Al-Azhar University Medical Microbiology
Faculty of Medicine course specification
A) Basic Information
Code of the course: 304 Micro / Title of the course: Medical Microbiology and Immunology / Year: third academic yearSpecialty: Medical Microbiology / Number of teaching units: / Total Teaching hours 112 hours
Theoretical: 56hr
Practical: 56 hr
Date of specification approval: 9 /2016 / Allocated marks: 200 marks
B) Professional Information:
1- Objectives of the course:
2- / The course enables students to:1. Describe microbial morphology, physiology and metabolism relevant to common infectious diseases
2. Describe the basis of microbial genetics
3. Describe the natural habitat, sours of infections, modes of transmission of microorganisms, Lab. Diagnosis, Treatment and prophylactic measures against common infectious diseases.
4. Describe the concepts of Immune response
5. Describe the basic concepts of health care associated infections (HAIs)
2- Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):
A- Knowledge and understanding: / 1- describe the morphology & structure of microorganisms2- identify bacterial physiology & metabolism
3- describe the characteristics of the medically important RNA & DNA viruses & bacterial genetics
4- describe the host defense mechanisms & identify MHC classes & tumor immunology
5- identify the cell migration, inflammation & the mucosal immune system
6- describe the hypersensitivity reactions types I-IV & tolerance & autoimmunity & immune-deficiency diseases
7- recognize in each individual case of viral infection , the habitat , the source of infection , mode of transmission & the role of carrier , pathogenesis , diagnosis , the prophylactic measures & line of management
B- Intellectual Skills: / 1- The student should recognize the bacterial morphology,
physiology, metabolism, classification, identification,
genetics, pathogenesis & control (including sterilization,
disinfection & antibiotics)
2- The student should recognize the causative organism, the
habitat, characteristics of pathogenic strains, mode of
transmission, role of carrier, prophylactic measures. diagnostic investigation & line of treatment.
C- Professional Skills: / 1- Observe the principles of isolation & identification of bacteria
(with special reference to principles of staining methods)
2- Perform direct visualization, cultivation, biotyping,
serodiagnosis & molecular typing)
3- The student should be able to identify the different mycotic
infections, modes of their transmission &management
4-reognize infection control guidelines and safety procedures guidelines
D- General Skills: / l. Write a full scientific report in the field of bacteriology
and immunology.
2. Work in groups and team.
3. Use computer and internet to extract information and
4. Learn independently and effectively with critical inquiry
for the purpose of continuing professional development
3- Course content
A-TOPIC / No. of hoursTOTAL / Lectures / Tutorials/ Practical
1- Introduction to medical microbiology
History of microbiology
Microbiology & Medicine
2- Morphology & structure of microorganisms
Eukaryotic & prokaryotic cells
Bacterial structure
Classification & nomenclature of bacteria
Hints on structure of fungi & viruses
3- Bacterial physiology & metabolism
Requirements for bacterial growth
Environmental conditions
Bacterial growth cycle
Methods of identification of bacteria
Principles of isolation & identification of bacteria (with special
reference to principles of staining methods)
Direct visualization, cultivation, biotyping, serodiagnosis &
molecular typing)
4- Principles of bacterial genetics:
Bacterial chromosome
- Plasmids
- Genetic variation (mutation - gene transfer)
- Bacteriophage (nature, replication, importance)
5- Sterilization & disinfection
6- Antimicrobial agents (antibiotics &chemotherapeutics)
Mechanism of action
- Antibiotic resistance
- Principles of antibiotic therapy
7- Bacterial pathogenesis (including virulence factors) / 24 / 12 / 12
A- general immunology:
1- Introduction to immunology
2- Cells & organs of immune system
3- Host defense mechanisms
innate immunity
- Acquired immunity
4- Antigen, antibodies & their receptors
- Antigens, hapten, epitopes
- Antibodies (structure, classes, properties)
5- Complement
- Classical & alternative pathways
- Mechanism & function
- Complement & disease
6- Antigen-Antibody reactions:
In vivo: protection against pathogenic organisms
In vitro: agglutination, precipitation,
immunoelectrophoresis, complement fixation, ELISA,
radioimmunoassay, immunofluorescence, .... etc.
7- Major histocompatibility classes;
- Antigen presentation
Disease susceptibility
8- Cytokines
9- Immune response:
Humoral immunity
- Cell cooperation in antibody response
- Cell mediated immunity
Factors affecting the immune response
10- Cell migration & inflammation
11- Mucosal immune system
B- Clinical immunology;
12- Hypersensitivity reactions type I-IV
- Type 1 (anaphylactic)
- Type II (cytotoxic)
- Type III (immune complex)
- Type IV (cell-mediated)
13-Tolerance & autoimmunity:
Immunological tolerance
- Types of autoimmune diseases
14- Transplantation & transfusion immunology;
- ABO blood group & transfusion reaction
- Rh blood type & hemolytic disease of the newborn
- Types of transplantation & types of grafts
- Allograft rejection, mechanisms
- Graft-Versus host reaction
15-Tumor immunology;
- Tumor associated antigens, Onco-fetal antigens
- Mechanism of tumor immunology
- Escape mechanisms of tumors & immunotherapy
14- Immunodeficiency:
- 1ry & 2ry defects
15- Vaccines & immunotherapy
16- Infection & immunity (bacterial, fungal, viral) / 14 / 8 / 6
Systematic Bacteriology
1- Pyogenic cocci:
Staphylococci, MRSA, Micrococcus
- Streptococci (including Str. Pneumoniae)
Neisseria & Moraxella
2- Gram Positive Non-Sporulating Bacilli
Corynebacterium; diphtheria & others
Erysipelothrix & Listeria
Actinomyces, Nocardia & Actinomycosis
3- Gram Positive Sporulating Bacilli:
- Aerobic group: Bacillus anthracis & anthracoid
- Anaerobic group: Clostridium (tetani, perfringens, botulinum & difficile)
4- Acid fast bacilli
Mycobacterium (tuberculosis, leprosy & atypical
5- Gram negative bacteria:
Coliform bacteria, Klebsiella, Proteus & Providenica
Pasteurella, Francisella & Yersinia
Pseudomonas, Acinetobacter, Vibrio, Spirillum,
Campylobacter & Helicobacter
Haemophilus & Bordetella
Bacteroides & Fusobacterium
6- Spirochaetes:
Treponema, Borrelia & Leptospira
7- Rickettsia
8- Chlamydia & Mycoplasma / 44 / 20 / 24
A- General virology
B- Properties of viruses / 12 / 10 / 2
MYCOLOGY / 6 / 3 / 3
Applied Microbiology & Infection Control / 8 / 3 / 5
REVISION / 4 / - / 4
TOTAL / 112 / 56 / 56
B) Tutorial / Small Group Discussions /PRACTICAL CLASSES:
Laboratory safety measures
Staining (Gram ,M.B,Z.N,Fontana)
Culture media
Antigen-Antibody reactions (Agglutination –Precipitation –C.F.T. Neutralization-Immunofluorescence – Flowcytometry- ELISA- RIA)
(Films-culture plates – biochemical activities- Phage typing)
(Films-culture plates – biochemical activities- ASOT- bile solubility- optochin sensitivity)
(Films-culture plates – biochemical activities)
Bacillus group-Anthracoids
Films(MP-leishman)- biochemical activities
Corynibacterium spp.(Diphtheria-Diphtheroids)
(MB, Gram, Eleks test)
Clostridia group
(Films- anaerobic jar anaerobic media)
(TB films- media)
E-coli, Klebsiella
(Films, plates, biochemical reactions)
Salmonella, shigella
(Films, plates, biochemical reactions, serology)
Pseudomous, proteus, vibrios
(Films, plates, biochemical reactions)
Films (MB, leishman), Fontana, Wasserman reaction
(Films, plates, biochemical reactions)
4- Teaching and learning methods:
2.Small group discussions
4.Practical classes
5- Students evaluation and assessment:
A- Method of assessment: / Purpose (ILOs)1.Written Exam: / Knowledge, Understanding & Intellectual.
2.Oral Exam: / Intellectual skills& Knowledge.
3.Practical Exam: / Knowledge, general and, Professional Skills
B- Time of assessment / Within academic year (activities)
Mid-year exam
Final exam
C- Allocated marks/Distribution / Practical lessons attendance & Activities:20 marks (10 marks for each)
Mid-year exam:20 marks
Final exam:
Written exam 100 marks
Oral exam 30 marks
Practical exam 30 marks / Total 160 marks
6- Teaching books, notebooks, and references:
6.1- Basic materials:6.2- Essential References:
6.3- Web sites: / 1)The book of the department staff:
Medical Microbiology, by Microbiology department staff members, five volumes, EGYPT,2015.
Jawetz, Melnick, & Adelberg's Medical Microbiology 25th ed
CDC, Infection Control in Healthcare Settings
WHO, Infection Control Health topics
Information Resources in Infection Control
Course Coordinator: Prof. Moustafa Abdelnasser
Head of department Prof. Elsayed Ahmed Gdoa
Annex 1
ILOscontents / Knowledge and understanding / Intellectual skills / Professional skills / General skills
A1 / A2 / A3 / A4 / A5 / A6 / A7 / B1 / B2 / C1 / C2 / C3 / C4 / D1 / D2 / D3 / D4
General microbiology. / P / P / P / P
Immunology. / P / P / P / P
Systematic bacteriology. / P
Virology. / P / P
Mycology. / P
Applied Microbiology & Infection Control / P / P / P / P / P / P / P / P / P