfast at hotel. Our non-stopflightincludesmeals,refreshments, andin-flight entertainment.


  • Directflightsto/frommetro-NYtoIstanbul;
  • Six nightshotel accommodation in Istanbul
  • TaxdeductiblecontributiontoSaratogaArtsor

Soroptimist International of Saratoga County

  • Firstclass motor coachtransportforallgroundexcursions
  • ExpertlocalguideswhowillmakeTurkeycomealive
  • Edventurestourmanager
  • Timefor shopping,photographyandindividualexploring
  • Gratuitiesfor guidesand busdrivers
  • Smallgrouptravel
  • Memoriesto last alifetime!

Extension to Cappadocia: $1360.

TRIP PRICE for the main tour based on double room occupancy is $3298. The single supplement is $395. TRIP PRICE for the optional extension is $1360. The single supplement is $300.

SMALL GROUP FEE: A small group fee of $200 will be charged if enrollment falls below 20 travelers.

PAYMENT SCHEDULE: To reserve your space, send a deposit of $500 per person at time of registration.

TRANSPORTATION to and from the metropolitan New York airport will be arranged for travelers with pick-up in Saratoga Springs and we hope from the Albany area. We say, “we hope from the Albany area” because Crossgates Mall no longer allows travelers to leave their cars there. We hope to find an alternate pick-up spot. The estimated cost for this round-trip service is between $160 and $180.

Trip insurance is a personal choice but is recommended. Some purchase it through their local AAA office, which sells Access America. To get the best rates, you can compare costs online through agents such as Squaremouth.com, InsureMYTrip.com or Totaltralinsurance.com, which offer side-by-side comparisons. Please contact Edventures prior to purchasing trip insurance to assure that the trip is a “go.”

Do you have questions about the trip? If so, contact Mary at Edventures 1 (607)387-3322 or write to or visit our website, goedventures.com.

You can also come to a trip overview presented at Saratoga Arts, 320 Broadway, Saratoga Springs on:

Saturday, November 17 at 11:30 am and

Saturday, December 8 at 11:30 am.


Edventure, LLC, Saratoga Arts(SA)



Paymentinfullisrequired whenbookingsaremadelessthan 75 daysbefore thedeparture date.Notificationof cancellationmustbemadeinwriting,withthecancellationdatebeingthepostalservicepostmarkdate. Atthe

timewereceiveyournotification,thefollowingcharges apply:(charges areperperson)90-74 daysbefore departure:$150plus Edventures,LLCcosts and chargesby suppliers

75 daysbefore departure $200 plus Edventures,LLC costs and chargesbysuppliers.Afterthispoint,youwillbe

refundedwhateveramountwecan recoupfromallofthesupplierswhohavebeenpaid.Trip cancellation

insuranceisavailableand isrecommended.Refundsfor servicesthatarevoluntarilynot used willnotbemade.


The rightisreservedto changeanyrouteorarrangementsshouldconditionsnecessitate,to offersubstitutesof equalvalue,orto canceltheoperationof anyscheduledexcursion. Individualtransfersforthosearrivingor departingindependentlyare notincludedintheland costunlessotherwisestated.Air fares maybeincreased becauseoftariffchangesorfuelsurcharges.Allrates quotedarebasedoncurrenttariffsandonthe currentvalue offoreigncurrenciesin relationtotheUnitedStatesdollar,andaresubjecttoadjustment intheeventofchanges before thedepartingdates.


Edventures,LLC,ofSaratoga Springs,NY,SA,SISC, and itsagentsactonlyasagentsforthevarious companieswhosefacilitiesaremadeavailablethroughtheprogram.Edventures,LLC,SA, andSISC assumenoresponsibilityorliability inconnectionwiththeserviceofanyhotel,lodge,aircraft,vessel,carriage or other conveyancethat isused whollyorinpartinthe performance oftheir dutytothe passengers;neitherwill they beresponsibleforanyact,error,oromission,or for any injury,loss,accident,delay,orirregularitythatmay

beoccasionedby reason ofanydefectinanyvehicleoraccommodationsorforanyreasonwhatsoever,orthrough

the neglect ordefaultofany companyorpersonengagedincarryingoutorperforminganyoftheservices


The rightisreservedto declineorretainanypersonasamemberofanytourat anytime,inwhichevent

anequitable amount willberefunded.Therightisreservedto cancelanytourbeforedeparture,inwhichcasefull


Althoughevery careistaken,Edventures,LLC,SA,andSISC,itsagentsandsuppliers cannotbe

held responsiblefor lossordamageto baggage.Itisthereforeadvisabletoeffectseparate baggageinsurance.

Edventures,LLC,SA,andSISCcanaccept noresponsibilityorliability foranymonetary,physical,

orpsychologicalinjuriesofanynature whateverarisingfromorcausedbyacts ofterrorism,civilstrifeand

disturbances,war, insurrection,orother upheavalandunrest of whateverkindandnaturethat mayoccur during


Edventures,LLC,SA, andSISC,itsagentsandsuppliers canaccept noresponsibilityfor losses or

additionalexpensesduetodelay orchanges inairorotherservices,sickness,weather,strike,war,quarantine,

terrorismorother causes.Allsuchlosses orexpenseswillhaveto bebornebythepassenger,astourrates

provideforarrangementsonlyforthetimestated.Alltickets,coupons,andordersarefurnishedand issued

subjectinallrespectstothe foregoingandtoanyandalltermsand conditionsunderwhichthe meansof

transportationand/orotherservicesprovidedtherebyareofferedand/orsupplied.The airlines providingair

transportationare nottobeheld responsible foranyact,omission,oreventduringthetimethe passengersare

noton boardtheiraircraftorconveyances.Thepassagecontractinuseby thecarriers concerned,when issued,




Iamawarethattravel,whatever it maybeandby whatevermeans,containssomeinherentrisks ofinjury, illnessordeath,which may becausedby forces of nature,negligenceoractionsofothers,orotheragencies.

Irecognizethatsuchrisks maybepresentat anytimebefore,duringandafterthetrip inwhichIam

participating,arrangedby Edventures,LLC,SA, andSISC.Iamaware that medicalservicesorfacilities may

notbereadily availableor accessibleduringsomeorallofthetimeduringwhichIamparticipatinginthetrip.

Ihavereadtheschedule ofactivitiesandotherinformationprovided,and recognizeandaccept risks

thereof.Iunderstandand agreeonbehalfofmyself,my dependents,heirs,administrators,and assignstoabideby

theconditionssetforth underthe“ConditionsandResponsibilities”andtoreleaseandholdharmlessEdventures,

LLC,SA,andSISC,andanyof its officers,employees,agents,or representatives,fromanyandallliability for

delays,injuries,ordeath,or forthelossof ordamageto property,howeveroccurring inrelationtothetrip.



“Exotic Istanbul :Where East Meet West” & Extension to Cappadocia

April 26 – May 3, 2013, Extension May 3-7

Tour Price: $3298.Based on double occupancy

Extension to Cappadocia: $1360

Toreserveyour space,pleasecompletethisformandreturn withyour deposit of$500ASAP

to: Edventures,LLC,c/o Mary Huber,P.O.Box1404,SaratogaSprings,NY12866.Sorry, no credit cards. Questions?Call1-607-387-3322or writeto: or visit goedventures.com.

Name(s) EXACTLYastheyappearonpassports:




Email 1: Email 2:


Cell Phone1: Cell Phone 2:

Name ofroommate(Edventures is notresponsibleforfindingroommates.)

Passportsmust bevalid for sixmonthsbeyond traveldates.

Pleaseprovide passport informationEXACTLYas it appearsonpassports

Surname / Given
Name(s) / Title
(e.g.,Jr.,I,II) / Dateof
Birth / Passport
Number / Expiration
Date / Nationality

Countrythat issuedyour passport:

Check those that apply:

____Yes, include me in the Cappadocia extension.

I preferasingleroom for an addedcost of$395 for main trip and $300 for Cappadocia extension.

I will use the bus to and from the airport. I would like to leave from SaratogaAlbany

Toassure your spaceonthe trip,reserve early. PleasereadtheConditions andResponsibilities pageenclosedandsign below.

I(We) havereadandagree to theConditionsandResponsibilities Policy.

Name: ______Date: ______

Name: Date: