International Program Representatives, December 3, 2012
Knowledge Management Work Objectives. During the meeting, participants were asked to write knowledge management-related work objectives, for themselves and others, for their 2013 IMPACTs. Suggestions, organized around the knowledge management cycle, follow:
Knowledge generation
- Identify key knowledge from my work that others need to have; identify who (within their team, SC, the global community) needs that knowledge;identify the forums in which that knowledge is likely to be most useful to those users.
- Develop KM strategy for department which includes innovations, lessons learned and participation from large grants and other memberships.
- With business teams or project/program staff, identify learning agenda--top 5 questions to answer.
- Participate in a project/program evaluation.
- Generate lessons learned and best practices from policy/programor operational experience.
Knowledge sharing
- Share knowledge with and among technical and/or country office staff in various countries, e.g. moderate knowledge sharing forum like a Facebook group, listserv, webinar.
- Work to improve and share information to support signature programs and move them further along the pipeline.
- Identify and organize learning opportunities, e.g. brown bags, webinars.
- Proactively share knowledge management documentation with team and other departments’ relevant staff.
- Make a point to meet colleagues who do similar work in other teams.
- Read trip reports; make trip reports available to others.
- Conduct at least one brown bag or webinar on area of expertise.
- Create e-learning opportunities for country office staff.
- Use and encourage others to use Savenet.
- Share business team profiles: Weekly Word features, ESMTs, regular updates on signature program pipeline.
- Ensure policy/program information is available and accessible on shared platforms (shared folders/ Savenet/Xtranet and/or external sites).
- Organize or participate in XX internal and external knowledge sharing events and groups (conferences, national/international policy meetings, program and policy learning groups, communities of practice, online fora, etc.).
Knowledge Capture
- Document financial system processes to maintain reference for how best to move funds through the system.
- Support the documentation of our programs’ (especially signature programs) impact.
- Contribute at least X times to Global Initiative or department’s intranet site.
- Document the ‘how’ of our programs for cross-country analysis, learning and sharing.
- Warehouse all datasets and field notes from M&E activities.
- Create XX knowledge products (publications, journal articles, toolkits, blog posts, success stories, reports, etc.).
- Share findings from technical assistance visits through trip reports, debriefs, brownbags.
Knowledge Application
- Promote behavior change around knowledge management.
- Pull together other venues of learning, e.g. games, videos.
- Use evaluations and monitoring data in program design and planning.