Elasticity and Plasticity

Ing. Lenka Lausová, Ph.D.

Date / theme / Tests,Programs
19.9.2017 / General informations, contacts, syllabus of the subject, requirements for the passing exam
25-29.9.2017 / Introduction: basic terms, initial conditions, relations between internal forces and stresses in sections. Physical relations between stress and strain, Hooke´s law, physical constants and stress-strain diagram of building materials, ideal elastic-plastic material, temperature changes.
Introduction to the theory of design and assessment of reliability of structures: Ultimate limit state, Serviceability limit state, strenght of building materials. Loading of building structures. / PROGRAM 1 (4-7 points)
2-6.10.2017 / Normal stress and strain under axial loading: Basic relations and conditions of solution. Stress and strain at axial loaded members. Design and assessment.
Torsion: Basic principles and relations. Shear stress and strain in simple torsion. Torsion at noncircular members, torsion at thin – walled profiles.
9-13.10.2017 / Bending stress (Normal stress in bending): Basic principles and relations. Normal stress. Design and assessment at bending members according ULS (Ultimate limit state). / Test 1,Test 2 (3,5-7 points each test)
16-20.10.2017 / Deflection of beams: Basic principles and relations. Equation of the elastic curve. Clebsche´s method. Mohr´s method. SLS (Serviseability limit state). / PROGRAM 2 (4-7points)
24.10.2017 / Shear stress in bending: Basic principles and relations. Shear stress of chosen sections. Design and assessment of members under shear stress in bending. Shear centre. Composite beams. / Test 3, test 4
(3,5-7 points each test)
23-27.10.2017 / Statically indeterminate structures / Repair of tests
6-10.11.2017 / Stability and members in buckling: Euler´s formula for the critical load of columns. Effective lenght of column for various end conditions, Euler´s curve. / Test 5, test 6
(3,5-7 points each test)
13-17.11.2017 / Plane stress: Principal stresses, maximum shearing stress, Mohr´s circle for plane stress, numerical and grafical solution. Stress in splay cut. / PROGRAM 3 (4-7 points)
Test 7 (3,5-7 points)
21.11.+28.11.2017 / Repair of tests 1-7, consultation of the programs, exam
5.12.2017 / Exam (3 oral questions – 15-30 points)

Credit: 19-35 points (points from tests 7-14 + individual works 12-21)

Exam: 17-35 points from tests/15-30 points oral questions

Credit + exam: 51-100 points

Points for getting credit:

•  Test 1, test 2 – axial loading, torsion

•  Test 3, test 4 – design and assessment of bending beams according ULS and SLS

•  Test 5, test 6 – bending – normal stress, shear stress

•  Test 7 – buckling

During the term you have to write 7 tests = 3,5-7 points each test alltogether: points are devided into credit tests and exam tests

Points for Credit:

Credit tests: 7 tests - points 1-2 each test,

3 individual works (= Program – points 4-7 each work)

Points for Exam:

Exam tests: 7 tests - points 2,5-5 each test,

3 oral questions 15-30 points

You have to make successfully all types of examples. Every other try of test or individual work – 1 point less.